The National debt has skyrocketed since the beginning of the 21st century It has to stop.
Limit the welfare period and the workforce will improve in no time.
College tuition is expensive. And the prices have been continuing to rise. What is being done to combat the price of a college education? Good educ...
This letter is about the gender discrimination towards women, and how it affects women all over the United States.
College Debt
There are many people in today's society who are being held back by money issues, and college tuition is a huge factor in someone's life.
providing healthcare for everyone in the united states.
I think that the costs of college are too high and something needs to be done to change this. Student debt needs to end now.
Do you think house prices are absurd in the United States? I do too along with many other people.
There are many problems in society.
Throughout the years, many things have improved. It's time that education takes a part in that as well.
What will we do when we meet our oil crisis?
Lots of the U.S. students have to deal with lots of homework. They also gets stressed very easy just because they want to do good in school.
This will be about the taxes that we pay and where the money goes when we pay.
Obamacare has created very many problems, and our next president should fix it.
The title of a song by The Notorious B.I.G. 1997. Even though this just a song, it is true. Our Congress waste money we sometimes don't even have,...
Homelessness is a huge problem around the world and society is just making it worse. Whoever the next president is must take action in this, but ho...
The minimum wage is certainly not enough to live on, resulting in impoverished areas across the US.
Possible solutions to solving the mass amounts of homeless through America.
I believe that in the US we should have free healthcare. I believe that this would help many people.
There are many homeless and they need a place to stay.
Why college tuition should be lowered in price. Its outrageous!
College tuition seriously needs to be reduced. College tuition needs to be lowered to reduce the amount of student debt. In May of 2013, 61,762 peo...
We must save the Black-Footed Ferret from extinction.
Raising minimum wage would result in a better economy and society.
Money is a gatekeeper of opportunity and that’s why it is crucial to invest money towards people. It is time for every American to earn a living wa...
According to the New York Times, in 2016 suicide surpassed traffic death fatalities as the number one cause teenage death. Many teachers seem unaw...
North Carolina is 44th in the country for teacher pay. Is that really acceptable?
Increasing minimum wage
College tuition is really expensive now and the government should try to lower the costs.
Persuasive letter to the next President opposing standardized testing.
Colleges charge their students money every credit per hour. For example Western Michigan University is charging the students in the business colleg...
The voice of a person with dyslexia.What needs to change and what needs to happen to help people with dyslexia.
We're spending way too much on our military - this needs to change.
The foster system has many faults. If done well, it can do a lot of good. But if done poorly or not managed, can be a living hell for all people in...
Improving the United States Justice System.
I'm writing this letter on behalf of how the welfare system is costing our nation too much money.
How music education has improved the lives of all.
Are college students money machines? Do they go to college for education or to pay off their college tuition debts? Is going to a good college real...
We need to raise minimum wage, so it can help low income families.
For years, women have fought for their rights, but even today unequal pay still exists. For every dollar a man makes, a woman makes 80 cents. Gende...
My letter is to help lower college pay.
Education should move away from standardized testing. America, compared to other countries, has a poor educational system.
Combat in the Middle East has taken so many lives and cost so much money that it is imperative that it is stopped.
There shouldn't be no walls or murder.
The minimum wage has been rising. What it is doing to our country isn't as great as it seems.
Welfare is a corrupt system run by the government.
The United States of America is no longer a model economy for other nations, we need to make steps to ensure our people have jobs and well paying j...
Minimum wage affects the lives of others and if it's not raised, it can change the way the world lives.
The minimum wage must be raised to help around 1.7 million people in the United States to stay out of poverty.
Today many teachers are struggling due to the low pay facing them. We have to help the people who have helped us the majority of our lives and chan...
Persuasive letter to the next President urging to fund for technology in schools
More money for our country's workers - PLEASE!
Persuasive letter to the next President to get rid of the standardize testing.
I don't know who the ext president will be, but all in all, it doesn't matter. Things are crumbling, and the thing that's crumbling the most isn't ...
This letter is how college tuition around the world should be lowered. College education shouldn't be this high of a price.
Teacher Salary
Women's rights especially equal pay is important.
Some kids don't get to participate in sports because of the high prices.
Early Childhood Education issues have become a huge setback for students and teachers in the United States and something needs to change.
National Debt is an issue that needs resolved
What needs to be done to pay off our debt and to keep coal mines running.
My letter is one that argues that the United States should withdraw a fraction of the funds from third world countries and focus more of it into ca...
79 cents to 1 dollar
Income inequality is a major problem in the United States.
The minimum wage should not be raised despite the long-held belief that it will reduce poverty and improve the standard of living.
The Gender Pay Gap is an unfair gap between what men and women get payed.
This letter explores American poverty.
The cost of higher education is out of reach for many that wish to go on to college.
This is my letter to the next president about mental illnesses.
Do You Think Your American Soldiers Are Financially Stable?
My letter is about College/College Tuition. College and College Tuition are very important issues in our world.
Education is a key to success, and teachers make this possible, but a step towards improving the overall education in our nation is by having highe...
Why standardized testing is hurting America's education
Persuasive letter with reasons to make standardized testing a thing of the past
Many Universities are considering paying their student athletes.
Female athletics are not as popular as male athletics, but that can be changed. People voted for equality and it needs to happen more in the sports...
Its about the taxes and the people trying to make the world a better place.
That we need to start taking a step to fix the debt. We keep falling farther into debt each day and no one wants to take a stand to take a step to...
Today I want to tell you something about Education Funding.
In the text below, I explain my problem with the increased prices in college tuition
In today's world there are many people who are not able to pursue a higher education due to the expensive cost of college.
This is why standardized test should be edited for better results
Standardized Testing should be greatly changed or ended completely.
A letter about why it's a good idea for schools to stop giving us standardized tests.
Misuse of tax dollars can be stopped by giving us a say in where our money goes.
Trumps ideas on making America Great again is not to bad, it is just the way he plans to do it and what he will do after it.
Kids get too much homework. Read this for more information.
Cost less money to go places, and helps you with life problems.
There should be more free surgeries given out to the uninsured.
Education is important to everyone. Most people, however, can't afford to go to a good school or college purely because they lack the funds to att...
Dear President, What's the real cost of having a mental illness?
This letter is a plea to have nation or state wide start times for high schools changed, or made more uniform.
I created a letter about my concern for the amount of debt college students attain by the time they graduate and how it affects them and their futu...
I strongly encourage a raise in the Federal Minimum Wage of the United States because it would greatly increase the tolerance of the people who are...
Why we should lower the cost of college tuition.
The gender wage gap is an issue that has plagued our society - and we need to fix it today. In order to achieve full equality, men and women must h...
Many people are against free colleges and their reasons are correct, but the thinking should be re-evaluated and look to making colleges and u...
Increasing the fast food minimum wage to $15 an hour will hurt the employees more than it will help them as it can lower the number of jobs availab...
The government is doing a fine job at making sure the rich people are getting richer, but what are they doing for those who do not have a lot of mo...