Th way we get energy right now is not going to last forever and is seriously hurting our planet and ourselves. We need to make the switch from foss...
In my letter to the new president, I wrote about how pollution is affecting the earth and the sea life. Including how jobs can be changed for the b...
Pass laws to cut down on pollution
Traditional energy such as fossil fuels will eventually ruin the world. Taking this into consideration, people need to dramatically increase the us...
While we sit here, pollution is slowly increasing and people are slowly dying off, it needs to stop or decrease dramatically.
If we all used energy produced by natural resources like solar and wind, we could eliminate the use of nuclear energy and coal consumption.
This article is about the effects that pollution has on our marine life and environment.
The Great Barrier Reef is going to die if we don't do something about it.
Renewable or Non-Renewable energy? The world is suffering because of pollution and human interaction. We need to do something.
Air, water, and noise pollution are becoming dangerous to the people and animals living on earth. To preserve the air people breathe, planting new ...
We have a major problem that will kill us, the animals, and the earth if we don’t do something about it: pollution.
What are you going to do to save our environment?
Could you imagine walking outside and seeing the world dying and the air full of pollution?
Let's apply some laws to keep our country with the least affects on the active global warming.
Farmers, by dumping waste, are making irreversible dead zones in the oceans.
This letter, addressed to presidential candidate Donald Trump, suggests a change in his proposed policies on the use of fossil fuels and coal, and ...
Human waste, litter and chemicals are being thrown in the oceans which are causing animals to die and some to go extinct.
Climate change is a human-caused issue that needs to be stopped.
Fossil fuels are negatively impacting America's environment and our nations health. The sooner America transitions away from fossil fuels the bette...
One of the most fatal threats to wildlife is invasive species. Nearly 42 percent of endangered species are at risk because of these invaders, accor...
Global Warming is a Real thing with REAL effects on us and on our earth. We need a change right now, before its to late.
The lack of attention towards the pollution the environment will harm Humans race in the long run.
Recycling is becoming a large issue in our nation and a solution needs to be reached. Everyone needs to recycle in order to help our environment. ...
1 million seabirds die from plastic. The oceans are in danger because of the trash that people throw on the oceans.
The earth is our home, we need to take care of it. Save our trees.
Electric cars should be more accessible to make the air cleaner
Littering needs to be enforced and have more consequences because people who litter don't realize how bad they hurt Earth.
Small pollinators like bees play an incredible role in the food production of our world. Despite their obvious importance, bees have received littl...
Readily available technologies are not being supported, and it's become a very urgent issue. All that we need to solve the problem is a little bit ...
This letter is about how our factories are hurting our environment. We can make various things that will make less burning oil.
How pollution is affecting the earth.
Countries must be abstain from whaling and follow the ban of whaling in 1986
Clean water is a necessity. We need the help of whoever the future President may be to resolve this problem.
Fracking is dangerous to the environment and can cause problems. There are better ways to collect resources.
Wait for it...Wait for it...Bam, and Global Warming has just ruined everything.
Though too often ignored by the problematic eye of today’s society, climate change and the growing heat of the earth is the most threatening issue...
Dear Future president,
Seeing the negative affects of Climate change and stopping the emission of carbon dioxide into the air. Fixing what damage has been done by Climate...
Renewable energy is the future of our world and our nation has not done enough to institute them. However, it is not too late, together we can work...
Our economy has become dependent on nonrenewable resources. If people don't start making changes soon, it may be too late.
Air pollution is a big problem in the United States and its killing millions of people.
Water pollution is a serious threat to the marine environment. It puts many animals at risk and is decreasing the plant life. A vast majority of pe...
Ocean pollution is all around you making our beautiful oceans a dangerous place to be .
Our government has taken minimal efforts to fix one of the modern world's biggest issues
The overstocking of Nuclear Weapons is an undermined concern today. With the surplus of these dangerous weapons, our human population is at risk du...
The use of renewable energy is crucial for our environment and future. We cannot rely on fossil fuels and nuclear energy for much longer.
Could desalination be our future source of water and are there ways of making it more efficient?
The environment is a pressing issue that is constantly put on the back-burner. It is time to address this critical issue, before it is too late.
Garbage in the ocean hurting animals and humans.
Earth is dying and it's time for the president to help save it.
If we keep cutting down the trees the world will die....
How will you, the future president, address our dire environmental predicament?
Our environment is vital for humans for humans to continue living. However, with the way were treating it we slowly leading ourselves to our death.
Pollution is a big problem in our world and we need this to stop. We are killing the world we live on.
Bees are dying at an alarming rate, and if we don't take action now, the consequences that we will face will be irreversible.
Help improve my community; we can't do nothing.
Nuclear energy is undoubtedly the most efficient, safe and environmentally friendly source of energy out there. It would be a mistake to continue o...
Global warming is a serious problem in the world
This letter addresses that we stop the use of plastic water bottles.
On how lead became America's "criminal element," and the need for a nationwide effort to reclaim our environment and citizens from the influence of...
The Majority of cars right now run on gas. In the future we are going to run out of gas especially since the number of cars is constantly growing. ...
The polar ice cap is melting, the Earth is getting warmer, and we need to do something about climate change.
Spreading awareness about global climate change and the things that people can do to help will reduce the amount of man made climate change on Earth.
Pollution in America
Small towns in the United States are fading faster and faster. But by losing these small communities we also lose the land that feeds an entire nat...
The water is in danger, and it's our duty to save it. Saving it all is hard, but we can do it!
Help find a way to end pollution.
Deforestation affects our global environment by increasing global warming, harming the water cycle, and decreasing biodiversity. It needs to be add...
Air Pollution can really affect people in very harming ways. I have many ideas that can really help out our country, even world as a whole. If we...
In this letter you will read about why the ocean is dying, what the causes were and how we can fix this problem
Pollution is clouding up our country.
Clean water is important to everyone.
An oil pipeline that sits at the bottom of the Straits of Mackinac by the name of "line 5" threatens all we have come to know and love about the Gr...
My letter is about why we should use more renewable sources in the world.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling we can save our world from this catastrophe we have brought onto it.
Everyone is affected by the plague that these monsters spread, without even knowing it exists. They are constantly consuming these organisms, poiso...
Global warming affects America more than you think it does, and we need to take action.
Global warming. One of the biggest environmental issue within two decades. We're just making it worst, but we can change that with your help, next ...
We have polluted our environment and it's our job to stop it
Animals all over the world are dying because of our pollution. We need to stop this!
Public transportation is needed a lot more in the United States. Here's my reasons why.
Bee populations are dying out which is creating a problem for the state of our ecosystem and economy.
Global Warming is a big issue to our environment, health, and animals.
Climate change is the biggest problem that we face today in America.
I feel as though the United States needs to become more aware of environmental pollution and the rapidly decreasing supply of natural resources. So...
Climate change is no longer an imminent threat, it is an issue that we have already begun to feel the consequences of. It needs to be taken care o...
Marine pollution affects every life.
Make America Great Again with Clean Renewable Energy Policies
Funding needs to start so we can start cleaning our water.
US is suffering from pollution.
This letter is about a gold mine wall being washed away and now the don`t have clean drinking water.
The concern of fracking has surfaced recently, and it is a enormous issue.
A Letter By Pure Handsomeness
NASA hasn't had a groundbreaking achievement in over 50 years. It's time to change that.
In this letter I displayed my opinion on certain issues that I think should be addressed and resolved.
Serious environmental changes linked to climate change is happening now and will inevitably rise. We need to be better prepared to take of our own ...
Our planet needs our attention.
Examining the ongoing events and impact of the Flint Water Crisis can help us understand how to better protect American families. Can water bottles...
The environment is in deep danger if we don't do anything about it. We need to make america great again.
The disfigurement of our environment is a problem with serious ramifications that is in desperate need of a resolution.