Something needs to be done about animal abuse. In the following letter are suggestions of solutions.
Animals around the world are being taken for granted every day, being mistreated. I want to help save these helpless creatures as much as I can.
There is a lot of animal abuse and neglect and a frightening correlation between animal and human violence. I suggest that people who abuse animal...
We need to stop using animals for human entertainment.
Stop animal abuse and mistreatment in the U.S.
Have you ever wondered how an animal feels to get abused
A plea for those without voices
My essay talks about the abuse animals face daily.
The killing of innocence needs to stop.
This letter is about animal abuse and cruelty In America and how stricter laws will help prevent it.
So many animals are suffering, and dying at the hands of cruel or irresponsible people. There is something you can do, however.
Animal Abuse is wrong and shouldn't be taken lightly. Humans have feelings and so do animals.
We should stop deforestation to protect animals as well as nature
Why puppy mills are bad how they affect our pets.
Animal testing is wrong. Innocent animals are getting tortured with animal testing. It has to stop.
Animal abuse is a major problem in the Untied States
Animal abuse is a big issue in the US and it needs to be stopped.
Stop animal abuse and cruelty!
I am a 9th grader at Northview High School. I am writing about animal abuse and poaching and why it's an issue.
Abusing Animals is wrong and disgusting.
My letter is about why harsher rules need to be placed in order to save animals' lives and stop animal cruelty.
Marine pollution is a bad thing
Animal testing doesn't need to keep happening on such a there scale and can be avoided through alternatives.
Whaling is a dangerous and brutal act and if it continues, it will make the species will become extinct.
A stunning amount of animals are abused, along with a small amount that are saved. What are some of the ways we can help?
I think we should use technology to stop animal testing.
Why is animal abuse so important and what should our country do to start helping this issue. Animal abuse and animal testing are both in the catego...
We should kill all mosquitos on the planet because they spread diseases, they have no large benefits or impact on the world, and because they are h...
There are some very big issues throughout America and lots of people have very different opinions of how big the issue is. An issue that I think is...
I wrote a letter to the next president regarding animal cruelty in out nation.
Horse soring is a form of animal abused that is has been banned but the law needs to be enforced.
Animal abuse needs to stop. It is against the law, and people should not be cruel to animals.
Animal experimentation is inhumane and needs to stop immediately. There are so many other better solutions to animal experimentation that give a be...
Animal testing is a cruel and has to be stopped.
There are a lot of issues surrounding animal treatment. We need to fix issues like animal testing and dog fighting.
Many animals are abused and they deserve better lives. So raise your paw against animal abuse!
Animal cruelty needs to stop its harming our population. A lot of species are dying because of animal cruelty.
There should be stricter laws to protect animals involved in animal testing. Although the testing may benefit humans they should not be harmed in t...
The wolves of our world are in need of help. There are not many left, and they have been on the brink of extinction for decades.
This letter addresses the problem of invasive species in Miami and how it has destroyed local habitats and ecosystems. If this problem is fixed, t...
Animal cruelty is very prominent around the country. I believe that dog fighting and horse slaughter are some of the top problems when it comes to ...
Animal cruelty comes in two forms: neglecting the responsibility to take care of pets and physically abusing animals.
Bees are a crucial species in the survival of not only humans, but entire ecosystems. Re-establishing and supporting bee populations should be one ...
Global warming is real and affects our lives.
The solution for animal abuse in research facilities should not be to end animal research, a valuable component of medical research, but to increas...
Human beings are the most dominant beings on earth. With great power comes great responsibility. So we are killing our own atmosphere, we know we a...
Dear Madam or Mr. President, My name is Jenna, and I am 13 years old. Although there are many other letters with the same topic, I find animal abu...
Animal testing is expensive, hard, and mostly inaccurate. We need a better solution to test our everyday drugs and cosmetics. Animals are not here ...
this is a speech I wrote for people to know about the beauty of wolves.
Breeders are over breeding dogs and cats leaving the mother and puppies/kittens in poor health, causing people to bring them to shelters, where the...
Animal cruelty needs to stop- and vegetarianism needs to start
Humans have caused many problems to this day, animal cruelty is one of them.
Animal abuse is a very bad thing and needs to be stopped. People aren’t doing enough and it needs to be changed.
Think about how many stray animals there are. Don't you think America should have more animal hospitals, etc.?
Animal abuse
This letter is about stopping animal abuse and making a change to help them stay happy and healthy.
Each year, more than 100 million animals—including mice, rats, frogs, dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, monkeys, fish, and birds—are kill...
Animal abuse is becoming worse, and worse in our world, and it needs to stop. Read on to see my opinion on it. I have a strong story that relates t...
Factory Farming is a serious problem in the US and we need to make laws preventing the abuse of these innocent animals.
Climate change is affecting our weather, our oceans, our plants, our animals, and our people. Something must be done.
This letter is about how there is animal abuse in America.
Animal abuse has been an issue for far too long and it's time for it to come to an end.
This letter will show the hard facts about how many healthy animals are put down at animal shelters due to pet overpopulation, overcrowding and lac...
Addressing what animal abuse is and how a lot of animals die from animal abuse every year. Then explain how we can minimize the number of animal de...
Mistreatment of animals
Animal abuse needs to stop because 1.2 million dogs and 1.4 million cats are dead each year because of animals abuse. So animal abuse needs to sto...
Why I believe animals deserve to have rights.
Puppy mills should be outlawed in all states
Animals are dying everyday to our human ways. They then soon die off from the world. We need to stop this before we kill ourselves, let's save the ...
I am against animal abuse
About 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters in the U.S. every year, and 2.7 million of them are euthanized.
Stop animal cruelty and dog fights in the USA.
Animal cruelty is a problem because animals are getting hurt each year due to people abusing and mistreating them for no reason.
I wrote about how animal abuse should be a felony in all 50 states.
The goal of this letter is to make people more aware of the dangers of animal abuse and what needs to be done to put an end to it.
This is a letter talks about street animals and that they should have a home and a caring family that loves them.
This is my opinion on how to stop animal abuse in the united states.
Everyday animals get thrown out on the streets. It's time to show people that it is NOT RIGHT!
Animal abuse is a terrible occurrence in our country and can be stopped by spreading awareness and through some enforcement.
Poaching is growing in the world, and millions of animals are dying. If poaching isn't stopped, animals will go exctict.
Zoos are cruel and unfair to animals and America needs to put a stop to them.
100 million animals are burned, poisoned, abused, and killed in U.S. labs due to animal testing.
Many dogs are getting abuse because of the people that do not treat them good like they supposed to
Every year there is an excessive amount of trash in our oceans. Every year there is also an amount of dead animals, from too much trash in the ocea...
I think there should be a longer sentence for people who abuse animals.
Poaching is a serious problem, too many animals are getting killed to the stage of extinction. Poaching is more important than you think and should...
Animal abuse is a serious and sad issue that needs to stop. Animal are being killed and hurt for no reason, it is not right. It needs to be put to ...
You would be horrified on the amount of animal abuse cases reported a year. Domestic or not I believe it's not just cats and dog who are opposed to...
A ban needs to be placed on horse slaughter to stop the pain these innocent horses are put through.
“If the bee disappeared off the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more plants, no more animals, no more man....
Animal abuse is a serious issue in our country. Lets put an end to it.
In this letter to the Next President I inform you of the importance of cruelty and endangerment towards animal victims
Domestic animals go through so much abuse everyday throughout the country.
Animal abuse is just as an important is just as important as any other abuse.
I am a 17-year-old girl from Salt Lake City, Utah. I believe that animals should have every right to life as we do. Euthanasia, while providing the...
My letter is about animals getting hurt and killed every day
Animal Testing
We need to put a stop to animal abuse. :)
Bees are dying at a globally alarming rate.
The giant pandas that live on this planet are nearing extinction. We need your help to stop their extinction.