Climate change is becoming a big issue and no one is changing for our future. What will you change?
what can we Americans do to help lower green House Gasses
Save our planet future POTUS.
We need to start paying attention, and sacrificing things we don't need, for things we do, like oxygen, and a place to live.
Climate Change
Switching our energy use from fossil fuels would reduce the amount of fossil fuels burned, which would in turn reduce our pollution and carbon outp...
Global Warming is a big part of the problem with our modern world. How can you help us?
This letter is about a 7th grader that is telling the president what to do.
This letter explains why the Keystone XL Pipeline should not be installed and how it will impact climate change.
Our world is dying before our eyes, and its getting to be too late to save it. Climate change is not a joke, it has too many present facts. We need...
With the carbon dioxide level reaching all time highs, sea level rising ten times as fast as normal, the future president must take action to save ...
Climate change is a growing problem in the world.
Global warming is an ever-present issue in our country today that needs to be addressed before it's too late.
California is in a drought and we can fix it!
In the U.S. conserving water is as important as breathing air and soon we will run out.
In this world of glaciers is decreasing, we need protect glacier
If you care about Mother Earth, read this letter and watch this video.
With people becoming more and more dependent on electricity, renewable energy is becoming more significant to our lives in meeting our needs and ke...
This is my letter to Mr. Donald Trump explaining my view on global climate change.
Global warming can be stopped if we start right now because before you know it it will be too late.
Despite the skepticism of many, the impact of climate change cannot be denied. We must get serious about counteracting the effect of climate chang...
What will happen when all the minerals are taken out of the ocean? What then? That will happen if we keep taking minerals from the ocean. So why no...
Global warming is changing our world in many ways and affecting our lives.
Mitigation is the best way to deal with climate change.
Stopping the destruction of our environment through deforestation will help to save plants, animals, and ourselves.
In politics, it is rare to find an issue that transcends the differences among cultures globally; however, climate change truly is a universal evil...
The next president should create laws regulating carbon emission
Measures need to be taken to fix our changing climate.
Around the world all of our fossil fuels are being used, and all of our trees our being cut down. However, most politicians are worrying more about...
You must be aware of what is happening around you, especially about something as important and essential as our environment.
Coal and crude oil energy sources are more harmful to us than we thin they are. Nuclear energy provides us with a better option.
My letter is about the problems global warming poses and some solutions on how to start fixing them. Its also about the causes of global warming li...
Everyone needs to be aware of all the environmental problems because most of the issues are caused by humans.
Climate change may or may not be a huge problem, but we still do not know, and while we wait for proof, the problem could become unfixable.
Understanding of small town values and how big changes aimed at big cities effects small towns.
Climate change has been one of the biggest issues that was caused primarily by the humans. Temperature is rising, sea level is rising, lots of anim...
Global warming is issue that effects us, animals, and the environment. We are the ones who started global warming so we must the be the ones to end...
Why we should be worried about our changing world.
Global warming is a major threat to Earth that needs to be stopped immediately.
The consequences of climate change and why we need a solution
Climate change is a big global problem that needs to end now.
The usage of fossil fuels in our world have rapidly increased, and the pollution given off is killing our environment. We need to cut down the use ...
Global Warming is causing many issues in our world today.
This letter address how Green Roofs can help improve our environment.
This is my letter on the issue of Climate Change
We must do something about the issue of climate change before it's too late.
Climate change is harming the environment, and this is what we can do to help our planet.
Our government has taken minimal efforts to fix one of the modern world's biggest issues
Climate change is a real problem and must be acknowledged.
As the future President of the United States, it is imperative that you implement carbon cuts so as to stop climate change.
Pollution needs to stop.
In this essay I chose to address issues on Immigration and Climate change for the new President of 2016
Trust me, global warming is real...
We need to protect the environment
We need to work together as a community to stop the harm of pollution.
Climate Change is an increasingly prevalent issue, both within the US and globally. Without immediate action, global warming will wreak unchecked d...
Global Warming is an extreme issue, not only in the United States, but all over the world.
I wrote this letter because I have an strong opinion about global warming and what the next president should do about it.
The top priority of our next president should be implementing more widespread use of renewable energy in order to preserve U.S. interests and our p...
Global warming and climate change are real, current, and man-made. We need to be the ones to fix the issue.
Please fight against climate change
Global warming is a big issue that needs to be solved and the president needs to do something about it.
Some of the problems that I focus on are wages, homelessness, discrimination, global warming, and education.
As president it is imperative that you pass regulations and acts to help combat global warming.
and not just in politics. The Earth's climate is changing for the worse and we need to do something.
Viewed as a backseat issue, more emphasis should be placed on combating global warming and other environmental issues.
Could you imagine walking outside and seeing the world dying and the air full of pollution?
The growing demand for meat is affecting our global temperatures.
What are you going to do to save our environment?
Climate change, an issue plaguing the world, must be addressed. The effects of climate change are devastating on the environment.
Fossil fuels are damaging to the economy, and damaging to the environment, lets get clean, lets get renewable.
This essay combines the issues that are current, and why they need to be payed more attention to. By contributing more money to the environment, th...
The polar ice cap is melting, the Earth is getting warmer, and we need to do something about climate change.
Climate change is an overlooked problem that needs to be addressed and fixed.
Renewable or Non-Renewable energy? The world is suffering because of pollution and human interaction. We need to do something.
There's an automatic barrier that stands between political parties, and it ultimately hinders us from having the crucial conversations that matter ...
The ecosystem of Mother Earth is in danger, and it is time to take action
Allowing global warming to continue unchecked is putting today’s society and that of future generations at risk of losing the world as we know it t...
climate change
Our country is not aware of how causes in our world are negatively affecting our nation's and world's precious wilderness. This a serious problem t...
Climate change is a massive problem; coral reefs are dying, areas across the world areas are facing droughts, the sea levels are constantly rising ...
I wrote a letter to the next president regarding the issue of climate change
Climate change is a problem that if it continues, will have devastating consequences. Alternative energy is the solution to this apocalypse.
The next president needs to address climate change because it is ruining our ecosystem, our forests, and our natural resources such as The Great La...
Climate Change has become an issue and is causing many effects.
Global warming needs to be addressed due to the affect it will have on the economy and the environment.
Letter to the future President
Global warming is a major issue that if not controlled, will end life as we know it.
Clean Energy!
How will you, the future president, address our dire environmental predicament?
Let's apply some laws to keep our country with the least affects on the active global warming.
Global Warming is an issue that we can't avoid; but exactly what is global warming and how bad is it?
We have polluted our environment and it's our job to stop it
Climate change is a very important issue because the earth is getting hotter and there is greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere.
Global warming is a big issue that affects the people, environment and world. If it does stop now, results would be catastrophic
Global Warming
The US is still using coal to power its motor. It's also slowly killing itself by releasing the horrible affects that come with burning coal. Howev...
Climate Change is often an ignored part of current issues. It may not seem as important as economy or immigration, but it is just as if not more im...
NASA does not get enough money from the government to learn about our world. They only had major funding in the sixties when the government was int...