Spreading awareness about global climate change and the things that people can do to help will reduce the amount of man made climate change on Earth.
Global Warming is destroying our world one day at a time. Our Earth is dying and we need to help heal it. By recycling and renewing energy we can h...
Climate change has caused many problems for our living on planet Earth.
This letter is about some small changes I want our future President to make when he or she goes into office.
Climate change needs to be addressed in a way that get's everyone's attention from a scientific perspective, not purely politically based.
Global warming is bad!
Writing a letter to the next president regarding Global Warming/ Climate Change.
The destruction us as humans are poses to our environment can no longer be ignored, and ridiculed in politics. Global Warming is a serious issue an...
As global temperatures rise, the stakes increase to make changes protecting us from the harmful effects of global warming.
Global Warming is an important issue that needs to be addressed. If we continue to let pollution affect the environment then there will be serious ...
The Honorable Future President 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear future President, I am a resident of North Miami, FL and I am a ...
Some people do not believe global warming is real and it is just a myth, but all the facts suggest it's not and it's a very serious problem in the ...
News channels need to increase coverage on environmental issues in order to raise awareness.
Why Climate Change Needs More Attention Than It Is Getting
Do you believe that global warning is happening? Well it's happening, and it has been becoming a big problem. Help us fix the problem.
We must start taking action to prevent climate change from impacting our lives in very negative ways.
People are destroying the world we live in. We are wasting are water instead of giving it to those who need it most. We are destroying the arctic w...
The greenhouse gas effect is affecting living things all over the world.
A matter that must be discussed is that of pollution.
Global warming is man made, and it is a big problem. Donald Trump is wrong when he says that is is just weather. He needs to deal with the problem ...
Why we should be worried about our changing world.
We don't need an immediate switch-over to renewable resources. Just let it happen on its own.
The next president should create laws regulating carbon emission
Climate change is a serious problem that needs to be dealt with immediately.
Climate Change is a problem that we need to address
Climate change is an issue that will not only affect us, but especially the generations after us. The rising global surface temperatures and the de...
This letter is about how people treat forests lightly and just chop them down.
As a nation I believe that the need for fossil fuel to power life needs to come to end, now we must start using more clean, efficient and renewable...
Climate change, as well as other environmental issues, need to be solved for ourselves and for the future by educating people about their impact on...
Global warming. One of the biggest environmental issue within two decades. We're just making it worst, but we can change that with your help, next ...
Earth's reefs are dying and everyone needs to do their part to save them.
Renewable or Non-Renewable energy? The world is suffering because of pollution and human interaction. We need to do something.
I feel that global warming is affecting earth too badly. So This letter is a Con about global warming
Global Warming is causing many issues in our world today.
Human beings are the most dominant beings on earth. With great power comes great responsibility. So we are killing our own atmosphere, we know we a...
I strongly believe you should make it your primary effort to eliminate pollution from this great country. I say this because I don't want our futur...
My letter is about why we should use more renewable sources in the world.
Global warming is one if the biggest problems in the USA and the world, we can take a step into the future and help to protect the Earth and this g...
Raise awareness and try to end global warming.
Global Warming is a problem all around the world and the U.S. should be the first to set a solution for it. We need to be the example for others.
Global warming is a serious issue and is happening right now and will only get worse over time. Global warming will and is effecting lives of human...
If you care about Mother Earth, read this letter and watch this video.
Issues with the future of our country.
Despite the skepticism of many, the impact of climate change cannot be denied. We must get serious about counteracting the effect of climate chang...
Climate change is harming the environment, and this is what we can do to help our planet.
Climate change is a very important issue because the earth is getting hotter and there is greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere.
This letter talks about pollution and how it is slowly killing our Earth through multiple forms. If action stays stagnant about this situation then...
climate change has a negative impact on the environment
A letter addressing the spread of misinformation in politics and how inhibits progress.
With temperatures on the rise, our future president must do what it takes to secure the safety of our world, and everything living within it.
The usage of fossil fuels in our world have rapidly increased, and the pollution given off is killing our environment. We need to cut down the use ...
Global Warming is a serious and growing problem in the United States.
Some countries around the world are taking important domestic actions to help tackle the issue of climate change but not enough people are taking t...
I would like to discuss the sustainable living practices of Americans and how they need to be reformed.
My letter explains how we, as a society, are contributing to climate change and provides solutions as to how we can reduce our carbon footprint.
This is about me expressing my feeling about the elction
We are slowly destroying our earth with pollution, so why not stand up and make a change to fix it.
We need to protect the environment
The Environment is the place we live in and it is very important. Yet, it is going down hill very slowly with Global Warming, fossil fuels, greenho...
Global warming on the rise.
The next president should tackle the large pollution issue in the United States.
The difference between being a forgettable president or an inspiration to all is what you do now to stop climate change.
The whole world is heating up. There is too much pollution and carbon dioxide around us. We need to make some changes right now to keep our world g...
In my letter I explain the truth about the meat, dairy, and eggs that are in your fridge and how it can affect our world. Turning into a vegan can ...
Our future president should make the general public aware of this impending issue and it's effects on our environment.
Dear Future President, In your first term as president I feel like you should work to try to improve our countries environment. There has been a l...
As a new president, you must plan carefully and efficiently in order to resolve the issues in the U.S., and to make this country great again.
The climate is changing rapidly, for worse. What can we do to reverse the effects?
Global warming (along with other things) is changing the world - for the worse. Here are some reasons why it is happening and how we can help stop ...
Global warming is real and affects our lives.
The effect of climate change is exceedingly evident in today’s world, yet some politicians and citizens choose to ignore these detrimental changes....
Climate change is going to determine the future.
Climate change affects us all but not enough laws have been passed to protect the environment due to limited knowledge on how rapidly climate chang...
Clean Energy!
Sustainability is the biggest crisis facing America today.
The Polar Ice Caps are disappearing! Polar bears are being forced more South! These are all things we've heard about this election and thrown over ...
An overview of problems caused by climate change.
Climate change is a human-caused issue that needs to be stopped.
Global warming needs to be addressed due to the affect it will have on the economy and the environment.
Dear Next president, ...
Climate change is a real problem and must be acknowledged.
Renewable energy, clean energy, planting more trees and us are the key to stopping climate change and make our planet back to its greatest day.
Around the world all of our fossil fuels are being used, and all of our trees our being cut down. However, most politicians are worrying more about...
The next president of the United States must take more effective steps in addressing climate change.
This essay combines the issues that are current, and why they need to be payed more attention to. By contributing more money to the environment, th...
I wrote a letter to the next president regarding the issue of climate change
Global warming is issue that effects us, animals, and the environment. We are the ones who started global warming so we must the be the ones to end...
Global warming will someday make earth unbearable to live on
The California coast line needs a drink of water. It's record breaking drought is a big issue.
and not just in politics. The Earth's climate is changing for the worse and we need to do something.
The world is populating and getting hot from climate change, if we advance space travel technology we wont have to worry about these problems.
climate change is a terrible issue and we should address it
The not so surprising truth of the threat of Global Climate Change.
Climate Change is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.
Why is the weather so bad? Why is it snowing in April? Why is there so much trash on the ground? These are question you may ask yourself. It is bec...
Climate change is a big problem we face in America today.
California has gone through one of the worst droughts that the world has ever seen. No one wants to live in a bone dry wasteland where water can on...
Our planet needs our attention.
Global warming is not a hoax, we need to act fast before a mass extinction, which endangers and could wipe out humanity. Terrorists and the nationa...
Climate change is a problem regarding the climate slowly rising on Earth. The climate is changing due to greenhouse gas pollutants that we emit eve...