We need to stop gun violence because kids are dying in a young age and adults.
My summary is about ending homelessness, it is a very important issue that has gone on for many years.
Dear Madam/Sir, I address this letter to the future president of America. This Letter Is about all the Illegal Immigrants in the United States. Ill...
We Need the Wall. Make America Great Again!
The citizens of the United States deserve to protect themselves. We all have the right to bear arms. Assault weapons have no reason to be taken awa...
Immigration and how unaccompanied children come to the United States and have many obstacles to overcome to live a better life.
In my letter, I addressed the constant topic of immigration and how it has made a positive impact to America, why we should continue with our immig...
In America we have a situation that many of you may not be interested in, but I hope to change that. I'm referring to the disease that is illegal ...
The issue of gun control and rights has hit an all-time high in America. I try to address different points of view in hopes of addressing the issue.
This letter is basically explaining that immigration will always happen no matter what anyone tries to do. Either legally or illegally. We need to ...
Why gun control laws need to be more strict, and higher age requirement in order to get a gun.
Immigration -- there is one problem that is affecting my life today and it’s going to keep impacting my life if the problem isn’t solved.
Basically to let the president know that people are dying more of guns than surviving. I want the president to do something about it, From personal...
As citizens living in America, one of the most concerning and deadly problems we face is gun violence. This issue has been brought up through and ...
One of many wonderful reasons for not cutting the wings to many of our dreamers.
Concealed handgun law is important by giving citizens protection.
The country of America is having many problems but the gun control issue is one of the big ones. The gun control issue is affecting everyone in the...
11/7/2016 ...
I wrote a letter to the next president regarding gun control issues in the United States.
In this letter you will read about immigrants like me who should receive citizenship and why we deserve it.
Stop Making These Families Suffer!
America is supposed to be the “free country” yet many American citizens are not really free.
What a president should be and how they should act as they look at education, gun control, and minor group decisions.
This letter is about why the United States is no longer a “melting pot” of ethnicities but a “salad bowl” of cultures
My opinion on gun rights in the USA and how they could be changed or made better.
I wrote about a plan for illegal immigrants and what to do with them
America was built by immigrants. We owe to them our freedom, our rights, our everything. And yet we want to get rid of them.
This letter is about the negative economical effects of illegal immigration.
Limiting the restriction on guns
Immigration and the issue of diversity.
Due to the Central American turmoil the amount of immigrants feeling to the United States is increasing rapidly including youth and children travel...
Illegal immigration is an important issue that needs to be taken care of.
Dear Mr. / Madam President : I have seen a lot of letters to you about how removing guns will stop gun violence. I am writing to disagree with...
Gun control and violence is becoming a big problem in the United States of America. read this essay to find out why and how to help.
Gun crime is a big problem. Guns increase murder,robbery,and make people insecure. We need to do something as a team for the good of humanity. ...
Gun Violence is a huge problem in the United States of America. People die each day from a firearm and needs to be stopped.
700 thousand illegal immigrants pour in each year. However, this has gone unnoticed for some time. Sure, it gets an occasional mention, but we need...
Discrimination against Immigrants
Letter to the POTUS about gun control
This is about immigration issues in the United States.
The letter describes how loose gun laws currently are in our country and how stricter control over who can possess a gun will result in less grief ...
Immigration is a big deal in this country and I hope you have the correct plans to solve this growing issue. The plans I have may help you figure o...
With the ongoing debate about gun control, here is why it isn't the problem.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become U.S citizens.
Letters to the Next President By: Casady Rickets Dear Donald Trump, People from all around the world write to the president of the United Sta...
America should let more refugees in.
Our Immigration, Our Strength
Immigration has been an issue that has played the country.
My essay is about how we should allow people to come into our country so that they could live a better life if that is what they desire.
Gun violence needs to stop.
Guns aren't a bad thing. Keeping gun rights is important and understanding why is even more important. People need to know what good things firearm...
Gun violence should be stopped.
On how immigration is being handled and other situations
My perspective on immigration laws
Immigration is a great thing with the right processes and opportunities, and through that we could make America great again!
I have a request regarding undocumented immigrants, the wall, and America's Judicial system.
There were 372 mass shootings in the US in 2015, killing 475 people and wounding 1,870. If you are on a no fly list in the U.S., you should not be ...
The topic of gun control has been very controversial for a lot of time. This letter shows the importance of addressing this topic
Gun control is a very crucial issue that needs to be settled.
Illegal immigrants should not be mass deported because they add to the fabric of this great country.
Should they build the wall between U.S. and Mexico?
Americas homicide and gun violence rates are at an all time high.
This has become personal
The restrictions and banning of guns in the United States is not only unconstitutional, it is unsafe.
Stop deporting immigrants!
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants became U.S citizens.
This is America. We aren't the bystanders.
gun control should not be a thing because people use guns to defend themselves.
Immigration is a big problem in the U.S today. Even though people are in the US illegally, they should be treated as humans.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become U.S.citizens.
Gun control is a huge issue in the United States because it leads to unnecessary violence and death.
Immigrants are important in America
The issue of gun violence is plaguing that streets of America. The results are high crime and murder rates due to easy access of guns. A change nee...
This is my view on immigration and what I think should be done in order to keep it under control.
lets support legal immigrants!
The immigration problems in America are unfair, help make a change to make the world a better place.
This text is about gun violence in America and the laws that intertwine with it.
To protect American people we need secure borders.
Guns aren't the problem, gun bans are.
In this text I am writing to the next president why they shouldn't ban guns in the U.S.
The amount of gun related deaths in the United States is undeniable. There has been about 30,000 gun related deaths per year.
In response to immigration, the U.S. should work to stop people from illegally entering our country, but not excessively limit the amount of legal ...
I think that the president should allow illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S. A.
Gun violence is one of the most serious issues in the USA right now.
Keeping gun control the same
Letter to the future president
Gun Control
Illegal immigration has become a big issue recently, and to do with it properly we must understand who and what we are actually dealing with.
To stop gun violence.
Dear Future President of the United States,
Why must the gun right policy be looked at again? It needs to be revised because of the amount of shootings in the past 10 years.
Immigration laws need to be examined.
Many immigration issues have been going on in the United States of America for quite some time. I think it is about time we start finding a solutio...
Our country is one of the strongest nations in the whole world. We are known for our bravery, freedom, and opportunities. We cannot give this away ...
Gun ownership should be more restricted so that they do not become dangerous in the wrong hands.
DACA and immigration reform.
November 4,2016 Dear Future President, My name is Huy Phan and I am from Viet Nam. I study in ESL2 in Brighton High School. Now I live in Dorc...
Immigrants come over to America daily and not all are beneficial to the American society. I believe more regulations should be made to America's Im...
We should stop deporting innocent people especially those who have families.