My essay talks about the abuse animals face daily.
Animal abuse needs to stop because 1.2 million dogs and 1.4 million cats are dead each year because of animals abuse. So animal abuse needs to sto...
This letter is about causes, effects and the solution regarding global warming.
This letter is going to be about pet owners that own a pet and abuse them every day, this letter is going to prove that animal abuse is wrong.
So many animals are suffering, and dying at the hands of cruel or irresponsible people. There is something you can do, however.
this is a speech I wrote for people to know about the beauty of wolves.
Everyday animals get thrown out on the streets. It's time to show people that it is NOT RIGHT!
Animal rights matter
Animal abuse needs to outlawed in the U.S once and for all.
Animal cruelty and captivity is a serious issue.
Animal abuse is a big part of the U.S. today. We need to do something to stop it.
Animal abuse is wrong and should be stopped.
I wrote a letter about Animal Abuse because it is a serious problem in today's society.
Animal abandonment is only one of the many reasons why beloved companions in the U.S. die each year. It's time we considered the non-human civilian...
Animal abuse is not O.K and something needs to be done about it.
As you read this another innocent animal is being abused. Help animal activists unite as one, they won't stop 'til the war is won!
This is about what the president should do about circus animal abuse.
Despite all of my current issues with what's going on in the country, I feel as if I have to speak on animal rights as loudly as anything else.
“We have moved away from studying human disease in humans. … We all drank the Kool-Aid on that one, me included. … The problem is that [animal test...
Animal cruelty is the wrong path to go, we need to teach the people that are on that path to choose the right path. Animal cruelty is a major probl...
The killing of innocence needs to stop.
Animal overpopulation is an issue that not a lot of people know about, but it should be addressed and helped.
This letter explains the horrifying issue of puppy mills, and why our future president needs to step in and handle this issue.
these ancient animals are fading away fast help out now!
In any minute, any animal is being tortured. Many people don’t understand that dogs are like humans, they feel the same pain as us. We can stop ani...
Animal abuse is a problem in America. I think that we need to prevent it and do something about animal abuse.
A ban needs to be placed on horse slaughter to stop the pain these innocent horses are put through.
Animal abuse is a very bad thing and needs to be stopped. People aren’t doing enough and it needs to be changed.
Think about how many stray animals there are. Don't you think America should have more animal hospitals, etc.?
There should be stricter laws to protect animals involved in animal testing. Although the testing may benefit humans they should not be harmed in t...
Animal cruelty is out of control people need to take a stand and stop this issue.
Animal abuse through forcibly keeping pets needs to be stopped.
Innocent animals are taken out of their homes and get brutally beaten, tested on, and are thought of as lesser beings why?
Controlling and educating the people on animal cruelty.
My letter here is a letter about animal abuse problems. There is also some solutions
Countries must be abstain from whaling and follow the ban of whaling in 1986
Shutting down kill shelters in the United States
Animal cruelty is very prominent around the country. I believe that dog fighting and horse slaughter are some of the top problems when it comes to ...
Something needs to be done about animal abuse. In the following letter are suggestions of solutions.
Animal abuse should be illegal.
My letter is about ending animal cruelty, it must be stopped. You think it's sad seeing animals locked up in cages.. Imagine how they feel looking ...
Animal abuse is a big issue in all parts of the nation, but for some reason this is not being taught about in schools. If kids do not learn about t...
Animal Abuse is ignored and pushed aside for more "important" issues. Thing is, they need us as much as the others do.
Animals all over the world suffer every single day. What would you do about the abuse of animals?
The polar bears are dying. We must defend their future.
Banning mass breeding facilities can not only decreases the amount of companion animals euthanized, but also give them a chance to find a loving ho...
We should stop animal cruelty.
We the people, led by you, need to take the first step in stopping this God forbidden, frowned upon action. I strongly believe that as a nation, a...
Animals across the nation are being abused and it needs to be addressed.
Animal testing should be abolished worldwide because it practices speciesism, there are other alternatives to be used, and a great deal of the rese...
Animal Cruelty is a problem that needs to be fixed.
We need to stop animal testing it is not right.
we need to save the animals and stop people from killing animals
Animal testing is extremely cruel, and yet they are hardly protected. This is something that needs to change.
I think there should be a longer sentence for people who abuse animals.
My letter is about banning animal testing in cosmetics and reducing it in all other tests, for reasons such as that it is inhumane, ineffective, an...
Animals are being beaten, starved, and abused daily.
This letter is about animal abuse world wide and how it is a growing problem that needs to come to an end. Animals are just as important as us and ...
Poor animals are suffering for our shampoo and lotion. Animal testing can be prevented.
Which endangered animals should we save and why.
Poaching is growing in the world, and millions of animals are dying. If poaching isn't stopped, animals will go exctict.
Animal abuse is a big issue in the US and it needs to be stopped.
There are too many animals that are killed in a inhumane way in the United States
I am against animal testing and this is why.
This letter explains the issues of animal testing around the world. Many animals are being tortured for tests that are not even working. They are s...
All over the world, animals are being harshly abused for means of food, entertainment, clothes, and scientific testing. The ways that they are bein...
America needs to put a stop to all animal testing because it is cruel and inhumane.
stop animal abuse
I think that animal abuse is not okay because people are killing dogs by dog fighting because there are a lot of dogs with strong teeth.
Animal Cruelty/Animal Testing is an issue that I believe people don't really give much attention to.
Puppy Mills should be illegal.
Animal cruelty needs to stop its harming our population. A lot of species are dying because of animal cruelty.
Animal cruelty is wrong, and should have a more serious punishment for those who abuse animals.
The number of endangered animals has been increasing dramatically in the past decade and we are to blame.
Each year, more than 100 million animals—including mice, rats, frogs, dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, monkeys, fish, and birds—are kill...
We need to work together to help prevent tigers from going extinct.
About 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters in the U.S. every year, and 2.7 million of them are euthanized.
Factory Farming is a serious problem in the US and we need to make laws preventing the abuse of these innocent animals.
China has a law that requires cosmetics to be tested on animals before it can be sold there. Petco and Petsmart are brutally freezing alive and po...
There is an issue in America of animals being abused, not being treated well and being killed every 5 days. Other animals live in pain and fear, ab...
dog fights are brutal and around 20,000 dogs are killed in them so they need to stop
The animals that are being abused by people needs to stop and be changed, so animals may be treated respectyfully.
There are a lot of issues surrounding animal treatment. We need to fix issues like animal testing and dog fighting.
We need to start saving animals now before it's too late.
This letter will show the hard facts about how many healthy animals are put down at animal shelters due to pet overpopulation, overcrowding and lac...
The way animals are raised in America needs to change.
animal abuse is a serious issue in the United States of America. it needs to be put to an end for good. this is for the safety of the animals all a...
Dear Future President,
Pollution hurts us, our animals, and where we live. So help stop it by doing small deeds.
I think we should use technology to stop animal testing.
Animal abuse is not taken as a serious problem and is not being dealt with as it should.
Animal testing is wrong. Innocent animals are getting tortured with animal testing. It has to stop.
My name is Blake. I'm from Seattle WA and this article is about animal poaching.
Animal cruelty is a monstrosity.
Animal Cruelty needs to stop now, animals are being abused for an unknown reason and they are dying from hunger and some not good care from their p...
This letter is about all the cruel things that animal testing does.
Save our furry friends
Why is animal abuse so important and what should our country do to start helping this issue. Animal abuse and animal testing are both in the catego...
Animal abuse is becoming worse, and worse in our world, and it needs to stop. Read on to see my opinion on it. I have a strong story that relates t...
Zoos are cruel and unfair to animals and America needs to put a stop to them.