Animal abuse has been going on for a long time and its increasing over the years. Animals deserve a life too, so this needs to be stopped.
Dear Mr. president I am writing you this letter to talk to you about animal rights. The first thing I worry about is all the animals in zoo’s. ...
A ban needs to be placed on horse slaughter to stop the pain these innocent horses are put through.
Ocean pollution is a major issue that needs to be addressed in the next four years.
Animals deserve to be respected such as humans.
Speak Up For Those Who Cannot Speak For Themselves: Stop Animal Abuse!
Do you know how serious animal abuse has become?
Animal Cruelty is a big problem in the world and the U.S and something needs to be done about it.
Why animal abuse is a sickening crime that needs to be stopped
Many animals are abused and they deserve better lives. So raise your paw against animal abuse!
animal abuse is a serious issue in the United States of America. it needs to be put to an end for good. this is for the safety of the animals all a...
This letter is about all the cruel things that animal testing does.
This is about what the president should do about circus animal abuse.
Stop animal abuse and cruelty!
Around the United States, Greyhounds are forced to race under poor circumstances. They are kenneled for hours, not fed correctly, physically abused...
My letter is about ending animal cruelty, it must be stopped. You think it's sad seeing animals locked up in cages.. Imagine how they feel looking ...
There is no excuse for animal abuse. Millions of animals get abused everyday, and since they don't have their own voice we have to be theirs and wi...
Dear Future President...
Animal abuse is wrong and should be stopped.
Dear Next President, Congratulations! You won the 2016 Presidential Election! I have extremely high hopes for our country's future and the care al...
Save our furry friends
Dear Future President, I am writing this letter because I believe that homeless animals should be treated equally just like everybody else.T...
Animal abuse is not taken as a serious problem and is not being dealt with as it should.
Something needs to be done about animal abuse. In the following letter are suggestions of solutions.
Animal cruelty affects thousands of animals in the United States. So much more has to be done to stop it.
There is no reason for cruelty and abuse to animals, they are meant to help, protect, and live a full life, just like us.
My letter is about banning animal testing in cosmetics and reducing it in all other tests, for reasons such as that it is inhumane, ineffective, an...
Animal abuse is a big issue in all parts of the nation, but for some reason this is not being taught about in schools. If kids do not learn about t...
Animals should not be in captivity for many reasons. It is not healthy and their life spans are significantly shorter.
Why is animal abuse a thing that isn't being punished
I think that animal abuse is not okay because people are killing dogs by dog fighting because there are a lot of dogs with strong teeth.
We need to start saving animals now before it's too late.
Chickens are being abused in terrible ways. Their valuable life needs a rescue out of cramped cages.
I am a 17-year-old girl from Salt Lake City, Utah. I believe that animals should have every right to life as we do. Euthanasia, while providing the...
Around the world, animal cruelty is happening almost every day. Abusing them, eating them, and testing on them is the problem. Animals need care fr...
Despite all of my current issues with what's going on in the country, I feel as if I have to speak on animal rights as loudly as anything else.
Animal abuse is a terrible occurrence in our country and can be stopped by spreading awareness and through some enforcement.
All over the world, animals are being harshly abused for means of food, entertainment, clothes, and scientific testing. The ways that they are bein...
So many animals are suffering, and dying at the hands of cruel or irresponsible people. There is something you can do, however.
Putting an end to an atrocious practice.
I ask you to take some time and try to understand that animal abuse is wrong and should be taken care of.
We should be doing more to stop animal abuse
Animal abuse is a big part of the U.S. today. We need to do something to stop it.
Animal abuse is a big problem that needs to be resolved.
There should be stricter laws against animal abuse
Animal abuse is a major problem in the Untied States
Animal abuse has been an issue for far too long and it's time for it to come to an end.
Animals have nothing to do with our everyday products, right?
My letter is about animals getting hurt and killed every day
Just how long should an animal stay in captivity? And should humans be allowed to use wild animals for entertainment purposes?
Cosmetic animal testing is cruel and wrong.
There are a lot of issues surrounding animal treatment. We need to fix issues like animal testing and dog fighting.
Animals are treated in horrible ways and it's up to our government to reduce this cruelty in the world.
Every American has the right to live, and people who violate that right are arrested, but what about animals? They are also living creatures who sh...
I think we should use technology to stop animal testing.
this is a speech I wrote for people to know about the beauty of wolves.
Abusing Animals is wrong and disgusting.
An animal should not be abused so next president please HELP.
Livestock care in food corporations and how it affects us.
Animals have rights just like we do and they are not taken as seriously as the should be.
In any minute, any animal is being tortured. Many people don’t understand that dogs are like humans, they feel the same pain as us. We can stop ani...
Puppy mills are unhealthy and inhumane please help stop puppy mills all puppy's deserve a good home.
The solution for animal abuse in research facilities should not be to end animal research, a valuable component of medical research, but to increas...
I believe that animal abuse is a big issue and that it needs to be dealt with.
Animal Cruelty is a problem that needs to be fixed.
The dog pounds so wrong things with dogs!
This letter is about animal abuse world wide and how it is a growing problem that needs to come to an end. Animals are just as important as us and ...
Animal testing should be abolished worldwide because it practices speciesism, there are other alternatives to be used, and a great deal of the rese...
Some farm animals right here in America suffer from abuse and unsanitary conditions.
Puppy Mills should be illegal.
I am writing about how owners badly abuse their pets and that we should do something about it.
My letter is about how bad animals are treated around the world by puppy mills and animal testing.
Banning mass breeding facilities can not only decreases the amount of companion animals euthanized, but also give them a chance to find a loving ho...
Animal testing doesn't need to keep happening on such a there scale and can be avoided through alternatives.
We should stop animal cruelty.
What is right and what is wrong for a family pet/member. You have the power to control both.
Animal abuse is a very bad thing and needs to be stopped. People aren’t doing enough and it needs to be changed.
Animals across the nation are being abused and it needs to be addressed.
Animals rights should be respected and accepted because they are living breathing creatures like us why is it okay to kill them!
Animal cruelty is a big issue all over the world
Animal experimentation is cruel and unreliable. Millions of animals are used in experimenting, and are in agony because of it. In this letter, I di...
Why is dog fighting bad? Is it illegal? Read here and find out!
We can help save many animals
This is about how animal abuse is bad and ways we as a team can fix it or you as the president can.
I wrote about how animal abuse should be a felony in all 50 states.
An argument against unnecessarily wasteful hunting.
Animal abuse happens way too much. Animal abuse is also very harmful to animals.
Envision a society where domestic animals are devoured, exploited as beasts of burden, or mistreated at will by their possessors, who undergo lim...
This letter is about animal abuse and how it needs to change.
Animal experimentation is inhumane and needs to stop immediately. There are so many other better solutions to animal experimentation that give a be...
Zoos are cruel and unfair to animals and America needs to put a stop to them.
What can we do to reduce pet homelessness
Stop animal cruelty and dog fights in the USA.
My essay talks about the abuse animals face daily.
Just Like Humans, Animals Lives Do Matter. Animals Help The Environment More Than Humans Do. Help . A Reference From Said "Spiders ...
A stunning amount of animals are abused, along with a small amount that are saved. What are some of the ways we can help?
I am against animal abuse
Animal abuse is a big problem in the United States right now. I believe that if we, as a country, work together to make it stop, we could make a bi...
Every minute of the day, an animal is always being abused or suffering. The President should really do something about this! Read on to learn more ...
Tail Docking For Cows