Gun Control laws should be more strict.
Why should we establish new laws for gun control?
Gun Control has been a key issue in America of recent years, one that needs political action done to prevent future incidents.
A short explanation of the facts for gun laws and the second amendment and why it shouldn't be taken out of the constitution
Require gun owners training to improve gun storage, gun safety and gun use.
Gun Control
Right to bear arms and government responsibility to regulate sales
Background checks should be revised to be more effective
Gun violence has proven to be a pressing issue over the past few years in the United States. The United States should impose stricter gun laws in o...
Gun control is a issue that needs to be solved. Here is a letter to you, future president, on why and how you can solve the gun control issue.
Gun Violence is out of control and we need to help those mentally challenged who provoke gun violence in this country.
We need to do more to stop gun violence all through the U.S.
There is one topic that really catches my attention, and I hope it catches your attention too. That topic would be gun control and violence.
Children should only be able to shoot or handle a firearm with the supervision of a parent or someone of age to keep a close eye on them. Children ...
My viewpoint regarding the lack of gun control laws in the United States.
I am for Gun Control.
This letter to the next president is about gun violence and gun control. And how this issue can be resovled.
Gun control is not something to be taken lightly. It is a serious issue.
Something has to be done about the lack of gun control in our community, our nation!
Letter to the next president covering gun control and similar topics
Tighter laws on who can buy or own a gun.
How is gun violence decreasing safety in the United States? Find out here.
There should be strict laws to prevent guns from getting into the hands of dangerous people.
A letter in support of gun control
Guns shouldn't be taken away but they should be controlled.
I am writing about the issue of guns in the United States.
Dear Future President,
I made this drawing to show how we as individuals are destroying the U.S, whether it be by homicide, suicide, or committing some other acts of viol...
Do their plans benefit us as a country?
Did you know guns play a major role on the death rate across the nation?
My claim is that we need to reduce the laws of guns because to many people are getting hurt now days.
Gun laws should not be changed
My letter is about gun control. Specifically that people with registered guns aren't causing the problems, We promote too much violence through med...
A letter that takes steps to understand the truth behind gun control, and why our nation must understand our freedoms.
The U.S.A. has the most gun related crimes out of any other developed countries in the world combined. It has very light gun laws and regulations. ...
Control and regulation is not a ban.
stop the killing and fighting
Dear Mr. / Madam President : I have seen a lot of letters to you about how removing guns will stop gun violence. I am writing to disagree with...
America must prevent those who don't deserve guns from getting them.
Don't take away our right to keep ourselves safe. Keep firearms in civilians' hands.
Our country is in dire need of gun control reform in order to prevent the deaths of innocent Americans.
This letter to the future president addresses his/her responsibility on fighting the War on Terrorism
This letter to the president discusses gun control and the benefits of the gun industry and being able to own a gun.
Do you think the second amendment is important?
Gun control is not necessary, and will not be effective in the U.S.A.
With gun control, ISIS, and other terrorism, America is slowly falling apart.
We could have less gun violence problems if...
The Second Amendment has been grossly misinterpreted by recent Supreme Court decisions, and the best way to fix gun control is for the president to...
The guns that we can buy or that we can sell should be limited to only rifles and pistols and further background checks should be ran on you before...
Why guns should be allowed...
Do you want to see people get hurt because of a gun
Through real-life stats, this letter will prove that where there are more guns, there is less crime.
More gun control and restrictions because too many people die from gun related accidents.
As history continues, immigrants have done a lot for nation. treating it as their own motherland by helping it to prosper to the nation it is. It ...
I think we need to keep our guns for our protection and for our safety because we can't stop everybody from doing bad things and harming innocent p...
In this article you will read why guns should not be taken away from the public.
I think the government should enforce more gun control.
I think that gun control should be changed by having a more strict background checks and to change how easy it is to get guns
What I am going to be talking about is gun control. Gun control is really getting out of hand because people are getting injured and killed for no ...
The debate on the Second Amendment has been a ferocious one in the United States. Some hail the Second Amendment as the most ingenious text written...
This letter contains reasons why we should stop gun violence.
This letter addresses the argument of gun control, and how we should enforce stricter laws, and more safety measures during the process of purchasi...
Gun control is a big issue in our country. There have been many mass shootings at malls, schools, and airports. If the government would put stron...
Discussing Abortion, Gun Control, Immigration and Racism.
We can't get rid of the 2nd amendment, but we can stop a violent situation from escalating in the first place.
These are my concerns about Assault weapons. If a little kid or someone under the age can get a hold of it could shoot theme self or shoot someone....
I think gun violence is a huge issue and the next president needs to do something to address the issue.
I wrote about Gun control. I'm 15
Gun violence is one of the biggest problems in the world, but what is the president going to do about it.
Gun violence is getting out of control in the U.S.A.. It is a big threat to the safety of Americans and is responsible for many unnecessary deaths ...
Guns are very dangerous indeed but they're our last line of defense. What makes guns dangerous is not the gun itself - it's the user.
Gun control is not the only option. Our founding fathers made the second amendment for a reason. There is a way to control the violence in america ...
We are living in a dangerous world due to terrorism
The amount of gun related deaths in the United States is undeniable. There has been about 30,000 gun related deaths per year.
Americans need to keep their second amendment right
This is a short letter to the future President of the United States expressing my opinion regarding gun control in the USA.
Gun laws in the US. They are not what they need to be, and not what they once were. We need to come up with new laws, that do are legitimate and sm...
The hate and the violence need to stop; gun violence is a serious problem.
Dear future president
The second amendment is needed to protect people from threats, and must not be repealed.
The importance of gun control and why we need it
I want stronger gun restrictions and laws than the ones we have now.
Personal weapons in the U.S. should not be allowed.
Iβm 13 and I know how important the 2nd Amendment is.
We need to put our heads together on how to handle guns.
Are gun rights good or bad?
Effects of guns and what our country needs to change
In recent years there has been much chatter about revoking firearms from citizens due to gun violence, however there is a much simpler solution.
Innocent people are gonna shot around the world because guns are too easy to get.
My letter is about gun rights. It argues against gun control and gives alternate solutions. It also states why guns are important to Americans.
It's time to address the elephant in the room of Gun Control. Approximately 136 mass shootings have occurred in 2016 alone and it is time that some...
American Citizens should keep the right to bear arms and the media doesn't know much about guns.
This letter is about gun laws in America.
Gun Laws should be more strict.
Gun control a big issue in the U.S. ever since gang violence and crime was a problem a solution that could help reduce the number of innocent death...
Dear Next President, My name is Matthew, and I go to school in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. I would like to inform you about gun violence...