A letter to the next president on why Firearms are important.
We should not ban guns completely, we should instead make them harder to gain access to.
My letter is about immigration and the problems that need to be addressed to.
My letter discusses the issues with both Republican Candidate Donald Trump and Democrat Candidate Secretary Hillary Clinton, immigration reform pla...
The next President should recognize immigrant's academic work and achievements. People spend lots of time and money to get a diploma and when that ...
Children at the border need help
We need more gun control
Dear Future President, My name is Gabrielle and I go to a school in the Suburb of Cleveland. I would like you to know about the gun control i...
Keeping our gun rights.
What are you going to do about immigration?
8% of the citizen of U.S. are born by immigrants parent
Gun control is a huge issue in today's society and it needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become U.S citizens.
On how immigration is being handled and other situations
People should get gun control.
Americans are worried about the government trying to take away our guns. Many believe that guns should be taken away, and some think otherwise....
Zach M. Dear Mr.Trump Not all illegal immigrants are bad, but neither are all people in a jail cell right now. Some are murderers and rapists, an...
Guns shouldn't be banned or restricted furthermore
The right to bear arms means every person knows how to use them. Right?
I think that the president should illegal immigrants become U.S citizens.I
My standpoint on Gun Control
Tuition and other education fees on the rise cause problems for many students.
Our country is in dire need of gun control reform in order to prevent the deaths of innocent Americans.
What I am going to be talking about is gun control. Gun control is really getting out of hand because people are getting injured and killed for no ...
Immigrants should get high-wage job opportunities.
My parents immigrated to the U.S. in the late 1900’s and it wasn’t the easiest process to get into the country. My interests have been focusing mor...
In this letter, the pressing issue centers around to acceptance of the Syrian refugees in the United States and how helpful the U.S. could be in ai...
Americans have been fooled into believing that gun control works.
In most communities of U.S. immigrants, specifically Mexican immigrants, are looked down upon and fear deportation.
Wanting to live the American dream.
I believe all undocumented immigrants should be granted legal status because they pay taxes just like any other citizen, and they contribute to​ th...
It is vital for us to have gun control.
It needs to be harder for people to get guns.
Too many people getting killed for no reason by the cops
America's lack of gun control and the hazards it has created... The irony of "self-defense" and "thorough" background checks.
My summary is about Immigration life matter because immigration have a family and a life.
We could stop Gun violence together.
Families are coming to the United States for a better life. Some families are still not able to find a really good job here because they are not U....
Immigrants that come into our country can make it a better place.
Immigrants are getting disrespected in many ways and should be helped more. They have to escape they country and all we do is just disrespect them....
Is the second amendment helping or hurting America?
how I feel about guns
No More Guns for Hands
Though gun control seems like a big topic, I see one law changing how a criminal can get guns.
Someone new gets hurt everyday. Why isn't anyone speaking up and putting a stop to it? Do they want us all to be at risk? Anything can happen, even...
There is a big gun problem in America but with some procautions, gun violence can be reduced with out taking away peoples guns.
This letter discusses the issue of rising college tuition prices. Providing statistics and evidence to prove that this topic is in fact real. ...
there is no reason for hate groups such as KKK it is racist and they gangs needs to stop well KKK needs to stop that is basically a hate group so y...
This letter entails my understanding and perspective of both the good and bad of immigration. Then I top it all off with what I think needs to be d...
Immigration, Equality and Women's Rights.
For my american history class, we were assigned to write this letter recommending our plans for immigration, and how our country should deal with i...
gun control
Higher Education and Immigration/Stereotypes
Congratulations on becoming POTUS! Please protect our inalienable gun rights! It is your duty as commander in chief to protect our constitutional r...
So this is my letter that shows my concerns for border security for the U.S - Mexican borders. :)
Police need to be better trained to avoid shooting incident people.
My views on some topics that the future president should cover.
Immigration is a big deal in America and the president has the biggest impact on how it’s handled. Some of the things i would like to address are h...
A 17 year old daughter of two naturalized immigrant parents discusses the problem regarding social issues with treating immigrants and how to possi...
Why guns are not the problem, criminals are
I am a junior at Science Leadership Academy @ Beeber. As an insider from the African American community, these are my views on police brutality. ...
Immigrants are a big part of today's life. Immigrants do a lot to help out this country and everyone else just takes advantage of them. They are he...
We need to bring awareness to gun control!
Why immigration should be solved with amnesty.
I feel that immigration should be a top issue in the country because it affects kids and the parents that remains in the U.S.
Gun issues around the U.S should be stopped.
There's is a lot of immigrants that need jobs and there are jobs for them, we just need to find them jobs
The cost of college tuition is a controversial topic. Many argue it would be better to provide the fist four years of college free, but others argu...
In this paper I talk about how Full Auto firearms need to be banned for non military use in America.
Illegal immigration has been a problem in the United States for a long time and needs to be stopped.
My claim is that immigration is bad for our country and can be dangerous
As a high school student who comes from hard-working, undocumented people, I am concerned about the solutions that 2016 candidates running for Pre...
Persuasive letter to the next President urging Gun Control
The legalization process should be made more effective and easier for the people coming into the U.S.
Reasons why we should have Gun Control Laws
Guns have harmed many children in the U.S. from and something needs to be done.
The decline of funding for education has become a serious problem in America.
All illegal immigrants deserve the same opportunities as American Citizens and should not be discriminated because of their race.
We can't loose our guns.
Illegal immigration and national security
Equal Opportunities
The issue of gun control is important because if we have more stricter rules of checking background, it will be more safe for everyone in the cou...
I think that the president should allow illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S
Its time for less gun control for more protection in house
Anti-gun laws have not effect on killings because criminals will find other means of getting guns or if no guns are available they will find other ...
Is taking our guns away really the answer
Immigration in America.
Gun control is a good thing but you have to draw the line somewhere.
We need to work together to help prevent tigers from going extinct.
A unique medial standpoint that needs to be brought up any time that someone talks about the rights of US gun owners.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants to become U.S. citizens
I am advocating for the second amendment. I believe the second amendment should not be infringed, but instead should be protected.
The news is full of stories of innocent people being needlessly shot and injured or killed. Guns are way too accessible to American citizens. Stric...
In recent years, there have been many different interpretations of the Second Amendment. It is important that the right to bear arms remains intac...
Immigration is a big problem that as Future President we need you to solve.
Gun control and violence is becoming a big problem in the United States of America. read this essay to find out why and how to help.
There is no reason that American citizens should be killing each other.
heath and the age of a president
What's wrong with gun control and how we can fix it.