Abortion is a big problem that the needs to be addressed.
The topic of women has come up in the election campaign of 2016 more so than any other election. Whether it is because one of the candidates is a w...
I think abortions should stay legal!
The government should not choose whether or not you have a child.
Why do women not have the right to get an abortion?
Is killing an innocent child right?
The United States of America needs to find a compromise for the issue of abortion.
Dear Future President, Abortion a world-wide argument. With different opinions and views. Many pros and cons, many agrements and disagrements, her...
Women are entitled to make their own decisions when it comes to their own bodies. The government should not be able to force a woman to do anything...
Abortion can prevent lives of misery all over the nation
Basically my letter explains many topics that are important to me and others and that would affect us deeply.
When teens get pregnant there first reaction is to get a abortion because they feel like their in this alone, they're not ready to care for one yet...
Why abortion should be a choice
Today, abortion is one of the most controversial topics in America.
Planned Parenthood shouldn’t be defunded or neglected for the sake of women's rights, health, and personal medical decisions in the United States.
We all have something we fight for. And one thing I fight for is exterminating abortion. So many lives have been lost to abortion and how many more...
Once a women knows she is pregnant she should not be able to get an abortion after that point because it is killing a baby.
Abortion is one of the worlds most difficult subjects. The world needs to start being educated on the facts about abortion.
Parents should be given the option of a legal abortion
Life is a right that everyone deserves, let us protect that right.
Abortion needs to stay legal. Women die from illegal abortions.
The debate over abortion has been an issue for a long time. There's pro-life and pro-choice, what side will you choose?
To the Future President: Abortion is against the Bible.
Gender equality is a Human Right
Abortion should never be the option. There are other options such as adoption.
A plea to stop abortions.
I would like to tell you about abortion.
Abortion should not be legal in America babies deserve to be born.
Some problems, solutions, and suggestions to benefit the people of the United States of America.
Abortion is a right protected underneath the right to privacy. Whether or not you think it should be legal, as a human, you should have the same ri...
Abortion is never the answer.
Every woman should have the option to keep or abort her baby.
Abortion should be legal for every family that feels it's necessary.
My goal in this letter is to announce my reasons on why I personally think that abortion is a cruel thing to do and shouldn't be legal.
Transgender people have certain access to different things like their choice of restroom which is absolutely unacceptable. Abortion is an issue tha...
There is a gender pay gap in the workplace, and we need to build a bridge to equal pay. Women earn less than men for the same jobs and it’s hurting...
Abortions should be illegal, and here is why.
I am pro-choice though I do see the other side of the argument, I believe abortion should remain legal.
Abortion is an issue that I care deeply about...find out why by reading this letter.
I like to mention the few issues that I think about even at this young age of 15. The NSA reading/seeing private information, abortion, lowering th...
The letter contains information about making Abortion Illegal. By having abortions it is making it harder for our country to repopulate. Abortions...
Keeping abortion legal is a pressing issue in the U.S. This letter argues the side to keep abortion legal in the U.S.
This letter gives a brief insight as to how funding abortions would benefit women, specifically those who live in poverty.
This letter encourages the fundamentals of choice and allowing women the right to choose abortion over an unwanted pregnancy. To many, this is a ve...
Abortion is murder
I am writing this letter about one of the major political issues, abortion.
Why should a dead body have more rights than a pregnant woman?
It is hard to believe why many Americans believe in pro-choice values.
Abortion is getting out of hand and must be stopped. The president needs to make abortion illegal in all 50 states.
Abortion coercion causes too many women serious trauma and regret over the decisions made by other people. We need to take action and establish law...
Abortion is inhumane, unsafe, and goes against any rational persons morals.
In the U.S. abortion is a way to get rid of an unwanted child but there are alternative routes.
The issues on abortion and possible solutions.
Abortion is a decision that should be left to the individual, not the government.
Some characteristics you should have and thoughts on abortion.
Defending women of every race on how abortion is - and should be - an option.
Abortion isn't murder; abortion can save a life.
This letter is my stance on why abortion should remain legal
Learn from me, a 14 year old boy from Seattle, who knows more than the average adult on the positive effects of abortion.
By making abortion illegal, it is stripping away a woman's right. It should be the woman's and family's choice, not the government's.
Here in this letter, I will discuss why I feel abortions should stay legal and also include the counterclaim as well.
About how republicans should switch to pro-choice
Abortion should not be legal in the United States.
Dear Mr. President,
There are too many lives being taken. Illegalized abortion and let there voices be heard.
As our nation's leader, I’m begging you to see the value of uniform, nationwide regulations governing the abortion process in our country. I also e...
Why abortion should stay legal.
Why I think abortion should be illegal.
Why abortion should be illegal
There is always another option.
This is my letter regarding the Pro-Life/Pro-Choice debate.
Women have the right to choose.
Women deserve to be paid the same as men.
Abortion is an ongoing problem in America. The problem goes with the part of having fake abortion clinics, and yes we do have these, across America...
Abortion is a touchy subject because of it's wide array of views that cannot necessarily be centered by any religion, race, or sexuality. It is a c...
Abortion should be illegal.
There is a huge issue in today's America with women's rights and equality. Currently, women are not fully equal to men and this needs to change whe...
The motion to outlaw abortion and defund planned parenthood because of religious beliefs is unconstitutional and intolerant.
Abortion is wrong in so many ways, not all of them can be named.
There are four points that can shut down any arguments made by pro-choice believers.
A letter for the future president about abortion.
Abortion in America is not good at all, it's taking away the child's life. No one should take someone's life away from them like that. God said "th...
I thought America was supposed to be fair and equal. Why do women get to have an abortion, but when a man kills a pregnant woman, he gets twice the...
The topic of abortion has caused numerous debates throughout history, and is still in debate today. It seems as if you are either supportive of it,...
Abortion is a very serious matter and is just being pushed to the side or being ignored. Abortion should be illegal no matter what the circumstance...
This letter addresses the faults of prohibiting abortion and how it would negatively affect our nation; regarding safety concerns, women's autonomy...
Restricting abortions would only make sense in a perfect universe, where every child gets their share of necessities and emotional support. We know...
The threat from those who want to make abortion illegal is growing stronger and we need to work to make sure that abortion stays legal.
The president should make abortions illegal.
Addressing why abortion should become illegal
Abortion is something we should not take lightly...
I do not support abortion and I would like to make it iligal.