Social Inequality is the leading problem facing our modern world and is in need of immediate attention and reforms from our president elect, regard...
All lives matter. How can the President make everyone aware of this?
Have you ever wanted to go to a Pride Festival somewhere but you are too scared you will get judged? Do you want to follow in your favorite celebri...
Racial problems have been going on all around the country. Unfair court trials. White on black crimes.
Paper cups, aluminum cans, and soda rings lay scattered on coasts and in forests. They kill the wildlife living among them. 100,000 animals die pri...
Why LGBT(lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) marriage should be legal in all states.
Racial inequality is a problem that needs resolving in America. We can't have a country that is plagued with this especially while we are going thr...
Dear Future President...
Law enforcement personnel are pressured daily as they put their lives on the line to protect the American people. Do we really expect law enforceme...
All children, and their families, deserve birth certificates. Even if a child is stillborn it does not mean that they do not qualify for a birth ce...
LGBT adoption is when a same-sex couple adopts a child. If every LGBT couple who wanted to were allowed to adopt, then so many children would have ...
Our economy has become dependent on nonrenewable resources. If people don't start making changes soon, it may be too late.
Dont have one
Many African Americans are dying by police officers at higher rates than another minority. No media and even officers can dispute the facts, number...
The greenhouse gas effect is affecting living things all over the world.
The longer we ignore the state of our environment, the more detrimental it is to our future.
Automobiles are the primary cause for more than half of the air pollution in the nation. It is imperative that we start making the switch to electr...
When is enough, enough?
The United States needs to do more to protect our wildlife and forests.
U.S is 1 out 5 biggest consumers massive amount of plastic bag whereas the effort in recycling this harmful chemical is just less than 10%.
We could donate more money, and help spread gender equality throughout the rest of the world. But we can’t do that all over the world, if we can’t ...
We are concerned with the lack of girls and minority boys entering STEM careers. We think that schools, parents, and the government should work to ...
The concern of fracking has surfaced recently, and it is a enormous issue.
Small pollinators like bees play an incredible role in the food production of our world. Despite their obvious importance, bees have received littl...
Pollution is destroying our marine life and something needs to be done about this issue.
Immigration, Equality and Women's Rights.
Although marraige equality is now a reality, the fight for complete LGBT+ equality is not over.
The wage gap in America is an on going issue that has made it hard for women to have equal pay to a man. Women earn about .78$ for every dollar a ...
Th way we get energy right now is not going to last forever and is seriously hurting our planet and ourselves. We need to make the switch from foss...
Police brutality is a major crisis throughout the world along with racism that needs to be recognized and controlled in order to have a successful ...
The environment is an important part of our country.
This letter is to inform the next president about what problems there are in society -equal pay for women
Global warming (along with other things) is changing the world - for the worse. Here are some reasons why it is happening and how we can help stop ...
This letter is on the topic of police brutality, and the killing of our families. This is America and i don't feel safe when i should. So Mr/Mrs. P...
8% of the citizen of U.S. are born by immigrants parent
Let's apply some laws to keep our country with the least affects on the active global warming.
Global Warming is a big issue to our environment, health, and animals.
Immigration is an important problem to me because I don't like the way that immigrants are getting discriminated do to the reason that they come in...
Though too often ignored by the problematic eye of today’s society, climate change and the growing heat of the earth is the most threatening issue...
The Discrimination affecting our country needs to be discussed so that an action plan to combat discrimination can be establisheed.
This letter address how Green Roofs can help improve our environment.
This is about what I think the world has come to. And how we are not treating everyone equally and what we should do about it.
The United States isn't very united.
Current issues about Racism.
Pollution is destructive , because it creates numerous types of water pollution and also lead to poor air quality affecting people's health.
From shootings, to the legalization of same sex marriage, to the barricading of this community's happiness and more, the LGBT+ Community does not g...
Women around the world deserve equality.
The issue I would like to address is educational inequalities also known as educational segregation. Educational segregation needs to be addressed ...
Disabilities aren't recognized enough and aren't receiving proper accommodations and care.
The gender pay gap is a big problem. Women are getting paid less than men. Although this problem is getting better, it is not good enough. Everyon...
There are many problems facing our world today, and we are solving them to the best of our ability. But we also need to focus on the problems we wi...
Why the black lives matter movement is important and should be recognized more.
Global warming is real and affects our lives.
Students with visa's who have spent a major part of their educational lives in America, should be treated equally when it comes to paying for colle...
Reasons why President should make environmental protection important and more involved in our community.
This letter talks about the problems with Police Racism.
The United States still has a long way to go in order to reach complete equality
Basically, my letter is about the fact that police and the authorities are treating the Black community really bad. They don’t support them, and wh...
Climate change is threatening the human race and the entire planet, but nobody seems to care. When will we start taking climate change seriously?
Global warming is issue that effects us, animals, and the environment. We are the ones who started global warming so we must the be the ones to end...
Small steps can make a big impact.
People all around the world are discriminated against for their sexuality, ethnicity, religion and all sorts of differences.
Police get a bad reputation because of the media. They put a video for example and make the cop look bad and people think that's all cops are -bad....
Large amounts of a natural chemical known as Chromium -6 is being found in our tap water.
Imagine you were in a situation where you didn't have any money. You're a teenager with no money and u were pregnant. What would you do? Sometimes ...
Air pollution effects all living things. It's not getting better, and we need to do something about it.
A letter typed for the next president about three examples of equality. Spread the love for the world.
Teachers are underappreciated, and underpaid. Many teachers have complained and even left the profession.
Everyone should have equal human rights like anyone else in the U.S.
Problems being caused by global warming and the call to use more renewable resources.
Basic human rights have been denied to too many people for too long.
Why Fossil Fuels Are Underrated
Racism is ruining the feeling of equality in the USA.
Abortion is wrong in so many ways, not all of them can be named.
I thought the United States of America was for "liberty and justice for all"?
Climate change, as well as other environmental issues, need to be solved for ourselves and for the future by educating people about their impact on...
Pollution makes our beautiful environment an unsafe place for all the people and animals.
My letter explains how we, as a society, are contributing to climate change and provides solutions as to how we can reduce our carbon footprint.
Using pacifist methods to stop an ever growing problem.
It's time that we work together to fix an issue that is long overdue. And act like adults while we do it, please.
I believe we should stop using so much energy to stop global warming and many other things.
Wage Gap
The importance of fairness and equality between racial groups in America
This is an urgent topic that is affecting us everyday and we need to stop it.
The First Amendment is arguably one of the most important amendments in the Constitution. This is not only because it guarantees our right to free ...
Global warming and energy use are incredibly important and pressing issues that must be addressed, but there is more to the problem of protecting n...
The polar bears are dying. We must defend their future.
Pollution is escalating at an alarming rate and is killing the Earth. More action needs to be taken to reduce pollution.
Healthcare should be a right, not a luxury.
The wolves of our world are in need of help. There are not many left, and they have been on the brink of extinction for decades.
Developed countries need to help combat climate change before it is too late.
Do you think that affirmative action is right?
Women in society are fighting for their rights and how can you help this cause?
This is an article about how students of different race get punished worse than white students in school.
Coral is dying- why we should care, and how we can help.
my thoughts on environmental issues
Syrians are being tortured, and we can save them. If we only let the refugees into our country, and provide them with necessities such as food and ...
Women, not only overseas, but in the US experience gender prejudice on a daily basis. Read here to learn about some of the hardships that women in ...
The US needs to evaluate and change rape culture.