In this letter I write about police brutality, the Black Lives Matter movement, and racial inequality towards black americans. I provide solutions ...
Homeless people around my community is increasing and over crowding the streets.
Stop racial discrimination.
Although some may believe that racism and oppression is old news, but we still face racism every day, and we still see it everywhere.
This year, there have been many concerns about police using excessive force with guns. I will be addressing the problems we face today as well as h...
Gun control is a very important topic right now
Some people are contradicting the movement Black Lives Matter with "All lives matter" which is not the issue at hand.
Healthcare should be a right, not a luxury.
People of all types deserve Equal rights
Racial inequality is a problem that needs resolving in America. We can't have a country that is plagued with this especially while we are going thr...
Dear Future President, My name is Siena, and I live in San Jose, CA. I am writing you because America is having a lot of trouble with black liv...
In this letter, I will be discussing the injustices against young Black men that are being killed on a daily basis.
Girls are being judged on their clothing too harshly now a days.
Requirements for becoming a police officer include the minimum of a high school diploma or a GED. With recent police brutality cases and the Black ...
Dear next president, the african-american race receives unfair punishments and racism today, it is causing many protests and even violent demonstra...
If we all come together as one then Black lives matter will no longer become an issue.
According to the Huffington Post, at least 194 African American lives were taken at the hands of police officers so far this year. ALL Lives Matter.
People shouldn’t be killed or treated differently because of the color of their skin.
There should be more federal funding toward the arts, especially for low income and minority communities. Arts integration has the power to encoura...
"So, what will you do to make sure that they don’t end up being another hashtag?"
It's time to stand up and treat each other equally.
Students with visa's who have spent a major part of their educational lives in America, should be treated equally when it comes to paying for colle...
This letter challenges the future president to break down gender barriers, and to help women in their journey for equality.
My letter is to the President of the U.S about immigration. I think that illegal immigrants are fine and America needs them. They are the people wh...
Music programs in high schools should be given the same amount of money given to "important" sports.
There are many issues in our country but the root of almost all of then is racism. An you need to stop acting like its nothing because...
Racial Discrimination has deeply impacted America for years and it has come back. Lives are being hurt and we need to solve this before it gets the...
Police Brutality is a problem and no one is trying to stop it
I am a high school student from California. From my perspective, one of the most important issues in the next presidential election is black lives ...
" No matter your social status or how powerful you feel you are, we are all equal. We came here by birth and will leave in death."
Immigration is a good thing for America. America's immigrants help its economy. Undocumented people bring different cultures to America and America...
In America today one of the most common ways of death is firearms related incidents. This letter addresses what I believe to be a solution and at t...
Police Brutality and Racial Inequality must be stopped.
It needs to be more equal and fair
What are you going to do about immigration?
Child labor is an issue that many people look past, and forget about. It is more important than many realize and must be dealt with by Congress imm...
A letter to the future president about racial inequality against people of color.
It doesn't matter what you look like or who you like, every deserves equal rights
Your racist and sexist policies will have negative consequences and need plenty of revision.
It's about crooked cops and how most of us see the killings yet we don't take action.
We are concerned with the lack of girls and minority boys entering STEM careers. We think that schools, parents, and the government should work to ...
Do you wonder how you can help the homeless in America? There are plenty of ways you can help the homeless. Here are some of them and some reasons ...
Who are Americans?
Racism will remain the biggest issue in this country until we are all clear on how serious the situation is.
Though we claim to be a progressive country especially in our treatment of women, we are one of the few countries in the world that does not mandat...
Letter to the next president about equality issues in America.
The mandatory minimum prison sentencing is unfair for people who have done minor crimes and it needs to be changed.
Our minds should be focused on education not profits for test companies
We are currently facing many problems in our country, but it's not entirely our fault. We need someone that can stand up for us and lead the way.
Racial Inequality is a big problem around the U.S and should be controlled.
Dear Next President, racial inequality is still a prevalent issue in U.S. society. Racial discrimination is not just limited to social settings but...
The importance of fairness and equality between racial groups in America
All people should be treated the same regardless of their sexuality.
My community has been affected by gun violence. Recently there has been two lives taken last month.
A video about racial discrimination.
Equal rights for women will unite and help advance the United States, as well as set examples for other countries who face similar challenges.
This issue is on racism. Racism is a big issue here in the U.S. and it needs to be resolved. This video give a lot of information on the issue that...
LGBT people deserve the right to be who they are. Without being worried or discriminated against.
This is talking about the good and bad about the subject of Black Lives Matter.
This letter talks about Black Lives Matter and my opinion on what I think of the whole situation.
A reflection on the in justifications of girls everyday
I want you all who ever reads this to focus on black lives matter because many black people are getting killed for no reason by the police.
I have multiple issues about making sure everyone having equal rights in America.
My letter is based around the Black lives matter group, it is based off of the idea that people think one ethnicity matters more than the others. I...
One of the biggest controversies in America is Immigration and how it should be handled. Legal Immigration truly defines our country and makes us t...
My viewpoint on equal pay for all American women and men.
The American justice system should be restructured to prioritize crimes in order of seriousness, and have pre-determined jail times for each crime.
Our police force has been viewed as corrupt and racist to many. Social media, news outlets, and statistics all show what some officers have done to...
Dear Future President, America is a nation full of individuals who feel like the government doesn’t do their jobs. Unfortunately, when these peop...
Police Brutality is dividing us socially, economically, and ideologically. How can foreign affairs be more important than domestic affairs right on...
We should stop Police Brutality because it's really bad for our Communities and the U.S.A
Women, not only overseas, but in the US experience gender prejudice on a daily basis. Read here to learn about some of the hardships that women in ...
Feminism is important in the world today because women are still not treated with equality. There is a wage gap preventing women from earning as mu...
It simply phases that ever since slavery ended, black folk are getting hurt by the way they look.
Equality has been an issue forever, and it's time to change that for the better of all in the US and everywhere else.
How does a movement about injustice against black people affect everyone in the nation?
Women should possess basic rights such as the right to choose and the right to equal pay. Giving rights to women is giving protection to women, som...
People of the LGBT community deserve to be treated like humans and deserve equal rights.
Do You Think Your American Soldiers Are Financially Stable?
Police Brutality/Black Lives Matter and Gun Control are major problems throughout the U.S. and something needs to change.
Summary: I was raised to believe in two things: that everyone is equal and as such everyone should be treated with respect. I am worried to see how...
College Tuitions are too high for the low-income students.
Those who may not be the most politically or financially in your campaign due to poverty are the ones who need your help and advocacy the most.
From 2015 to 2016, hundreds of African Americans have been shot and killed by police officers. Approximately 25% of those victims were unarmed.
Police officers only have to have a high school diploma to get a gun and a badge. Is that really safe? The media says it is not, and studies have s...
Women's Equal Rights
When is the hatred going to stop
Just a discussion on crime in America, some suggestions to combat increasing crime rates, and making America secure and safe.
Not saying that all lives don't matter but right now black people are getting killed and we need help to end the killings of innocent people."i'm g...
This letter is about how stereotypes affect us and how to get rid of them.
How Title IX unintentionally hurts the less popular men's sports programs.
Racism is a large problem in todays society.
Women aren’t being treated equally. Gay and lesbians are committing suicide from bad treatment.
74% of transgender teens have reported being sexually harassed and 84% of LGBT teens have been verbally harassed.
People In the U.S think its okay to take away black lives . These are my reasons why Black people should be treated as anyone else in this world.
The effects of mass incarceration in my neighborhood.
Racism in the criminal justice system is flipping a system meant to protect our citizens. It's creating an unsafe environment for entire races of p...
Many Americans fear Muslims as terrorists, but the real terror is what's happened to Muslims living in America.
This letter is talking about how "#Black Lives Matter", and how the community is getting affected by this. Not just black lives matter, all l...
Allowing women into combat is something we need to achieve to get closer to equality between the genders.