Illegal Immigration is a big problem.
Deportation is bad for everybody. It is bad for immigrants because they're being separated from their families and it is bad for America because we...
Immigrants' lives matter too. Immigrants are people too.
What do you believe Future President?
Immigration is seen as an issue,but why? Shouldn't people be more understanding to the immigrants?The United States is made up of immigrants from a...
People should get a taste of freedom.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants stay in the U.S
I think that illegal immigrants should be taken out of our country as well as using better screening to keep terrorists out.
You must put an end to deportation of immigrants.
Most immigrants try to cross the border and they die trying, leaving their family and dreams behind.
I believe that immigration is a big racism problem in america.
Immigration law should be such that illegal immigrants who, and only who, have committed felonious crimes are deported.
Immigrants should be let into the U.S. Regardless of religion or coming illegally.
This is my view on immigration and what I think should be done in order to keep it under control.
Building a wall and isolating the US from other countries could be catastrophic for the well being of our country.
Many people in the United States have been wanting to enter the United States for a long time. Many of these refugees want to enter the U.S. are wa...
I think that the president should allow immigrants who are here illegally to become U.S. citizens.
We need a balanced approach to the immigration process.
This letter is about what immigrants want to be in The United States. Immigrants are running from their countries because they want the best for t...
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become U.S.citizens.
The good and bad of immigration
My letter discusses the issues with both Republican Candidate Donald Trump and Democrat Candidate Secretary Hillary Clinton, immigration reform pla...
My letter is focused on the issue of immigration in the U.S. and how I think that you should address this issue.
Children are coming to United States because in their own country they are suffering violence; they need receive help to get a better a life and a ...
We need to have stronger security regarding the laws of legal and illegal immigration, not anything concerning an immigrant's life.
Immigrants should have the right to be legalized
There are many different sides to the issue of illegal immigration and they all have some truth to them, but they focus on only one aspect of illeg...
my topic is about Isis and how we should deal with them and enforce the immigration.
We are proud to be Americans, proud to promote our ideas and values to every corner of the globe. Yet, so many of us believe that we are entitled t...
Hypothetical letter to President Hillary Clinton regarding Latino immigration legislation if Clinton were to win the presidential election.
Immigrants should not get deported.
Immigrants should be legalized and have equal rights as U.S. citizens.
I believe that immigration should be allowed in the U.S.A.
Once upon a time, weren't we immigrants too?
This talks about immigration and police brutality
Illegal immigration is a threat to our national security and the safety of our country’s citizens.
My views on immigration.
Immigrants need papers.
Thank you for the opportunity to write you! I am currently in the 6th grade, attending Magnolia Science Academy 8 in Bell, California. I am writing...
Illegal or legal, immigrants are part of the future of America. Give us a chance to contribute to the future.
You may not realize but there are 11.7 million people that reside in the United States illegally. I believe its wrong! Read more to find out my opi...
In this paper I will inform you on how big of a deal illegal immigration is and what you need to do to change it.
Immigration poses a risk to Americans
My perspective on immigration laws
Protect our children by ending Immigration Deportation
In this essay I chose to address issues on Immigration and Climate change for the new President of 2016
America needs to fix issues within the country before focusing on those who try to enter. By changing America's structure and fortifying, it can le...
In my letter to you, I would like to explain the problems we have with immigrants who come over the border when they are not supposed to. They are ...
Immigrants need help with getting a better life.
The Reality of Immigration
Start thinking about you and your family. By doing something good, don’t expect to be paid same way back.
In our country we need a better border to protect the citizens of the United States of America
Children at the border need help
Immigration and overpopulation is a major issue in our country in that needs a solution.
Do you want a job when you're older? Your kids to be safe? A house to raise your family in? With Illegal Immigration some of these things may not b...
Keep undocumented immigrants in the US
Our nation is in a great amount of debt and have immigrants illegally living within our borders. Putting a stop to these problems could possibly be...
Muslim people are most likely to get stereotyped and bullied. They get judged by the way they look. Muslims want everyone to have empathy so they c...
Our nation should not discriminate!
This is about immigration issues in the United States.
Immigrants should be allowed to live in a place where many of us call it home. It's time to put yourself in our shoes.
A problem that is happening now and cannot stop and we need to do something about it :)
How people travel over the world.
Immigrants are important in America
There are many immigrant children who at a young age are living without their family because their parents are undocumented immigrants. It affects ...
I think that the president should allow illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S.
There is no reason americans should have there rights taken by criminals who come in illegally.
All illegal immigrants deserve the same opportunities as American Citizens and should not be discriminated because of their race.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants became U.S.citizens
My ideas on the controversial topic of immigration in the U.S.
This letter is about immigrants moving to the U.S. who doesn't have their citizenship.
The plaque at the base of the statue of Liberty states "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched r...
The U.S. is far from perfect when it comes to immigration policy.
Immigration is a problem and it needs to be solved.
Immigrants are a big part of today's life. Immigrants do a lot to help out this country and everyone else just takes advantage of them. They are he...
I feel like immigration is bad for our country and is not fair to the American people.
A letter to the future president addressing concerns with immigration.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become US. citizens.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become U.S citizens.
Letter to the future president- Government assignment.
You may believe in gun control. You may believe in the right to bear arms. There is a way we can have both.
Illegal immigration to the United States is a crime that needs to be ended because the jobs, health, and safety of Americans is at risk.
Many children are emigrating from their countries to U.S because they are suffering.
Immigration is going too far and something must be done about it soon.
some people don`t deserve to be deported?
Illegal Immigration
Recent developments in discrimination and nativism challenge some of the constitutional standards of our republic. In searching for a remedy, we mu...
Immigration is causing a lot of problems for our country.
The recent problem in immigration in the United States is rising fast. As for this, it’s causing many questions that need answers. The rise in the ...
Immigration is a big problem in the U.S today. Even though people are in the US illegally, they should be treated as humans.
This nation of immigrants is plagued by an epidemic.
A letter on our population
A letter to the next president about the issue if immigration and illegals in the United States.
immigrants are not bad ...
There are many young undocumented immigrants that are leaving their own countries because their country doesn't offer a good future, and also repr...
This is my letter on the issue on Immigration