Save our furry friends
Poaching is growing in the world, and millions of animals are dying. If poaching isn't stopped, animals will go exctict.
My thoughts on factory farms
Animal Cruelty
Poor animals are suffering for our shampoo and lotion. Animal testing can be prevented.
Humans have caused many problems to this day, animal cruelty is one of them.
As you read this another innocent animal is being abused. Help animal activists unite as one, they won't stop 'til the war is won!
Factory farming is a cruel and inhumane issue that needs to be stopped. These slaughterhouse workers treat these animals in a way that just seams i...
Many animals face a harsh reality of abuse, mutilation, and unhealthy living conditions for the simple pleasure of human consumption.
What can we do to reduce pet homelessness
People everywhere have pets, but some, not for the reason you would think.
We need to stop testing on animals!
Global warming (along with other things) is changing the world - for the worse. Here are some reasons why it is happening and how we can help stop ...
About 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters in the U.S. every year, and 2.7 million of them are euthanized.
Many of animals are suffering from being tested on for our needs. A stop needs to come to the abuse given to animals.
This letter is about how their is too much animal abuse happening in this world.
Cut loose the animal abuse.
This letter will show the hard facts about how many healthy animals are put down at animal shelters due to pet overpopulation, overcrowding and lac...
My essay talks about the abuse animals face daily.
Animal abuse is a deadly action that can change an animals life permanently.
Puppy mills only enforce suffering on young animals who are nothing but kind and pure. These are places under such horrible conditions and should b...
Do you ever see people begging for money and food, with their family or animals on the street? I do all the time. My goal is to make Shelters easie...
Stop animal abuse and mistreatment in the U.S.
Animal abuse is a big problem that needs to be resolved.
I think we all need to help all animals and try to stop animal abuse.
Some farm animals right here in America suffer from abuse and unsanitary conditions.
Zoos are cruel and unfair to animals and America needs to put a stop to them.
Many dogs are getting abuse because of the people that do not treat them good like they supposed to
My letter is about people over emphasizing animal cruelty.
Global warming is real and affects our lives.
Animals are being beaten, starved, and abused daily.
We need to work together to help prevent tigers from going extinct.
Animal cruelty is the wrong path to go, we need to teach the people that are on that path to choose the right path. Animal cruelty is a major probl...
Animal cruelty and captivity is a serious issue.
We should be doing more to stop animal abuse
My letter is about animals getting hurt and killed every day
More than one million animals die due to animal cruelty each year. This needs to stop.
Animal abuse needs to stop because 1.2 million dogs and 1.4 million cats are dead each year because of animals abuse. So animal abuse needs to sto...
There is no excuse for animal abuse. Millions of animals get abused everyday, and since they don't have their own voice we have to be theirs and wi...
Animal cruelty is a problem because animals are getting hurt each year due to people abusing and mistreating them for no reason.
There should be stricter laws to protect animals involved in animal testing. Although the testing may benefit humans they should not be harmed in t...
Innocent animals are taken out of their homes and get brutally beaten, tested on, and are thought of as lesser beings why?
Have you ever wondered how an animal feels to get abused
Now that humans have evolved to go way beyond hunting animals for food and clothing, we need to consider how to treat animals with care and respect.
I think that animal abuse is not okay because people are killing dogs by dog fighting because there are a lot of dogs with strong teeth.
Why I believe animals deserve to have rights.
Do you wonder why people care about the well-being of animals, do you want to raise awareness of domestic violence or gun violence, or do you want ...
Puppy mills are unhealthy and inhumane please help stop puppy mills all puppy's deserve a good home.
The number of endangered animals has been increasing dramatically in the past decade and we are to blame.
Animal abuse
I wrote a letter to the next president regarding animal cruelty in out nation.
Dear Future President...
This an essay over alternatives to animal testing.
In this letter to the Next President I inform you of the importance of cruelty and endangerment towards animal victims
Animal cruelty is out of control people need to take a stand and stop this issue.
Many animals are abused and they deserve better lives. So raise your paw against animal abuse!
Animal abuse is a serious issue in our country. Lets put an end to it.
I think there should be a longer sentence for people who abuse animals.
Animals should have the same rights as humans, they should have the same rights because they can think for themselves and can make their own decis...
Animals shouldn't be in captivity. Instead they should be in their natural environment and not locked behind glass or bars.
Animals are intelligent but can't take care of themselves so we have to help.
Addressing what animal abuse is and how a lot of animals die from animal abuse every year. Then explain how we can minimize the number of animal de...
My letter is about how bad animals are treated around the world by puppy mills and animal testing.
Animal cruelty needs to stop its harming our population. A lot of species are dying because of animal cruelty.
Animal abuse through forcibly keeping pets needs to be stopped.
Cosmetic animal testing is cruel and wrong.
America needs to put a stop to all animal testing because it is cruel and inhumane.
Animal abuse is a serious and sad issue that needs to stop. Animal are being killed and hurt for no reason, it is not right. It needs to be put to ...
Why is animal abuse so important and what should our country do to start helping this issue. Animal abuse and animal testing are both in the catego...
Something needs to be done about animal abuse. In the following letter are suggestions of solutions.
Animals have nothing to do with our everyday products, right?
There are a lot of issues surrounding animal treatment. We need to fix issues like animal testing and dog fighting.
dog fights are brutal and around 20,000 dogs are killed in them so they need to stop
Global Warming is an important issue that needs to be addressed. If we continue to let pollution affect the environment then there will be serious ...
Domestic animals go through so much abuse everyday throughout the country.
I think we should use technology to stop animal testing.
This letter is about dog fighting in america.
Tail Docking For Cows
We need to start saving animals now before it's too late.
I believe that animal abuse is a big issue and that it needs to be dealt with.
Animal abuse is a big part of the U.S. today. We need to do something to stop it.
This is about animals that aren't getting the care and respect they deserve. I suggest that there be programs where you can donate old dog or cat b...
How the meat industry is negatively effecting the world.
I am a 9th grader at Northview High School. I am writing about animal abuse and poaching and why it's an issue.
Our nation has a serious problem, and it needs your help. Address animal abuse.
Animal testing is a terrible act and must stop.
Speak Up For Those Who Cannot Speak For Themselves: Stop Animal Abuse!
The dog pounds so wrong things with dogs!
Animal Cruelty is a problem i think is important.
We can help save many animals
Animal cruelty is a big issue all over the world
Animal cruelty is happens everyday, killing many innocent animals.
This letter is going to be about pet owners that own a pet and abuse them every day, this letter is going to prove that animal abuse is wrong.
I ask you to take some time and try to understand that animal abuse is wrong and should be taken care of.
The polar bears are dying. We must defend their future.
Every year 100 million animals are killed in labs.
We need to put a stop to animal abuse. :)
Animal abandonment is only one of the many reasons why beloved companions in the U.S. die each year. It's time we considered the non-human civilian...
China has a law that requires cosmetics to be tested on animals before it can be sold there. Petco and Petsmart are brutally freezing alive and po...
Animal abuse is not taken as a serious problem and is not being dealt with as it should.