In this letter, I want the community to know the problem with homelessness. Every night there is a homeless person sleeping at a bus stop, in a ten...
More than 564,708 people are homeless today many people are suffering and cold and have no home. They are suffering to death and some have disabili...
I want people to see the truth of who the homeless are because they need help to offer to place to live
Poverty is loss of education, nutrition, house, clothing and work.
There are thousands of homeless across the United States living in poverty. We, the citizens of the US, must take action and work to build more she...
Homelessness and poverty are some of the biggest problems in America right now. 564,708 people are homeless today in America which is an insane amo...
World wide hunger is becoming more of a problem as Earth develops and improves. Two main issues for hunger are poverty along with food prices. St...
My opinion on important aspects of what need to be considered when given the position of presidency.
Animals that have done nothing wrong are being abused. We need to stop all kinds of animal cruelty.
World Hunger affects millions of people. With a little help from us, we can put an end to our dilemma.
There are Millions of people in poverty with no food, water, or shelter. Something should be done about that to help others lives.
The nation needs to help the poverty of people together and we can have an beautiful community
There are billion of people in poverty that don't have food,home.
Animal cruelty is out of control people need to take a stand and stop this issue.
"Anyone who has ever struggled with poverty knows how extremely expensive it is to be poor" - James Baldwin
We must do something to prevent the number of homeless that is increasing.
This is America. We aren't the bystanders.
Homeless people around my community is increasing and over crowding the streets.
Why are people homeless? The causes can vary widely, but the heartache in each person’s story is the same. Painful life circumstances, and sometime...
An alarming amount of food is being wasted, at the same time that millions of Americans are struggling to put food on the table.
stop animal abuse
There is an astounding amount of people stuck on the streets of cities, under bridges, starving and sick, spending the money they panhandle on drug...
I’m a fifteen year old student who lives in California and there are a few problems I would like to address that must be resolved. These problems a...
An article on the negative effects of immigration in America.
I think that animal abuse is not okay because people are killing dogs by dog fighting because there are a lot of dogs with strong teeth.
The next president should make college prices cheaper
In the year 2015 564,708 people were homeless in the United States. And, part of that number 206,286 were families, which is a huge number and it n...
Animal abuse is a problem, we can not get rid of it but we can minimize it. All animals doesn't matter their size are getting abused or aren't get...
Homelessness is an extremely prevalent issue that will only continue to grow if not addressed immediately.
Our country must solve the issue regarding the many veterans who have defended our country that are left without the homes and support they deserve.
The solution for animal abuse in research facilities should not be to end animal research, a valuable component of medical research, but to increas...
Those who may not be the most politically or financially in your campaign due to poverty are the ones who need your help and advocacy the most.
Thousands of Americans struggle with not having a home. This should be dealt with more efficiently.
Why keep letting these things happen when we have a voice, and we can make a difference? You can help too.
Stop Homelessness today!!!!
Possible solutions to solving the mass amounts of homeless through America.
The statistics on homelessness and why it should be funded by either the government or by local people and buisnesses
The homeless population has been increasing day by day becoming a concern for our safety and well-being.
Native American families living in poverty.
Animal Cruelty needs to stop now, animals are being abused for an unknown reason and they are dying from hunger and some not good care from their p...
Homelessness is an issue and it needs to stop in America.
My letter is about animals getting hurt and killed every day
I think that homelessness is a big issue that people choose not to focus on because if you look around you in the streets you are likely to see a h...
End the practice of animal captivity for entertainment.
Humans have caused many problems to this day, animal cruelty is one of them.
Rather than trying to stop the aftereffects of the homeless problem, we should be addressing the root of the problem itself.
The Favelas are Shanty towns located in Brazil.
Are you okay with families being separated because of deportation?
There are human rights everyone is born with, yet many people live their lives without them because of the color of their skin. Everyone deserves t...
Dear Future President, I am writing this letter because I believe that homeless animals should be treated equally just like everybody else.T...
Gun Control. There are many problems out there and gun control is one of them many people are dying and homicide rates are getting higher and higher.
The government is doing a fine job at making sure the rich people are getting richer, but what are they doing for those who do not have a lot of mo...
People everywhere have pets, but some, not for the reason you would think.
Animals deserve to be respected such as humans.
Putting an end to an atrocious practice.
Dear Future President, You as the President have to be empathetic and can't fear change. You have to be willing to compromise, bot not when it's...
Today many kids are being abused . Kids are getting taken advantage of and silenced by fear.
A collaborative spoken word piece by Shyrese Smith, Amiyo Cloares, Islambek Dzhabarov and Klaine Justo. (Please turn your audio on).
Just how long should an animal stay in captivity? And should humans be allowed to use wild animals for entertainment purposes?
Animals rights should be respected and accepted because they are living breathing creatures like us why is it okay to kill them!
People who served us now don't have shelter!
Homelessness is an important issue that defines our nation and we should take this situation into consideration.
how to prevent and solve poverty.
We need to work together to help prevent tigers from going extinct.
There are way to many people that do not have a home and we need to fix that.
Homelessness is a very important issue that has gone on for many years. Many lives have ended early because of the causes of homelessness, and the ...
Help improve my community; we can't do nothing.
The false perceptions on immigration.
Are you worried knowing that their is people out their that live in poverty? Here is how you can change that and why you should.
Gun control is a very important topic right now
Why are homeless people treated so badly, We are all human and should be treated equally.
There is no reason that we can not help solve poverty and homelessness.
Sometimes the world may not be as perfect as it seems.
Every year 100 million animals are killed in labs.
Animals are dying everyday to our human ways. They then soon die off from the world. We need to stop this before we kill ourselves, let's save the ...
Taking away unnecessary structures and replacing them with low-income housing is a great starting point, at an attempt of offering help to the home...
We have to help the homeless.
Over the years I have noticed that areas where people don't have a lot of money are pushed to the side and not taken care of and the areas that are...
Why puppy mills are bad how they affect our pets.
This is about how animal abuse is bad and ways we as a team can fix it or you as the president can.
America needs to put a stop to all animal testing because it is cruel and inhumane.
Preventing abuse of animals in homes
About 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters in the U.S. every year, and 2.7 million of them are euthanized.
As homeless continues to rise as a concern in America, us willing to take a stand and help must take action now.
Innocent animals are taken out of their homes and get brutally beaten, tested on, and are thought of as lesser beings why?
This text describes what extreme poverty contributes to people’s daily lives.
So many animals in this world get abused. We are supposed to get animals for companionship, not to abuse, hurt, or kill. Animals haven't done anyt...
“We have moved away from studying human disease in humans. … We all drank the Kool-Aid on that one, me included. … The problem is that [animal test...
There is a lot of homeless people in the world. Can the next president help the homeless?
Animal overpopulation is an issue that not a lot of people know about, but it should be addressed and helped.
...I am forced to conform to my birth-assigned gender ...I don't want to face rejection ...I need representation of the LGBT+ community.
Homelessness needs to Stop now here are are some solution to this problem.
Anti-abortion is a problem in America because the pro-life argument is not valid. The pro-life argument would cause many problems we can avoid by n...
Stop animal abuse and mistreatment in the U.S.
"In America, just over 16 million children live in households where they have to skip meals or eat less to make ends meet."
LGBT people deserve the right to be who they are. Without being worried or discriminated against.
Homelessness is a big problem that not many talk about. It causes spread of diseases and mental problems in the homeless people's minds. The workin...
This letter is about stopping animal abuse and making a change to help them stay happy and healthy.
Why I think you're unfit to be president.
Poverty needs to addressed as it affects not only adults but children as well.