Why are the men in our country making decisions that will only affect the women?
Women deserve the freedom to make their own decisions concerning their bodies.
Murder should be looked at more closely and be watched more
A letter to the next President asking for equality, respect and hope for the future.
Why abortion should be legal
Abortion in the US is a growing issue that needs to be addressed.
Why should a dead body have more rights than a pregnant woman?
bye bye abortion
Many personal choices such as Abortion and Same-Sex marriage, have a controversial title, but its up to us to put an end to that.
Abortion should be abolished.
Abortion should be illegal
Guns are bad. Get rid of guns.
Abortion should be illegal because of all of the harmful effects on women, families, and babies.
Abortion should be banned.
Abortion is the biggest issue facing the nation. Women should have a choice in what to do with their bodies.
I thought America was supposed to be fair and equal. Why do women get to have an abortion, but when a man kills a pregnant woman, he gets twice the...
Controversy!! Whew!!
I am the pro-life generation. We can end this mass infanticide of we work together.
Abortion is legal and should stay legal
There are many reasons the abortion laws should be changed.
So many people have been killed by police on and off duty, while police are faced with little to no punishment.
A thirteen-year-old Mexican girl was raped by her uncle and was refused an abortion. Abortions are illegal in Mexico unless someone is raped. ...
Abortion should stay legal
Abortion should be made illegal for a number of reasons. Abortion is considered murder,effects us internationally and individually.
Human life begins at conception, therefore the unborn have rights that are undeniable.
Teenage pregnancy is a dilemma that many teen moms don't know how to handle.
Abortion is affecting millions of young woman and girls, but listening to society, isn't always the best option.
Abortion laws should be changed for the better and not be allowed to harm an innocent child.
The idea of abortion is morally wrong and should be replaced with a better alternative.
The baby shouldn't have to suffer for the mother and the fathers careless mistakes.
Some women go through an abortion either because they do not have their own life together, or they do not have the money to support that child or...
Abortion should be available to women, while partial birth should not be.
Abortion is not okay it is first degree murder. You say its your body but the baby growing inside of you has it'sown body and has a future that are...
Abortion and women's rights is one of the most controversial topics right now. Defunding abortion clinics and shutting them down would be like taki...
Describing ideas against abortion. Future of America, life is great, and responsibility.
Abortion is a woman's choice and their fundamental right.
What's wrong with abortion and birth control laws.
My goal in this letter is to announce my reasons on why I personally think that abortion is a cruel thing to do and shouldn't be legal.
Not your body? Not your choice.
The United States of America needs to find a compromise for the issue of abortion.
Abortion is one of the worlds most difficult subjects. The world needs to start being educated on the facts about abortion.
Abortion is a serious problem, even criminal. It needs to come to an end.
The people who are for abortion are already born.
Women should have the right to abort their pregnancy, it's not your choice but theirs.
Planned Parenthood shouldn’t be defunded or neglected for the sake of women's rights, health, and personal medical decisions in the United States.
Is abortion a problem in the US? If so, what are the causes? How can it be stopped? Should it even be stopped?
My letter will be discussing a very heated topic right now in politics. There needs to be something done about this horrific procedure.
Women should have the right to receive an abortion because it is their body and they know what is best for themselves and their baby. But many othe...
Abortion is not ok because it's murder of a child, who has the potential to change our world.
This essay is about abortion. Abortion is a very heavily discussed topic. I believe abortion is wrong and should be illegal.
Abortion should be kept legal since women should be given the choice of what they want to do.
Fund Planned Parenthood: Women should be able to make decisions about their own bodies.
The following letter is about keeping abortion legal and why it should stay legal. It addresses some concerns about abortion as well. It then gives...
Abortion isn't murder; abortion can save a life.
Abortion can prevent lives of misery all over the nation
Life is a right that everyone deserves, let us protect that right.
A letter about why Planned Parenthood should NOT be defunded.
Christians do not have religous equality in America and worldwide.
Abortions should be pro-choice!
Every woman should have access to abortion.
This letter is specifically about murder.
Abortion is a decision that should be left to the individual, not the government.
Abortion should not be legal in America babies deserve to be born.
Abortion is wrong in so many ways, not all of them can be named.
This article is about how I believe that individuals should be educated more on abortion.
Abortion is a real problem
Our nation is corrupt and divided. When it comes to social issues, we become even more separated from one another. We are in need of a change that...
Why I believe Abortion is a major problem
There are many reasons why the abortion laws should be reviewed and adjusted.
Abortions should remain legal and given as an option because every woman and every pregnancy is different.
Let's Bring An End To Abortion
What Abortion means to me and how it can affect women,that do this.
Our letter is focused on how many pregnancies are terminated
How abortion should be left out of government.
I would like to tell you about abortion.
Adoption is a viable alternative to abortion
Restricting abortions would only make sense in a perfect universe, where every child gets their share of necessities and emotional support. We know...
Abortion is a decision that should be allowed for all women.
This letter is my stance on why abortion should remain legal
Abortion is murder. Babies and fetuses are also human, treat them like it.
My letter is about making abortion illegal again, in order to help out those children who deserve to live.
My name is Avery and I am a freshman in high school. I believe in pro-choice and I think that the mother should have the right to chose whether she...
STOPPING ABORTION will be the next things on their list to do.
Feminists may say that abortion must be legal in order to respect women's rights. However, if all women were fully educated on the harm the proced...
Should we continue to allow abortion in our country, or should we completely invade women's privacy and take away their choice and constitutional r...
No one should take away a women's right to choose.
Women should be in control of their own bodies--not the government.
This is my letter regarding the Pro-Life/Pro-Choice debate.
My letter highlights the moral and legal issues involving banning abortion in the United States.
We need to put an end to Abortion, Isis, "race war", and Illegal Immigration!
No human life should be taken.
Each year, thousands of women are dying from unsafe abortion procedures. More deaths can be prevented if women are educated on the risks and safer ...
Some of my thoughts from the perspective of a junior in high school on immigration and abortion laws.