Abortion is the murder of innocent humans and needs to be stopped
Abortions take place all over the world. There are many safe abortion clinics in the United States, but there are some people who wish to take thos...
Abortion is an issue that is killing innocent lives and negatively affecting our women.
I think that we need to examine these questions and discuss them before we start making laws and other suggestions with the subject of abortion and...
It is long past time that we correct the issue of gender inequality in America.
This is my letter.
My opinion on abstinence, abortion, and adoption.
Abortion should stay legal
There is always another option.
Police Brutality has risen in the past decade; whats going on?
Abortion is not ideal nor the most accepted practice; however, there are many reasons to give women the right to choose.
This letter is to the future president of the United States on the issue of abortion in our country.
Why abortion should be illegal.
This essay is on pro-choice abortion and how religion and government can affect peoples choices on weather or not to get an abortion.
My thoughts on abortion and why it should be illegal with very few exceptions.
Crime rates in America are way too high. Something needs to be done–its not going be easy though.
It is hard to believe why many Americans believe in pro-choice values.
Every girl should have control of her past, present and future.
Why we have abortion and why I disagree.
I believe that life starts at conception. Abortion is and should be considered murder and should be illegal.
Though we claim to be a progressive country especially in our treatment of women, we are one of the few countries in the world that does not mandat...
Why abortion should stay legal.
My letter is about making abortion illegal again, in order to help out those children who deserve to live.
As President it is crucial that you address our nation's crisis regarding abortions.
Abortion is a woman's right, and should stay legalized.
I think we should ban Abortion unless absolutely necessary.
There is controversy over whether or not women should be allowed to get an abortion. The power of a woman to have complete control over her body is...
Dear Future President, Children are our future teachers, inventors, business leaders, and parents of our country, whether we realize it or not. T...
The government, simply, should not have the right to tell an individual, a woman, what to do with their body. Have it be a tattoo or a controversia...
Abortion should be illegal in the United States.
Abortion is not the problem, sexual education and its lack of beneficial information is.
There are many reasons why the abortion laws should be reviewed and adjusted.
Women should be able to make their own decision about whether or not to have a child.
Abortion should be legal
Abortion should not be an option for women
Some of my thoughts from the perspective of a junior in high school on immigration and abortion laws.
The letter contains information about making Abortion Illegal. By having abortions it is making it harder for our country to repopulate. Abortions...
Abortion should not be legal
Murder should be looked at more closely and be watched more
Dear Next President, Women...
The decision to end a pregnancy is a basic human right that should be available anyone wishing to have an abortion; it needs to be a choice.
Abortion is a woman's right.
Why I think abortion should be illegal.
Abortion, one of the most controversial issues in today's society, is a very important factor, especially for women in this next election.
Abortion in America is not good at all, it's taking away the child's life. No one should take someone's life away from them like that. God said "th...
This letter is about how abortion is wrong and how it needs to be stopped.
Abortion is a choice to a woman and her own rights.
Abortion should be kept legal since women should be given the choice of what they want to do.
A letter to end abortion.
Don't you think every child deserves a chance at life?
Abortion is a topic that has all of a sudden exploded in today's society, and there are a bunch of things that should be understood and explained.
This is my point of view on abortion and the reasons why I feel the way I feel about it.
Dear Next President, Abortion is a complex issue, but it should be a woman's choice. Listen to this Spoken Word piece that explores the various sid...
Women have the right to control their own life.
Planned Parenthood shouldn’t be defunded or neglected for the sake of women's rights, health, and personal medical decisions in the United States.
Abortions for selfish reasons should be illegal .
The restrictions on abortions are unreasonable and women should be able to do what they want with their bodies.
One of the main questions in the U.S is should abortion be illegal?
Abortion should be made illegal for a number of reasons. Abortion is considered murder,effects us internationally and individually.
Abortion rights should stay legal for the following reasons. Abortion could make lives better for teenage mothers, rape victims, and mothers who ca...
I do not believe abortion should be illegal.
Why are the men in our country making decisions that will only affect the women?
my story and my fear
The killing of a human being is wrong, even if that human being is yet to be born. Fetuses feel pain during the abortion process. A 2008 peer-revie...
Abortion and women's rights is one of the most controversial topics right now. Defunding abortion clinics and shutting them down would be like taki...
Dear President of the United States of America, Picture this. A woman gives birth to a sweet, beautiful, innocent baby who smiles at the world. Th...
Abortion is legal in the United States but it should not be monitored or limited by each and every individual state.
Abortion is a decision that should be left to the individual, not the government.
I do not support abortion and I would like to make it iligal.
My thoughts about abortion.
There is no justification for abortion. No matter what, a mother should protect her child; born or unborn.
This essay is about abortion. Abortion is a very heavily discussed topic. I believe abortion is wrong and should be illegal.
Abortion needs to stay legal. Women die from illegal abortions.
Abortion must be stop, the change starts with you.
Women deserve a choice.
Abortion should stay legal.
The future of America lies in the hands of our youth. Should they really be changing diapers?
Woman need the right to be able to choose what is done to their bodies.
Dear Mr. President,
Abortions should be very restricted and only for a few decsionsions
This letter talks about an important issue, that does affect our community, which is abortion.
Abortion is a women's choice it's her body and baby so why should you be able to tell her what to do with it?
Abortion is a big problem that the needs to be addressed.
If you're not ready to have the baby then don't have it in the first place, Birth Control, condoms and contraceptives are not here for no reason.
There are pros and cons to allowing women to have abortions.
I believe in pro-choice, but only to a certain extent.
Abortion should be legal in all 50 states. America is the land of the free, so why shouldn't women have this as an option to decide on freely?
Abortion should be kept legal, and we need to put more funding into abortion clinics and things such as Planned Parenthood. Women need to have the ...
Abortion is a very controversial topic that will not be going away anytime soon. It is time that everyone living in a pro-abortion country starts t...
Women should have control over their own bodies.
Abortion to babies are wrong
This article is about how I believe that individuals should be educated more on abortion.
Abortion is already legal and it should stay that way.
So many people have been killed by police on and off duty, while police are faced with little to no punishment.
Abortions should remain legal and given as an option because every woman and every pregnancy is different.
Abortion stops a beating heart.
Gun violence in America is currently a huge problem. There are many implementations that can be put in place in order to reduce the large number of...