This letter is my opinion on the foreign policy in the United States.
The qualities that the future President should have.
NCAA Student Athletes should be paid.
The Trade Pacific Partnership (TPP) has many benefits and downsides, but should we enforce it?
This letter talks about what characteristics and traits a leader such as a president should have when in charge of something as important as a coun...
What the qualities of a president should be and what s/he should be concerned about.
My letter is about the immigration system in the United States. It includes the problems with it and how the next president needs to fix for our co...
Abortion? Yes or no?
This letter is about solar power, how it affects the environment and the good things of solar panels.
Major cities need your help. They are not safe. People are afraid because of the violence everywhere.
Terrorism has affected the United States and we have to work together towards ending it.
Public tax dollars should not be collected for private entities.
Minimizing the power of the Electoral College
You, the next president, need these characteristics to be a great president!
The paragraph is about the important things the United States needs.
Genetically modified organisms are a danger to our health and agrarian economy. The U.S needs to follow in the steps of other countries who have ba...
A look at what needs to be done across the country in the coming years
The idea of feminism should be changed, not completely abolished. Radical feminists should stop stereotyping men and focus on political and economi...
According to “The State Minimum Wages” post, people are taxed 10% to 39.6% which means that this benefits the wealthiest people that earned way mor...
I feel very strongly that the death penalty should be illegal. This is a letter to the presidential candidates trying to persuade them into vetoing...
The president should be a role model for all of us.
Donald Trump plans to build up our military by increasing the size of each branch and investing in new and more advanced technology. Is this the be...
Our Economy is damaged, do you have the power and courage to change it for the better, or are you going to just let it slip?
Why I think you're unfit to be president.
We must penalize ransom payers, due to them being the finance for pirates
My letter is about the Dakota Access pipeline. This is a big debate all over the country, whether the pipeline should be built or not. The pipeline...
Immigration is one of the key causes to American suffering in economy and loss of jobs. I propose one way to fix it is border security and monitori...
Our Nation needs to gang up on the obstacle of unemployment!
For years and years, men have been getting paid more than women for doing the exact same job. We need to change that.
Improving the economy is not as simple as following one simple course of action; however, I believe that legalizing the recreational use of marijua...
Do you think Everyone should have HealthCare? Or, should only certain people have it. I am going to explain why Everyone should be able to have Hea...
My essay is about how the president should handle the recent outbreak of police brutalities and black lives matter protests.
My concern with the countries economic problem.
Minimum wage
Do their plans benefit us as a country?
These are my thoughts on immigration and what you should do about it.
Deforestation has a domino affect but what will drop last?
If schools were to start later in the morning students would improve in school in so many ways.
Esther Lara Ms. Dickerson English 3 Honors 5th period 9/19/16
Should we raise the minimum wage?
This letter addresses the problems of the economy and unemployment in the United States.
Our current immigration policies affect poverty, separation of family, and stereotyping.
Limit the welfare period and the workforce will improve in no time.
Poverty is a major issue in today's society, but we are combating it in the wrong ways.
Immigration has been in our lives forever. Future presidents want to do something to get rid of undocumented immigrants but how do we stop them.
The U.S. is 20 trillion is debt. You can't run a company 20 trillion in debt. So how does a government run 20 trillion if debt. The answer is not w...
This letter is about what I would like the president to try and fix with his power.
Many people can't afford a college education. This effects the economy and the person's lifestyle negatively. College should be free for everyone. ...
Throughout history, we have faced many hardships to becoming what others would refer to us as "the greatest country in the world," but in my opinio...
Presidential plans for the economy
Ellaina Andrew
Letter directed to the next President of the US about lowering cost of college education.
America can't stand idly by while we deplete all of our coal and oil anymore, if we don't invest in new nuclear technologies, this world may not be...
Money keeps being cut from schools, leading to higher class sizes and less teachers to teach and connect to the students. More money should go into...
Minimum wage needs to be raised, so we don't have a lot of people under the poverty line.
Lives Cut Short
College needs to be cheaper for people to attend to. I believe that the next president can do something about this.
Women should be paid equally as men.
Abortion is fine, Just needs some changes.
The role of immigrants and naturalization process reform.
I propose higher pay for teachers and the elimination of teachers to increase competition and raise the standard of teachers
Our founding fathers had the right idea.
Illegal immigration has been a problem in the US for a while now, it is affecting our economy and breaking our laws.
there is no reason for hate groups such as KKK it is racist and they gangs needs to stop well KKK needs to stop that is basically a hate group so y...
Dear future President, I would like to address taxpayer spending and how our money will be spent. I do not condone distributing the majority of tax...
America needs to fix issues within the country before focusing on those who try to enter. By changing America's structure and fortifying, it can le...
Immigrants come over to America daily and not all are beneficial to the American society. I believe more regulations should be made to America's Im...
College costs are causing problems felt all over the country.
Although it may sound desirable, the raising of America's minimum wage could have many negative repercussions that many people have not anticipated.
Poverty has been going around all around the world. The United Kingdom is trying to improve their ways to put a stop to poverty.
Every American should have access to affordable healthcare without worrying about the financials that accompany it
The global economy is making national borders irrelevant. America will soon be at the mercy of foreign powers.
My parents immigrated to the U.S. in the late 1900’s and it wasn’t the easiest process to get into the country. My interests have been focusing mor...
A raise of pay can help the work force of America and the economy.
The side of those involved with the building of the Dakota Access Pipeline.
There are many important issues involving our country currently. So why don't we work together and solve these issues one at a time.
Illegal immigration is an issue in the United States for many reasons. Changes need to be made before more damage is done to our country's economy.
I would love to know what you plan to do when you become president
I suggest that we not make mistakes like Britain. They left the EU because of a mistake. Don't let Texas do the same. #NoTexit
The number of family farms in the U.S. has decreased in the past years, this needs to change.
Today in America people of different backgrounds and unique cultures attempt to achieve the life of success through hard work. Only, the road to it...
I provide problems with job availability and some how immigration is effecting it.
The problems I have with Illegal Immigration.
As President it is crucial that you address our nation's crisis regarding abortions.
Immigrants would really help our economy in the long run.
How to help and view people in poverty around the world. People around the world that live in poverty are looked at completely differently, they ar...
This letter is about immigrants shouldn't be taken for granted because they will actually help us or the United States increase our digits in econo...
Air Pollution is a major problem in our world today and is starting to affect not only the environment, but us.
Why standardized testing is hurting America's education
Letter To Next President -Matthew L.
This letter is about how the current rising costs to play in primer youth sports leagues is unfair to lower income families.
I believe that the next president should focus attention on health care and what plan they have to lower the cost so everyone in the US can afford ...
Are minimum wage in the country is not the best at $7.25. We need to change this.
2016 Presidential Letter
With America being one of the wealthiest countries in the world it is no surprise that many Americans overlook the fact that poverty is a serious i...
Free college: a realistic plan that stimulates the economy and supports Americans' right to an education.
Bring the production back to America and decrease our dependence on China to get rid of the National Debt.
The letter is about a dynamical changes in law and your role as the President