Shutting down kill shelters in the United States
Animal cruelty and captivity is a serious issue.
Animals shouldn't be in captivity. Instead they should be in their natural environment and not locked behind glass or bars.
The number of endangered animals has been increasing dramatically in the past decade and we are to blame.
Animal abuse has been going on for a long time and its increasing over the years. Animals deserve a life too, so this needs to be stopped.
The solution for animal abuse in research facilities should not be to end animal research, a valuable component of medical research, but to increas...
This letter is about animal abuse and how it needs to change.
There is no reason for cruelty and abuse to animals, they are meant to help, protect, and live a full life, just like us.
My letter here is a letter about animal abuse problems. There is also some solutions
Animal cruelty is very prominent around the country. I believe that dog fighting and horse slaughter are some of the top problems when it comes to ...
My essay talks about the abuse animals face daily.
About 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters in the U.S. every year, and 2.7 million of them are euthanized.
Why is dog fighting bad? Is it illegal? Read here and find out!
Humans are animals and that's forgotten way to often. Everyday animals are killed, tortured, neglected, and even worse, what are you gonna do about...
Industrial abuse and exploitation is a serious and neglected issue that needs to be acted upon immediately. Every day these horrific events happen ...
Animal abuse isn't as big as other issues, but is is just as horrible. Although it's illegal, it's still happening, and it needs to come to and end...
Livestock care in food corporations and how it affects us.
My thoughts on factory farms
Animal abuse is a deadly action that can change an animals life permanently.
Speak Up For Those Who Cannot Speak For Themselves: Stop Animal Abuse!
Our country is not aware of how causes in our world are negatively affecting our nation's and world's precious wilderness. This a serious problem t...
Animals deserve to live a long, happy life just like us humans, and it is very disappointing to hear that we are stopping them from living those li...
There is no excuse for animal abuse. Millions of animals get abused everyday, and since they don't have their own voice we have to be theirs and wi...
America needs to put a stop to all animal testing because it is cruel and inhumane.
So many animals are suffering, and dying at the hands of cruel or irresponsible people. There is something you can do, however.
China has a law that requires cosmetics to be tested on animals before it can be sold there. Petco and Petsmart are brutally freezing alive and po...
Factory farming is a cruel and inhumane issue that needs to be stopped. These slaughterhouse workers treat these animals in a way that just seams i...
I am writing about how owners badly abuse their pets and that we should do something about it.
Reducing meat consumption is better for the environment and our health.
I think we should use technology to stop animal testing.
Why we should put a tighter hold on preventing animal abuse.
Every minute of the day, an animal is always being abused or suffering. The President should really do something about this! Read on to learn more ...
Animal testing in laboratories is abusive and cruel.
National parks are should be preserved for future generations
Imagine one of your pets being abused or neglected for profit or entertainment
Preventing abuse of animals in homes
Animal cruelty needs to stop its harming our population. A lot of species are dying because of animal cruelty.
Why I believe animals deserve to have rights.
The wolves of our world are in need of help. There are not many left, and they have been on the brink of extinction for decades.
We need to stop testing on animals!
Animal cruelty affects thousands of animals in the United States. So much more has to be done to stop it.
Animal abuse is going on everyday without anyone noticing. The next president needs to use their power to solve this issue and save the lives of th...
In our everyday lives, millions of animals are used for testing products which many die from. These animals are used to test if products are safe f...
This letter explains the horrifying issue of puppy mills, and why our future president needs to step in and handle this issue.
I think there should be a longer sentence for people who abuse animals.
Animal overpopulation is an issue that not a lot of people know about, but it should be addressed and helped.
There should be stricter laws against animal abuse
Dog Fighting is a bigger issue now than ever and the only one who can change this is you, Future President.
This letter is about how I think the president should stop animal neglect.
Just Like Humans, Animals Lives Do Matter. Animals Help The Environment More Than Humans Do. Help . A Reference From Said "Spiders ...
Animals are living things and should be treated with respect.
Dear Future President of the United States, Every year over 100 million animals are abused, poisoned, burned, and crippled in US labs.
animal abuse is a serious issue in the United States of America. it needs to be put to an end for good. this is for the safety of the animals all a...
The U.S. is responsible for over 70% of animal trafficking! Halt animal trafficking in its tracks by raising pay of wildlife rangers and putting mo...
Animal abuse needs to stop. It is against the law, and people should not be cruel to animals.
This is about what the president should do about circus animal abuse.
Pollution hurts us, our animals, and where we live. So help stop it by doing small deeds.
In the year 2012, 668 rhinos were poached in South Africa, and in January 2013, that number increased to 946. No one is really paying attention to ...
Despite the skepticism of many, the impact of climate change cannot be denied. We must get serious about counteracting the effect of climate chang...
"All animal cruelty is a concern because it is wrong to inflict suffering on any living creature." -Yakima Humane Society
We need to have people help save animals from animal abusing.
Tail Docking For Cows
Zoos are cruel and unfair to animals and America needs to put a stop to them.
This letter is about putting an end to animal cruelty.
Animal abuse is a very bad thing and needs to be stopped. People aren’t doing enough and it needs to be changed.
Bees are dying at a globally alarming rate.
Thousand of animals face extinction everyday and it is our job to protect these vital creatures.
I ask you to take some time and try to understand that animal abuse is wrong and should be taken care of.
Many endangered species have been and are being hunted by humans into extinction.
Derelict Fishing Gear is hurting our ocean life.
This letter is about how there is animal abuse in America.
Dear Future President...
Many dogs are getting abuse because of the people that do not treat them good like they supposed to
We should stop animal cruelty.
We need to put a stop to abuse to animals.
Dear Future President,
Animal abuse is not taken as a serious problem and is not being dealt with as it should.
Putting an end to an atrocious practice.
I write this, firstly, for the sake of the nonhuman animals who are the real victims whom are in a need of salvation; secondly, as an act of refor...
The practices that factory farms are currently engaging in are extremely inhumane, and this treatment needs to improve in order for factory farming...
Wild mustangs and burros are rounded up out of their natural habitat.
Animal cruelty is a big issue all over the world
Animal abuse is just as an important is just as important as any other abuse.
Do you know how serious animal abuse has become?
Animal abuse is a big issue in the US and it needs to be stopped.
My letter is about people over emphasizing animal cruelty.
Banning mass breeding facilities can not only decreases the amount of companion animals euthanized, but also give them a chance to find a loving ho...
Animal Testing
Animal Cruelty is a big problem in the world and the U.S and something needs to be done about it.
Puppy mills are woman dogs that are stuck in a cage their entire life, pretty much, but they are just breeding over and over again, until they can'...
In this letter I discuss the many problems we have today with pet abuse and animal rights. I also talk about the solutions we can use to fix these...
Climate change is affecting animals today by the actions of humans that cause the output of greenhouse gases. Humans should realize the problem of ...
Animal Cruelty
Animal Cruelty is a huge problem in the United States and it must discontinue. Animals such as dogs and cats are being neglected and abused in pu...
I am a 17-year-old girl from Salt Lake City, Utah. I believe that animals should have every right to life as we do. Euthanasia, while providing the...
This article is about animal abuse.
This persuasion piece addresses the issues on why animal testing is wrong.
An animal should not be abused so next president please HELP.
Why is animal abuse so important and what should our country do to start helping this issue. Animal abuse and animal testing are both in the catego...
Animals abuse is getting out of control.