Air pollution is a big problem in the United States and its killing millions of people.
Pollution is a big problem in our world and we need this to stop. We are killing the world we live on.
A brief letter asking you to stop the destruction of sacred Native lands.
Help find a way to end pollution.
Understanding of small town values and how big changes aimed at big cities effects small towns.
The letter I have wrote is about ways we can help save our ocean by getting all of the garbage out and also ways we can use less plastic.
These are a few ways that I believe the president could improve the health of our environment
These animals deserve better living conditions than the dump that is supposed to the ocean; all of the plastic that we use is so useless. Plastic s...
Is the environment healthy for our future generation? This letter will explore air pollution and its detrimental effects on our Earth, the environm...
How you speak and act is a reflection of our country.
Pollution is the biggest problem that is impacting America.
Could the president help inform people on the matter of pollution and how our future may be endanger because of what we today are doing.
This letter is about a gold mine wall being washed away and now the don`t have clean drinking water.
Paper cups, aluminum cans, and soda rings lay scattered on coasts and in forests. They kill the wildlife living among them. 100,000 animals die pri...
Water in many cities in The United States, have contaminated water or also known as unsafe water. The most common problem are the lead pipes that w...
I think that the country should have more bike lanes.
Pollution is a serious problem the world is facing and it needs attention from a higher power in order to be taken more seriously.
The president should support the use of hydroelectricity in replacement of coal-burned electricity.
Pollution is killing us.
Persuasive Letter to the next President to put a stop to pollution
What goes in the ocean goes in you, something has to be done before we drown in plastic.
Global warming is a serious problem in the world
How pollution is destroying our Marine life.
Examining the ongoing events and impact of the Flint Water Crisis can help us understand how to better protect American families. Can water bottles...
Our article is written about clean drinking water around the world.
Air, water, and noise pollution are becoming dangerous to the people and animals living on earth. To preserve the air people breathe, planting new ...
Global warming. One of the biggest environmental issue within two decades. We're just making it worst, but we can change that with your help, next ...
While we sit here, pollution is slowly increasing and people are slowly dying off, it needs to stop or decrease dramatically.
We need to act on this environmental crisis.
Sulfide mining turns nearby water acidic and kills wildlife by creating sulfuric acid. Mines often refuse to clean up their mess, which results in ...
A letter talking about the pollution problem
A plea for help with the growing trash problem in our country.
You need to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline!
An oil pipeline that sits at the bottom of the Straits of Mackinac by the name of "line 5" threatens all we have come to know and love about the Gr...
Air Pollution is a major problem in our world today and is starting to affect not only the environment, but us.
The effects of polluting the ocean
This letter talks about pollution and how it is slowly killing our Earth through multiple forms. If action stays stagnant about this situation then...
Pollution has a negative impact on people's health. We can reduce air pollution by using renewable energy sources.
There are many problems facing the world today, and we are working our hardest to solve them. However, one major problem may overshadow many others...
Oceans are being polluted everyday.
We are trashing Earth to the point where it is no longer tolerable. This needs to stop.
Pollution in America
The Pacific Garbage patch is an international problem that needs to be addressed before it permanently harms us.
1,172 miles of environmental and tribal betrayal
Seeing the negative affects of Climate change and stopping the emission of carbon dioxide into the air. Fixing what damage has been done by Climate...
Electric cars should be more accessible to make the air cleaner
Everyone needs to be aware of all the environmental problems because most of the issues are caused by humans.
As our population tends to increase, fewer and fewer of us will be able to have clean drinking water. Would you really want that?
Public transportation is needed a lot more in the United States. Here's my reasons why.
America is relying on fossil fuels that are polluting the planet and we can replace them with clean nuclear energy.
Small steps can make a big impact.
Rivers are yellow, Ice is blue, the air is brown. Sounds horrible right? The truth is told if we look out side. One needs no science to tell. Just ...
Water Pollution is damaging our oceans,lakes, ponds, streams and rivers.
Garbage in the ocean hurting animals and humans.
Getting rid of pollution in the air and water.
Pollution is creating a huge problem for animals, and is taking its effect on us.
How our air pollution is affecting the atmosphere and ways we can help slow down air pollution.
The environment has a huge impact in our everyday lives. It needs to be cared for.
This is explaining ideas of how to help the cause
Water pollution is a serious threat to the marine environment. It puts many animals at risk and is decreasing the plant life. A vast majority of pe...
We need renewable energy instead of energy that creates pollution!
Around the world all of our fossil fuels are being used, and all of our trees our being cut down. However, most politicians are worrying more about...
The next president should tackle the large pollution issue in the United States.
The health of the environment is essential to human life. With the polluting, inefficient energy that powers the U.S., we are not helping. We need ...
A letter to the president about pollution
The environment is getting out of hand these days. The climate change, pollution and habitats are a big issue for many people/ animals. We need to ...
Working together to help save the planet.
Deforestation affects our global environment by increasing global warming, harming the water cycle, and decreasing biodiversity. It needs to be add...
This essay combines the issues that are current, and why they need to be payed more attention to. By contributing more money to the environment, th...
My open thoughts and opinion on what should be focused on during your presidency.
At the rate we are killing our planet, how long until we have to move on? Between air pollution, deforestation, waste pollution, and water pollutio...
Our economy has become dependent on nonrenewable resources. If people don't start making changes soon, it may be too late.
By promoting the vegetarian life you'll be setting the world up for success.
We as Americans, take almost everything as granted. Whether it may be the food on the table, the clothes on our body, or most importantly the abund...
The causes and effects of ocean pollution.
We need to work together as a community to stop the harm of pollution.
Could you imagine walking outside and seeing the world dying and the air full of pollution?
Air Pollution can really affect people in very harming ways. I have many ideas that can really help out our country, even world as a whole. If we...
Destroying Earth
We’re wasting our chance on Planet Earth… It’s time to take action.
Marine life is being greatly affected.
The water is in danger, and it's our duty to save it. Saving it all is hard, but we can do it!
The environment is important to maintain so we can live in a healthy world.
This letter is about ways the President could help solve some problems related to pollution.
US is suffering from pollution.
Parents and kids clean up their yard why not clean a little farther? Pool people clean pools why not the ocean? Everyone breaths air why not make s...
Renewable or Non-Renewable energy? The world is suffering because of pollution and human interaction. We need to do something.
Our environment is collapsing at an increasing rate, we need to take action soon to protect us and the planet we live on.
The ocean is filled with garbage that we throw away every year. We can help stop this from happening by taking care of our environment
Plastic is one of the leading causes of pollution in America. Most of the plastic that is being produced ends up in the ocean and killing many diff...
Clean water for everyone should be the main priority of our future president because it is a very oppressing matter and affects nearly every countr...
If we don't find a solution now the damage will already have been dealt.
Pollution hurts us, our animals, and where we live. So help stop it by doing small deeds.
People are destroying the world we live in. We are wasting are water instead of giving it to those who need it most. We are destroying the arctic w...
Why excess carbon dioxide pollution needs to be stopped
This letter is written to explain the importance of providing safe water in public schools at all times.
Keep food on people's plates in instead of in landfills.
Ocean pollution affects many organisms and many ecosystems. It affects marine life and even life on land. Ocean pollution can and will get worse if...
Our world is gradually falling apart. Effects of global warming, pollution, and destroyed wildlife are all around us. What needs to be done in orde...
Our environment is vital for humans for humans to continue living. However, with the way were treating it we slowly leading ourselves to our death.