The Wage Gap is a huge issue that has been facing America for centuries. The gap in a social justice issue that deprives women of equal pay oppose...
Abortion in America is not good at all, it's taking away the child's life. No one should take someone's life away from them like that. God said "th...
Dear Future President, Abortion should be illegal in all or most cases because it's taking someone's life who never gets a chance to live. It is ex...
Abortion should be legal.
What are the pros and cons of both presidential candidates?
Pro-choice. Abortion has been an issue for many years and people are clearly divided on it. A woman should have the right to choose.
Abortion laws should be changed for the better and not be allowed to harm an innocent child.
A look at how moral issues should not be factored into the abortion debate.
Dear future president, there are many issues that need to addressed, and I believe one main issue that needs to be dealt with first is abortion.
This is a letter about why Abortion shouldn't be legal. I have listed 3 reasons with support for why it should be illegal.
Abortion, one of the most controversial issues in today's society, is a very important factor, especially for women in this next election.
Every day babies are killed due to abortion. We can stop this.
Abortion should remain a woman's choice.
We all have something we fight for. And one thing I fight for is exterminating abortion. So many lives have been lost to abortion and how many more...
My letter is about making abortion illegal again, in order to help out those children who deserve to live.
The concern over reproductive health care rights is ever-increasing, and women are currently being denied the ability to easily access the health c...
57 million people, humans, future leaders able to change the world, dead. Since 1973, millions of babies have been killed through abortion. Many p...
In this letter, I’d like to go ahead and look at those rights of females in my country, our country, the USA.
Abortion is a huge debate, but by looking at the facts a type of compromise can be reached.
Why abortion should be illegal
Getting an Abortion should be the woman's choice!
Many personal choices such as Abortion and Same-Sex marriage, have a controversial title, but its up to us to put an end to that.
Women of all races should be paid as much as men.
What are you going to do to change it?
Abortions should be pro-choice!
I do not support abortion and I would like to make it iligal.
Abortions should be very restricted and only for a few decsionsions
Abortion is an issue that I care deeply about...find out why by reading this letter.
The topic of women's choice to abortion has been hotly debated; some politicians want to take it away, while I believe it should be maintained.
Planned Parenthood and other abortion associations are not the only answer to accidental pregnancies- not only are you ending someone’s life before...
Women deserve to have more rights are be safe from prostitution!
I believe abortion should be illegal.
When you have an abortion it takes the chance away for the child to have a life, and I believe that is wrong.
Although women's rights have come a long way, women still face discrimination on a daily basis.
Today, there is a growing debate over abortion, and I believe we should end the debate and make abortion legal.
America needs to achieve gender equality to truly be a free and equal country.
Abortion should stay legal.
Women have to have the right to abortions. The alternative to safe abortion is something women should not have to resort to. Roe v. Wade changed th...
If life does begin at conception, abortion is akin to murder. Murder is the act of taking human life. In every abortion an innocent human life is b...
Women are legally allowed to have an abortion and that law should be protected.!
This letter explains my thinking on why the future President should continue to give women the option to have an abortion.
When America was young, its people believed that the values installed by the Bible were of upmost importance. Now, we put "political correctness" b...
This letter is about my opinion about abortion and why it should be illegal but with some exceptions.
Women are entitled to make their own decisions when it comes to their own bodies. The government should not be able to force a woman to do anything...
Women have the right to choose.
Abortion is murder and should be illegal.
In this letter I wrote a little about social issues in the U.S, also what we can do to better our community.
Immigration, Equality and Women's Rights.
This letter is written for the president to emphasis the fact that women's rights need to be in reinforced.
How woman need to get paid the same and how we also need to be treated the same as men.
Abortion should be illegal in the United States as it is the killing of innocent babies. These babies have the right to life just as much as you an...
In the United States, women have been fighting for their rights for many, many years. Still this inequality continues, even though there are many s...
My letter is on the issue of Abortion it will go in depth of how people views are different and how I believe it this issue needs to be address whe...
I'm pro-choice. This is my opinion. I know you might not agree. But please, listen.
These topics are the the most important to me and I think they need attention.
Why planned parenthood should be funded.
This is a letter on why we need to stop abortion
Is abortion really humane?
Abortion is a human right that women deserve to have, and should not be taken away from them.
Women are treated differently then men. Dress codes is just one of the many inequalities.
It's no secret that there is a huge gender gap in STEM-related jobs, one being computer science. There needs to be more promotion for women and gir...
Abortion is not right
The baby shouldn't have to suffer for the mother and the fathers careless mistakes.
Today, abortion is one of the most controversial topics in America.
Abortion isn't misused and should be a choice for the parents.
Abortion should be kept legal, and we need to put more funding into abortion clinics and things such as Planned Parenthood. Women need to have the ...
Imagine you were in a situation where you didn't have any money. You're a teenager with no money and u were pregnant. What would you do? Sometimes ...
Abortion is an issue that is killing innocent lives and negatively affecting our women.
Letter from Tiffany Pham about rape culture & the sexualization of women
The USA is allowing innocent children to be killed and nothing is being done to stop this.
There are reasons why abortions should be illegal and legal
Dear President of the United States of America, Picture this. A woman gives birth to a sweet, beautiful, innocent baby who smiles at the world. Th...
Abortion only affects one person, and that's the woman who is experiencing it. Abortion does not affect you or anybody around you, so this is why i...
While equality is something that we stand for in this country it is not actually represented. People of different races, genders, and LGBT people a...
Monitoring what women and girls wear is a common practice in schools, churches, and places of work. Within the past five years, women around the wo...
Dear future president, Abortion is just like committing a crime and should become illegal.
This letter talks about an important issue, that does affect our community, which is abortion.
I want abortion to stop, so let's make an effort to have it stopped.
This letter is for Trump regarding his awful behavior towards women.
Abortion should be more difficult for women to access.
I think that women should get payed the same amount for the same job than man.
I think that abortion should not be legalized. There are 1.1 million abortions in the US per year, that is 1.1 million innocent lives that don't ev...
My opinion on abstinence, abortion, and adoption.
Abortion is a very controversial topic that will not be going away anytime soon. It is time that everyone living in a pro-abortion country starts t...
Abortion must change because it takes aways babies basic rights like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It also affects people's emotions.
There are ways we can help the issue of abortion, now we just have to use them.
Some of the issues in America are abortions and coal-fired powerplants
The punishments for marital rape are not as harsh as the punishments for rape itself. The government has took the time to make it a law that raping...
Controversy!! Whew!!
Abortion is a real problem
Abortion is very unsafe and wrong, proving that we as a country needs to do something about it.
The topic of abortion has always been controversial and let this be the year that we let women make the decision for themselves and not have to wor...
Women are judged upon what we do. It's our body, not yours or his.
The gender wage gap is an issue that can no longer be ignored. Women lose a significant amount of money as years go by with the 23 cent deficit the...
Pro-choice advocates should understand pro-life.
Abortion should not be allowed, because it is taking a innocent life away that was never given a chance. Every baby is a gift from God.
Every girl should have control of her past, present and future.