Why do you want to separate families?
With power resting in their hands, the future president faces many concerns that require attention.
Should we build bridges to America and not walls? Or should we build walls and not bridges? We should build both, keep out illegal immigrants and a...
Together we can all stop the deportation today if we work together!!!
Hello my name is Carlito R. I am fourteen years old, turning fifteen in a few weeks. I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I honestly do not know muc...
Abortion in America should be illegal. The killing of a person is murder. It shouldn’t matter if a child hasn't taken its first breath of air, its...
Many of us want a chance to be part of the United States of America, but is it worth risking our lives to face later deportation back to the count...
Either deport illegal immigrants en masse or grant amnesty en masse - but be decisive about it.
This is my letter on the issue on Immigration
There are 11 million immigrants who are undocumented and they're benefitting this country.
At the moment immigration is a very controversial topic in the United States. People just can not say immigrants are bad or good, People can not ju...
Abortion should be illegal and needs to be stopped.
This letter is about my problems with deportation.
The action called for decreasing the flocks of Mexican Immigration, but not everyone said that was the best solution.
This is a letter about immigration for the next president.
Immigration and Deportation, though it may be good, is heavily weighed by its bad aftereffects.
Immigrants help our country...why not return the favor?
Donald Trump as the presidential candidate, has used fear to rise up in the ranks. Is he the President the United States needs?
United States youth are suffering from parent deportation
People who come to America illegally with hopes to live a better life should be given an opportunity to live one by being eligible for a reform.
Undocumented immigrants should become American citizens in this nation.
Deportation is splitting apart families.
The next president has to improve Immigration
My letter is about how immigration is killing our country and all the problems immigration has done.
I wrote a letter to the president regarding the issue of Illegal Immigrants
Allow children to live up to their full potential.
It is known by so many people, that immigrants are mistreated in many ways, this includes basic insults, underpayment, and cruel outdated punishmen...
In this letter I have written some arguments for "Illegal Immigration" and if they help or not in a better economy?
Immigrants are really hard workers, but they get paid less than their native born counterparts who work less hard but get paid more than their peers.
Illegal immigration is an issue in this country and there are some suggestions to help the issue.
Immigrants are constantly being looked down upon, but why is that so? They come to this country to fight any obstacle than comes up in order for th...
There are many immigrant children who at a young age are living without their family because their parents are undocumented immigrants. It affects ...
About deportation and how it affects everyone
The baby shouldn't have to suffer for the mother and the fathers careless mistakes.
Families should not have to be separated due to deportation. It causes a long lasting harming affect on a child's life.
To decrease the number of undocumented immigrants the U.S government should make visa requests more easily obtainable to people in other countries ...
Giving illegal immigrants a chance to live in the US
One of many wonderful reasons for not cutting the wings to many of our dreamers.
The good and bad of immigration
Do we choose economics or ethics?
Is deportation or building a wall really necessary?
Many people from different continents com here for a new life.
Everyone deserves a chance to have the opportunities that being a U.S. citizen provides.
This letter talks about deportation and how it splits families.
That we should do something about all of the illegal immigrants
Help stop the deportation of families
Will building the wall and mass deporting immigrants benefit or destroy the country? Will it save us money or put the country in even more debt?
Illegal immigration is a major concern in the United States and somebody needs to act against it. More than 11 million illegal immigrants are settl...
There are thoughts to pass and enforce new immigration laws that may trigger a similar reaction to the Arizona Immigration laws passed in 2010.
Immigrants are a key to the function of our society and critical to our country's economy.
People come to the U.S. for a better life, not to be sent back.
Everyone should have equal human rights like anyone else in the U.S.
Oskar Baldwin 11-4-16 Yellow-ELA Dear Madam or Mr. President, My name is Oskar, I am thirteen years old. I am an eighth grader at the Edith C. B...
Immigration is a major concern in society right now. The next president should address this issue, to avoid the problems that are associated with p...
The American Dream is the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determi...
The United States has been facing increasing problems with illegal immigration that have gone on for too long. Illegal immigration is the issue tha...
Immigration and its problems.
Are you a murder ? Are you killing babies if you are. I think abortion should be illegal
Immigrants should have a chance at a free healthy life.
Deportation is bad for everybody. It is bad for immigrants because they're being separated from their families and it is bad for America because we...
What would happen if immigrants were to be deported.
Immigration is really bad for people's community, jobs, and families.
immigration is one of the most important issue that united state face.
Illegal immigrants should be deported because they have broken the law and hurt the United States economy
Many undocumented immigrants are affected by not having essential basic rights in the U.S and something needs to be done about it.
The upcoming President should put an end to people who are coming into the united states illegally.
I'm a student at Aptos and currently writting this in Mr. Leeper's Ethnic Studies class. We have been talking about the election for the past week ...
America has many problems and one of them is immigration. Immigrants are a huge factor that makes up the U.S. There's lots of immigrants that don't...
Is killing an innocent child right?
The problem with Illegal Immigrants
This letter is based on the bad effects of deportation which focused on the Central American kids who were undocumented and came to the USA. I am ...
Dear Next President, Deportation is being done unfairly it’s tearing families apart. Immigrants should not be sent back to their homeland. If the...
Immigration is important we should find a new way to stop immigration and stop tearing families apart.We can help immigrants stay with their family...
Illegal immigrants should not be mass deported because they add to the fabric of this great country.
Dear next President,
People come to the United States for better lives. Better everything. Deportation will make everything worse.
This letter is to Donald Trump about the wall and deportation.
This letter tells about how kids are getting taken away from their immigrant family. And how getting deported is not the the solution.
Stopping Illegal immigration in the United States.
Did you know that Obama's government has deported more than 2.5 million people? About half million parents were deported between 2009 and 2013. Do ...
While immigration laws do keep harmful people out of our country, the strictness of these laws is keeping people who can benefit our country out as...
So future president would you like to join your citizens and help change our economy by making it stronger ? Or would you like to help make lives ...
Your job, as the President, is to make America an even greater country, and one way you can do that is by fixing the immigration system.
Why abortion should be illegal
Illegal immigration is a growing issue in the United States. We should handle this issue by thinking about the ways our families and economy are af...
Immigrants should not get deported.
Illegal immigration should be prevented, but legal immigration is ok.
I wrote about a plan for illegal immigrants and what to do with them
Deporting illegal immigrants separates children from their parents.
I think that the government should allow immigrants into our country only under certain circumstances.
Immigration is a debatable topic. It’s controversial and a lot of people have different opinions about it. Here’s mine, i think we should have an i...
Deportation of Immigrants is tearing families aparts
Every year about ½ million immigrants cross the border. Imagine how many years they have lived in fear? Having to hide their whole life. Many die t...
The topic of deportation has created many number of issues across the United States. Two of them are the separation of families and the life of fea...
Illegal immigration and national security
Illegal aliens are committing crimes and taking tax dollars and receiving free handouts. We need to change the policy that helps every American and...