Gender equality is still a big issue/struggle in our world today. In the United States, men and women are not being treated the same in the workpla...
The cost of college for students is way too high, and needs to be lowered to help students receive the supplies necessary to apply them self in sch...
God made us equal. He created us to serve him. We were created to love each other and learn from each other's mistake. Did you know that this world...
Such high expectations are put on all students in the United States--they're all expected to be smart and live successful lives. However, not every...
Gay marriage was legalized in 2015 but people who identify as LGBT+ are still subjected to discrimination and harassment every day. LGBT rights are...
Hispanics don't have enough resources to go to college.
Although many people are suffering from the high tuition needed to attend college, we mustn't focus on this fact alone. We need to open our eyes an...
College Tuition is becoming too high for working class families, and something needs to be done.
It's time to stand up and treat each other equally.
Americans deserve the right to have post-secondary education free of cost.
We live in one of the greatest countries in the world, one that focuses solely on giving each individual equal rights and necessary protection; eac...
The true definition of feminism is not just equality for one gender, but equality for all genders and races.
College tuition
Dear Mr/Mrs. President College is a great thing and it can hel...
College is getting less affordable over the years. We need to change that, now.
Persuasive Letter with reasons to have Free College Education.
If college costs can't be lowered, think of another plan.
Lowering college tuition costs, a simple yet crucial decision.
governments aren't helping people who can't afford college tuition costs
This letter is about how stereotypes affect us and how to get rid of them.
Dear Future President, College is on top of almost every student’s mind as they finish high school. Many have imagined themselves walking up...
Although marraige equality is now a reality, the fight for complete LGBT+ equality is not over.
Why should someone be prevented from going to college if they are just as capable of doing the work as everyone else?
Reasons why the President must make college free.
Mississippi's education dilemma is due to poverty and the lack of racial equality. The future president could be the resolution to all of these pro...
A reflection on the in justifications of girls everyday
Dear Mr or Mrs President Imagine a student gets a student gets a 4.0 in all of his or hers high school years but ...
There is no reason that Bullying and College Cost has risen in the past couple years.
It's bothering high school seniors
The U.S. government is in debt to foreign countries. College students and graduates suffer from debt in the U.S.
There are way more problems America should be paying more attention to. We need to take these issues seriously, while we still have time.
This is about what I think the world has come to. And how we are not treating everyone equally and what we should do about it.
The price college tuition is rising and it is becoming increasingly hard for students to handle.
The inequality in the construction trade is troubling!
We could donate more money, and help spread gender equality throughout the rest of the world. But we can’t do that all over the world, if we can’t ...
The cost of education in this country is way to high and many people cant afford it.
Weren't we all born human? So, why should people be treated differently if they are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and so on? Problems like t...
Persuasive Letter to the next President preserving the rights of African Americans in every way possible.
Numerous amount of students today plan on attending college after graduating high school, but some students such as those with low-income, may not ...
My letter is about student loans, the cost of college, and why something needs to be done to reduce this expense.
Worrying going to college and paying a lot of money and then not get a job.
Immigration, Equality and Women's Rights.
All students deserve the right to an education. Students should not be denied access to the education they deserve because of their financial situa...
Dear Future President of the United States, The costs of college severely affects the way students view their potential education coming from the...
The majority of recently graduated high school students plan to go to a college of university. The cost of tuition has made it nearly impossible fo...
The amount of times people are killed because of stereotypes related to race is shocking. These killings not only affect the lives of those lost, b...
Here I will write about College Expenses to our next president.
Dear the next president of the United States,
Women, not only overseas, but in the US experience gender prejudice on a daily basis. Read here to learn about some of the hardships that women in ...
The current costs for colleges around the nation are too high.
The gender wage gap is an issue that has plagued our society - and we need to fix it today. In order to achieve full equality, men and women must h...
Dear Future President: The topic of Immigration has bee...
Can Trump make America have equality again.
College costs are causing problems felt all over the country.
High college tuition prices are hurting our present and soon, our future.
With my letter I want to bring a new problem to our new president with a fair solution.
Getting more kids into college will educate our country and make America more successful and generally happy.
Some people have so much debt from college that they can’t even afford a house even with a high paying job. We will tell you what tuition is, why t...
College tuition puts students into debt each year.
Today many teachers are struggling due to the low pay facing them. We have to help the people who have helped us the majority of our lives and chan...
I will be talking to you about the disadvantages of college financing. once you read this you will know the truth about college education expense. ...
we could save them by saying just yes
Persuasive letter to the next President to lower college tuition
Everyone has the right to be educated. No matter how wealthy people are, their education should be affordable or even free. Education changes lives...
The Equal Rights Amendment, or the ERA was a proposed amendment to guarantee women equal rights as men. It contains 3 sections and would be put int...
College is in many students minds as they graduate high school.Many of those students want to attend college but don't have the funds to do so.My ...
The gap between the wages of men and women is constantly growing in the United States and it needs to stop.
We are starting new as a country with a new leader and I feel as though it is vital that we don't loose track of what is important, the people.
Women are treated differently then men. Dress codes is just one of the many inequalities.
Ever since public funding was cut from colleges, the cost of college has risen up to $40,000. If we add technology into schools by having online bo...
People are getting discriminated for loving who they want to and expressing themselves as different. Some people don't accept others because they f...
College Tuition should be decreasing in price so more people have the opportunities to get a degree.
Persuasive letter with reasons to go with Free College Education
It is unfair that certain people are discriminated against, and I believe that should change.
The wage gap in America is an on going issue that has made it hard for women to have equal pay to a man. Women earn about .78$ for every dollar a ...
My views on some topics that the future president should cover.
Woman are payed far less than men. People deny this fact everyday saying that "Sexism is behind us at this point". However this is not the case at ...
College is essential for anyone who wants to get and maintain a job... or at least a good job. However, college isn't affordable for everyone who w...
College tuition prices are way to high for any student to pay. Many students will leave college in a huge amount of debt. There is almost $1.2 tril...
The federal government and Wall Street should not be the ones benefiting from tuition debts , mainly because millions of students are struggling to...
College have lead many people to success in life, but with tuition and the risk of having student loan debt can change one's lives.
Everyone has the right to love and be who they are. We should be equal. We shouldn't be fighting.
Why is the cost of college getting so expensive when it is so mandatory?
Basically, my letter is about the fact that police and the authorities are treating the Black community really bad. They don’t support them, and wh...
College expenses are overwhelming and something needs to be done about it and soon.
Education is a big problem for today's generation and many young people do not get the education they need.
Today in the US, only citizens ages 18 and older and some 17 year olds in certain states can vote in the presidential election. This is unfair and ...
Native American problems have long been overlooked by society, something that is extremely prevalent today due to the problems with the Dakota Acce...
Not saying that all lives don't matter but right now black people are getting killed and we need help to end the killings of innocent people."i'm g...
Students pay too much for college. Education should be accessible to everyone.
In my image, I painted on my skeleton, the same one every single one of us has, and depicted the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender flags in t...
College debt and how it is effecting the youth of America.
The amount of money it takes to pay all your college expenses are unbelievable high. Those with low wages also deserve a college education but the ...
There is a big issue.Children that are in foster systems don't get the opportunity to have a great education.
Dear Future President, I know you have to deal with a lo...
The overwhelming emphasis on college has become a large aspect of our modern day society. The ever climbing prices of college tuition is affecting ...
College fees are a main reason that many people don't have a full education. The economy and jobs could be even better if more people were able to ...
People of all types deserve Equal rights
Everyone everywhere deserves a chance to be successful.