A look at the connection between immigration and poverty.
Immigrants should have the same opportunities as the people who live in the United States and should be treated with respect.
The life for new immigrants is difficult, people face the challenge of learning a new language and face a confused future.​ How can we help them wi...
Everyone should live and stay in the U.S. if they choose to do so.
We have unsecure borders which does not protect us against drugs and criminals.
We need to have stronger security regarding the laws of legal and illegal immigration, not anything concerning an immigrant's life.
Some subjects that personally affect me or that I am concerned about, are immigration, unemployment, low income families, equal rights, for all sex...
We need to have peace. A world without terrorism. A world where everyone can feel safe.
Being undocumented isn't easy. Its hard to be in a world were they judge you for someone you're not. Try an imagine yourself in a immigrants shoes....
The United States has been facing increasing problems with illegal immigration that have gone on for too long. Illegal immigration is the issue tha...
I believe illegal immigration is a serious problem.
Are you okay with families being separated because of deportation?
I think that illegal immigrants should be taken out of our country as well as using better screening to keep terrorists out.
Illegal immigration is a major issue in today's economy, but building a wall is no way to go about solving this problem.
how we should and help immigrants and how they deserve a better life
The US needs to welcome immigrants and refugees to our country.
How immigrants should be treated in the U.S .
Letter to the next President
Immigration is an important topic in our country and we should be welcoming to immigration.
Immigration in America
I think that the president should immigrants become u.s citizens.
This letter is about the issues today related to immigration in America.
This is my Persuasive Essay about how we should crack down on illegal immigration
Ashlyn Koontz
we should open up our borders and let people in.
Illegal immigration and national security
Illegal immigration has become a problem over the years. About an estimate of 11.1 million immigrants have been placed here for a better life. Are ...
Persuasive letter to the next President to advocating immigration laws.
Terror attacks have gone up because we have no background knowledge on the people who are coming into our country.
What I believe should be done about the US immigration system
You're in a foreign country by yourself. What would you do?
This letter is about the issue of immigration. No human is illegal. Leading our nation means being a leader of the world, and as such you have an o...
Why does the United States have an Increase in flow of immigrants to this country? It's because the United States offers so many beneficial things ...
Do not deport 43 million people.
All illegal immigrants deserve the same opportunities as American Citizens and should not be discriminated because of their race.
In this letter I have written some arguments for "Illegal Immigration" and if they help or not in a better economy?
My views on immigration.
A short video by two students about immigration.
This letter talks about deportation and how it splits families.
immigrants are not bad ...
My views on some topics that the future president should cover.
Providing a solution to the illegal immigration problem in the United States
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become U.S. citizens.
Immigration has been in our lives forever. Future presidents want to do something to get rid of undocumented immigrants but how do we stop them.
11/7/2016 ...
Illegal Immigrants. They are taking our jobs. They are not paying health insurance. They don't have background checks. They are distributing drugs....
The topic of illegal immigrants is a big issue that needs to be addressed. In America right now, there are approximately 11.4 Million undocumented ...
As a high school student who comes from hard-working, undocumented people, I am concerned about the solutions that 2016 candidates running for Pre...
Immigrants should have a chance at a free healthy life.
I would like to address the immense issue of illegal immigration in the United States, and the growing number of problems it creates. I will be add...
We need to help illegal immigrants.
I believe we don't need as many illegal immigrants, which is becoming a problem.
Immigrants in America
There shouldn't be no walls or murder.
As a hispanic high school student in Utah I see it crucial to give the many children, individuals, and families fleeing from poverty and violence t...
How Islamic ideas are not compatible with First World countries.
I believe Deportation should be stopped so that we can reunite families and not separate them.
Undocumented immigrants come for work to support themselves and their families. They impact the U.S. because they are a big help to our economy.
Discrimination against Immigrants
Immigrants should be able to stay in the US if they meet certain requirements.
immigration is one of the most important issue that united state face.
Immigrants are constantly being looked down upon, but why is that so? They come to this country to fight any obstacle than comes up in order for th...
A physical wall that by its very existence separates you? A new policy is what we need; we are still the America based on immigration.
This is my opinion on what Immigrants are needed for in the united states
This letter is about why our next president should allow immigration.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become US citizens
This piece basically explains my views on why the D.R.E.A.M Act should be made into law, and how it might appeal to the next president.
My letter to the next President
We need to address illegal immigration.
Letter to the next president of the United States of America.
Help the children.
I think that Immigration is the best thing and beneficial for this country.
Can you help the child immigrants?
America is losing a lot of legal citizens due to a corrupt system
The tables have been duplicated on both sides of the unspoken war: The United States and the Undocumented Immigrants.
This letter talks about Immigration and the effects it has on Americans. Also about the reasons why people come to the United States.
This is a letter about immigration policy and its beneficial affects on history and the future.
Immigrants who have a child or children with disabilities
Our country is one of the strongest nations in the whole world. We are known for our bravery, freedom, and opportunities. We cannot give this away ...
A letter on immigration reform.
Hello future president, my name is Sean Rodriguez. I am from West Milford, New Jersey, and I attend West Milford High School. I would like to speak...
Immigration is more than just an issue dealing with people; it deals with education, income, and the lives of those people around you.
Immigration is a problem that people from different countries face.
This letter talks about how to help the immigrants in the US, so that they could prosper and live a better life.
Illegal Immigration is a huge problem in the United States today. Its cost tax payers much more money than they should be paying, and it puts ameri...
This letter speaks about the issue around the topic of immigration which is now a very important issue around the world.
There are many immigrant children who at a young age are living without their family because their parents are undocumented immigrants. It affects ...
There should be a limit to how much immigrants are admitted in the U.S. each year.
Dear Future President,
We can help those families destroyed by war.
My plan is to help immigrants and refugees get an education so that they can get a better job. They don’t get any education when they come to Ameri...
How I Feel About Immigration
Immigration has been an issue that has played the country.
In my letter to the president, I will address multiple topics including: immigration, race, and other influential and controversial themes.
Immigration law should be such that illegal immigrants who, and only who, have committed felonious crimes are deported.
Immigration needs to be legal and people should have the right to live where they believe would benefit their lives.
Immigrants help our country...why not return the favor?