Bring the production back to America and decrease our dependence on China to get rid of the National Debt.
I have multiple issues about making sure everyone having equal rights in America.
Sexual identity discrimination in the workplace is defined as, “When an employee is subjected to negative employment action, harassment, or denial ...
Women in society are fighting for their rights and how can you help this cause?
The next president should be concerned with police brutality and terrorism.
LGBTQ+ youths are harassed and abused daily and we need to take action.
Who has the right to tell women what they can and can not do ? The law? Or women ourselves?
Abortion coercion causes too many women serious trauma and regret over the decisions made by other people. We need to take action and establish law...
I believe this is the biggest problem in the world. Race equality is so low now, and WE really need your help to change this.
There are way more problems America should be paying more attention to. We need to take these issues seriously, while we still have time.
"So, what will you do to make sure that they don’t end up being another hashtag?"
This is my letter on this issue of discrimination against the LGBTq community.
On the topic of changing names and my thoughts on the practice.
How woman need to get paid the same and how we also need to be treated the same as men.
Weren't we all born human? So, why should people be treated differently if they are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and so on? Problems like t...
We live in one of the greatest countries in the world, one that focuses solely on giving each individual equal rights and necessary protection; eac...
Planned Parenthood offers affordable quality health care to both men and women, therefore it should continue to be funded by the government.
Illegal immigrants should not be mass deported because they add to the fabric of this great country.
Women should have the option to have an abortion but that doesn't mean that's always the best idea.
Women are legally allowed to have an abortion and that law should be protected.!
With everything that has been said in my letter all I ask is that you take into consideration how we feel about the situations going on in our coun...
The school dress code needs to be changed in order to apply equally to both genders.
People shouldn't be treated differently because of their sexuality.
In many cases, capital punishment is unjust because many people are falsely accused and some not treated equally due to the circumstances of how t...
Women's Equal Rights
Although some may believe that racism and oppression is old news, but we still face racism every day, and we still see it everywhere.
Islamaphobia is a big issue in the United States. Innocent Muslims are being discriminated against for things they know nothing about, and this nee...
The gender pay gap is a very bad part of the United States and it needs to be fixed to progress with other issues of the nation.
There are many issues in our country but the root of almost all of then is racism. An you need to stop acting like its nothing because...
We've all heard of racism and know that it's a big issue, but when are we going to face it?
Taking the words from a child who hasn't had the chance to live is inhumane. This essay goes through a pro-choice argument on the issue of abortion...
My viewpoint on equal pay for all American women and men.
As a citizen of the US I believe that in order to have a smooth running country, we need a better justice system. Our justice system is supposed to...
This letter provides evidence that racism still exists in America.
Abortion is a highly controversial topic. Some believe the fetus has rights so abortion should be illegal, but i believe it is the woman's right to...
The Family Medical Leave Act needs to mandate a partial to full paid leave instead of unpaid leaves.
Basically, my letter is about the fact that police and the authorities are treating the Black community really bad. They don’t support them, and wh...
This is a letter and infographic about our position on women's rights and abortion. We believe the woman should be allowed to decide if she wants t...
This is an issue that has been around for as long as the world existed. Yet to this day, it is not identified or acknowledged as much as it should ...
Many African Americans are dying by police officers at higher rates than another minority. No media and even officers can dispute the facts, number...
A raise of pay can help the work force of America and the economy.
They are the main source of income in four out of ten families. They receive more college and graduate degrees than men. Yet, on average, women co...
Imagine being in trial for a crime and being found guilty, despite the substantial evidence pointing towards your innocence. This is the feeling th...
Women and men deserve all of the same rights and opportunities. Also, women should not be known as the lesser gender and should be treated with mor...
Women employed through many professional work places are expected to choose between having children and working. This expectation is not only unfai...
Woman are payed far less than men. People deny this fact everyday saying that "Sexism is behind us at this point". However this is not the case at ...
" No matter your social status or how powerful you feel you are, we are all equal. We came here by birth and will leave in death."
Abortion should stay legal in the United States. Why would the leader of the free world make a decision that would oppress the women of our nation?
Women's inequality is something that has become a large issue for many people in America. Dear Madam or Mr. President, There are many disadvanta...
Immigration, Equality and Women's Rights.
This issue focuses on equality between men and women. Women’s rights and women’s equality is where women don’t get treated the same as men in many ...
Women are treated unequally, and that needs to change, plain and simple. In our country, women have to cope with sexism everyday; this issue needs ...
Unequal pay rates and how they effect the working women in the U.S.A.
We live in a world where white people are more likely to succeed in life than black people or Hispanic people. White people get higher pay or bette...
Throughout history, men have always been seen as the "dominant and stronger gender" while women were seen as the "weaker and vulnerable gender." Ho...
Racial Discrimination is a problem in our nation, and we need our new president to fix our nation, starting with this.
In the US, you have the power to end the pay gap between women and men and finally overcome gender discrimination.
Women are treated differently then men. Dress codes is just one of the many inequalities.
By making abortion illegal, it is stripping away a woman's right. It should be the woman's and family's choice, not the government's.
September 29, 2016 Dear Future President: I believe the most valuable concern for our future leader is racial discrimination. The United States o...
Police brutality and racism has been occurring for too long, and you have to take action before history repeats itself again.
People with tattoos and piercings should have equal opportunity to get jobs and not be overlooked based on appearance.
Whoever the president may be, listen to what the people need. Not only those who support you, but those who don't support you as well because bein...
Police Brutality is a problem and no one is trying to stop it
Women deserve to have more rights are be safe from prostitution!
This is a letter about the issues of equal pay and why you should care.
Dear Donald Trump , Although I am young I still have a voice and I feel that you should listen. From all the bogs and social media it seems that yo...
Society still seems to find loopholes to make men and women unequal.
All around the world, especially in America, transgenders have to struggle everyday to live in a trans-hating world.
My letter is about racial inequality, how and why the black lives matter movement started.
The United States of America is no longer a model economy for other nations, we need to make steps to ensure our people have jobs and well paying j...
Discrimination towards females in workplaces
Every day innocent people are being discriminated against all over the world, and it needs to stop!
In my letter, I addressed the constant topic of immigration and how it has made a positive impact to America, why we should continue with our immig...
I believe the practices of Guantanamo Bay are horrible and the prison should be shut down.
Although marriage equality is legal, the LGBT+ community is still being discriminated. No matter what views there are, there is the fact that we ar...
With support and opinions of the women's rights movement on the rise one important problem is pregnancy discrimination in the workforce. One in eve...
Compared to White people, Black people are getting the bad end of the stick when it comes to law enforcement.
Women should have a choice to have an abortion without feeling pressured and shamed. In the name of our history, in the past when we fought for fre...
I am a 17-year-old female from Utah writing about the importance of protecting a woman's right to having an abortion.
It's been almost 150 years since the 15th Amendment was passed. Why are we still fighting disenfranchisement in 14 states?
Its a letter
Congratulations on becoming POTUS! Please protect our inalienable gun rights! It is your duty as commander in chief to protect our constitutional r...
Women deserve the freedom to make their own decisions concerning their bodies.
Women should be allowed on the frontline if they prove that they can handle it.
In this letter, I’d like to go ahead and look at those rights of females in my country, our country, the USA.
Abortion can let women decide for themselves whether they're ready to take on the role of a mother. Children who are born to mothers who are prepar...
Racial tension in America obstructs black Americans from an equal path to success an achievement.
LGBT members are often discriminated just because they’re not straight and are often harassed.
Racial inequality and police brutality is something the next president should really be concerned with.
this is a letter to the next president concerning the amount of black people being killed by police.
A woman's right to her own body should hold a higher power than the government or any religious group, especially when it comes to the subject of c...
Our police force has been viewed as corrupt and racist to many. Social media, news outlets, and statistics all show what some officers have done to...
it about how all of us can help this problem and how it happened
On both sides, unnecessary deaths are hurting communities.
Lawmakers should not be allowed to defund Planned Parenthood.
the inequality of males being paid higher than females and why this needs to change.
Women should not be abused and seen as not confident and weak, women are just as strong as men.
There must be changes to how we view sexual assaults in the United States to end the rampant rape culture influencing American society.
A short and sweet plea for equality.