Immigration needs to be controlled.
Keep families together with more flexible policies
I think that the president should illegal immigrants become U.S citizens.I
The issue of immigration is important because immigration is beneficial for countries that need to maintain their population and economics.
This letter entails my understanding and perspective of both the good and bad of immigration. Then I top it all off with what I think needs to be d...
Immigration is a debatable topic. It’s controversial and a lot of people have different opinions about it. Here’s mine, i think we should have an i...
One of the biggest controversies in America is Immigration and how it should be handled. Legal Immigration truly defines our country and makes us t...
Being undocumented isn't easy. Its hard to be in a world were they judge you for someone you're not. Try an imagine yourself in a immigrants shoes....
Immigration is a serious issue that needs to be resolved.
We are proud to be Americans, proud to promote our ideas and values to every corner of the globe. Yet, so many of us believe that we are entitled t...
Stats and solutions to the Immigration problem, Without building a wall.
This letter is about what I feel should be done for immigrants, when they come the United States.
This letter is about how immigrants and refugees are very important to our country, how we must protect them, and how we must be hospitable to them.
Illegal Immigration
Our country is one of the strongest nations in the whole world. We are known for our bravery, freedom, and opportunities. We cannot give this away ...
This letter is about why the United States is no longer a “melting pot” of ethnicities but a “salad bowl” of cultures
What we need to do with immigrants.
The safety of Americans is being put at risk when we let Syrian refugees into our country.
This letter talks about Immigration and the effects it has on Americans. Also about the reasons why people come to the United States.
There should be a limit to how much immigrants are admitted in the U.S. each year.
Deportation of Immigrants is tearing families aparts
I think that the president should make the use of animals for scientific or commercial testing illegal!.
This letter is my opinion on the foreign policy in the United States.
I believe all undocumented immigrants should be granted legal status because they pay taxes just like any other citizen, and they contribute to th...
Illegal Immigrants come to the U.S for a better job or to have a better life.
Immigrants need papers.
Illegal immigration is increasing, but only because they aren't given equal treatment. With a change in how the U.S. accepts immigrants, the illega...
Even though people think that illegal immigrants are bad, they do help are our economy.
Gun Control and Immigration
Immigrants in America
On how immigration is being handled and other situations
Immigration is helping our society become better and better.
Immigration poses a risk to Americans
Immigrants are unfairly viewed in a negative way.
People move from different country to the U.S. but when the population of immigration growth, the opportunity of jobs didn't growth. Lots of people...
Illegal or legal, immigrants are part of the future of America. Give us a chance to contribute to the future.
I am a teenager that is concerned with how much hate Muslims get because of their past.
We need to let them know what they're getting themselves into and how to survive in our world.
This letter is to inform the next future president to take an interest in modifying our immigration system in the main category of Birthright Citiz...
The immigration problems in America are unfair, help make a change to make the world a better place.
Immigrants are a key to the function of our society and critical to our country's economy.
Immigrants are getting disrespected in many ways and should be helped more. They have to escape they country and all we do is just disrespect them....
The programs in place in the US to help refugees are pretty flawed, and could use some changes.
I am writing this letter because of some of the problems in the United States concerning immigration. Lots of people are worried about what would h...
Illegal Immigrants should be deported home, if they want to come back they should come back as legals and apply for a green card.
People from every race has a right to live in America, and they are only migrating to America to be safe, and to be free!
This letter is meant to inform the next president of the United States that immigration is a very hot topic in our country today and always has bee...
Letter to the Future President on a hot topic on Immigration!
Immigration should be reasonable in order to protect our country.
I think that the president should allow illegal immigrants to stay in the US.
I believe that your views on immigration are reasonably supported by your evidence found in the text. If you want to make our country stable we all...
Immigration has been a very common problem, well I think that the future president should fix that problem. But with NO damage.
This letter is about where America needs to place it's priorities.
Please help us reform our current immigration crisis in this country today.
Importance of immigration policies for Americans.
Letter to the future president- Government assignment.
Stopping Illegal immigration in the United States.
Ted Cruz once said, ”There is overwhelming bipartisan support outside of Washington that we need to finally secure our borders, enforce our laws, a...
I think that the president should let illegal immigrant become U.S citizens.
We need to stop the Illegal Immigrants the are entering our country and stealing our jobs. Along with smuggling in drugs
Stop deporting immigrants!
Change immigration policies to give hope where hope has been lost
Immigration has an important impact on our country.
We can help those families destroyed by war.
How our country lets in refugees from countries that hate us is terrible.
Why we should stop Immigration
This is a letter about immigration for the next president.
Immigration in America
I think that the southern border should be more secure, but I also think that immigrants should be given more opportunities in the U.S.
When deportations were at record levels approximately 152,000 children who were citizens had a parent taken away from them.
This letter is based on the bad effects of deportation which focused on the Central American kids who were undocumented and came to the USA. I am ...
Illegal Immigrants. They are taking our jobs. They are not paying health insurance. They don't have background checks. They are distributing drugs....
Immigration is a good thing for America. America's immigrants help its economy. Undocumented people bring different cultures to America and America...
My opinion on immigration is that I think everyone should all have an equal opportunity to better their lives and their kids lives. The american n...
The Future President 1660 Pennsylvani...
Illegal aliens are committing crimes and taking tax dollars and receiving free handouts. We need to change the policy that helps every American and...
The US needs to welcome immigrants and refugees to our country.
Immigrants would like to provide a better life for their families but would be unable to if they are deported.
This letter is on Immigration.
Why are Americans trying to kick out immigrants?
Immigrants are constantly being looked down upon, but why is that so? They come to this country to fight any obstacle than comes up in order for th...
A look at the immigration issue facing our country.
Its a letter stating that racism is a big problem in the U.S. and has 2 examples of racism.
If too many of them they could overrun the U.S. This number originated with the Department of Homeland Security, which in December 2003 estimated ...
I think immigration in the United States is not a good thing right now, because our people need to be cared for first.
A letter on our population
College tuition has been rising for the past 40 years how will you becoming the next president solve this national problem
Refugees should be admitted into the US to have a place to call home. In the past, no refugees have committed any acts of terror.
This piece basically explains my views on why the D.R.E.A.M Act should be made into law, and how it might appeal to the next president.
My letter is about illegal immigration and how we should stop it.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants became U.S citizens.
Immigration is truly degrading our country as a whole. We have heard over and over that we need to do something about immigration and it is about t...
The life for new immigrants is difficult, people face the challenge of learning a new language and face a confused future. How can we help them wi...
One of the most important topics discussed today in America is the concern with illegal immigration and how beneficial/negative it is to society.
This letter is about immigration.