People across the globe need to have access to knowledge on how they can keep our earth healthy.
My letter to the president is talking about Gun control.
This letter serves to raise awareness for the often overlooked major health concern of childhood obesity. It discusses the negative impacts of obes...
Police brutality is a major crisis throughout the world along with racism that needs to be recognized and controlled in order to have a successful ...
Redos and Retakes on homework and tests are hurting to students that are going to college.
Crime in the United States of America has continuously rose due to the amounts of people carrying guns. The Pew Research Center found out that "mor...
Homework is just too much to deal with these days. It takes time away from being a kid, having family time, and just doing what you want to do.
This letter is about people having the right to carry a gun. It tells you some of the reasons why we should and shouldn't be able to carry a gun.
Dear future President, I am an 8th grader at a local school in Cleveland. We as a citizen of the United States of America should have the righ...
School schedules leave students tired, hungry, and inept.
Gun control is a huge issue in the United States because it leads to unnecessary violence and death.
Transgender Rights, Drugs, & Racial Profiling. Education is the one thing that can unite us all.
We should be able to protect ourselves with guns, if we are cautious with them. Some people just don't need them.
Schools need to put in the effort to try and install an education that will be a benefit to student's futures.
Do you believe in the second amendment?
Gun control in america affects everyone even if you don't own a gun.
This is my take on the stupid laws of gun control.
There is a big issue.Children that are in foster systems don't get the opportunity to have a great education.
Gun violence should be stopped before many more innocent lives are lost.
Our education system is becoming less and less effective, we need to make changes now!
Gun control is a prominent issue in our society. Every time you turn on the news, you are bombarded with stories involving violence and the use of ...
The average start time for public schools in the U.S. is 8:03 am, too early for students to properly learn.
Student should not have homework
Teacher's salaries are simply too low right now and they need to be increased. Teachers are the people that educate the future of our nation and th...
The wage cuts upon teachers.
We need jobs in this country we are in a major crisis, more people are using welfare than ever.
“6 in 10, in a student body of 1,100, are failing to meet grade-level standards” (Simon). I want to bring to your attention a standard that is curr...
The American education system is killing curiosity in students, therefore dooming the future of innovation.
Guns shouldn't be banned or restricted furthermore
how inflexible teachers are when they teach while just assuming that the flexible students are slow, when its themselves.
Hispanics don't have enough resources to go to college.
18 year old high school student writes to explain how the education system holds people back from pursuing their passions and leaves room for long ...
Teachers in this country are less respected than teachers in other country's. In this argumentative essay I wrote about why teachers should be high...
Dear Next President, I am wri...
Dear future president, I think concealed carry and owning guns is a very important thing right now because some people don’t want people to be ab...
Require gun owners training to improve gun storage, gun safety and gun use.
I decided to address the problem of Gun Control. People believe it will stop death but I believe it will only make it worse.
This article is about gun violence and this article should tell the next president why this should be taken in consideration.
Get guns out of here.
Congratulations on becoming POTUS! Please protect our inalienable gun rights! It is your duty as commander in chief to protect our constitutional r...
My story is about how school days should be shorter, we should have no homework. We should just have time to be kids.
School start times all over the U.S are starting way too early for kids to do well in school.
Although its not a major topic in any presidential discussions, the problems with our education is something that should be given more attention to.
Students and families aren't able to afford education because of how expensive it is.
This letter is on the topic of police brutality, and the killing of our families. This is America and i don't feel safe when i should. So Mr/Mrs. P...
Excessive testing can hinder a student's education. What steps can be taken to solve this problem?
Are you labeled a threat for owning a gun?
After school programs are not only a place for kids to be safe, but it is also a place to learn and have fun and to meet new people. And for me it...
Do you think the second amendment is important?
Gun violence needs to stop.
The letter focuses on the issue of the increasing costs of college education and its negative impact on the economy, both now and in the future, if...
What good is our education if we can't even concentrate during it?
Reasons why we should have Gun Control Laws
Youth are the key to a successful country to come. If we youth are not educated to our capacity, the nation drops to our level. We are not prepared...
Guns can be dangerous, but with the right laws they can be kept out of the wrong hands. Not everybody who commits a crime is unworthy.
The liberal arts are more than just the myth of guaranteed unemployment, and it's time that the US education system understood that.
Help change the world by putting a restriction on guns.
College tuition is really expensive now and the government should try to lower the costs.
Standardized testing hurts America's education.
Mississippi's education dilemma is due to poverty and the lack of racial equality. The future president could be the resolution to all of these pro...
My summary is about ending homelessness, it is a very important issue that has gone on for many years.
Funding for schools is unfair and leaves many children disadvantaged. How can we solve this issue?
I made this drawing to show how we as individuals are destroying the U.S, whether it be by homicide, suicide, or committing some other acts of viol...
Gun control affects the wrong people in America. It disarms citizens and keep them from defending themselves. More gun control laws in America sh...
We need to improve our public schools.
It's about time students and parents know the behind-the-scenes of sex ed.
I wrote this letter because I would like to put a stop to guns. People should have there live and not having to worrying that they might get hurt.
How schools have been breaking the First Amendment of the Constitution for decades without anyone knowing it by teaching evolution to their students.
Global Warming is a Real thing with REAL effects on us and on our earth. We need a change right now, before its to late.
A lot of people all around the world lack or don't have any education at all I have always been interested in this topic because I believe that it ...
Kids have too much homework.Read on to see how it hurts us.
Students should not have to wear school uniforms
How we should keep guns out of the wrong hands, along with a better screening process to keep guns in the right minds. The statistics of how many c...
I am writing to the future president of the United State about my problems and thoughts on the issue of gun control.
Why guns should be allowed...
Gun control is taking our 2nd Amendment rights away from us!
Animal abuse is a big issue in all parts of the nation, but for some reason this is not being taught about in schools. If kids do not learn about t...
With a whopping total of 90 mass shootings in the years 1966 to 2012, something has to be done about gun control.
Students struggle, and get worse every year in our current education program. My letter adresses my concerns with the current system in our country...
The real nightmare all students have to face and why we should put an end to it.
Gun violence has gotten out of hand and guns have been used for the wrong reasons.
Many undocumented students in the US. are denied financial aid and in some cases college acceptance due to their legal status.
The public schooling in America needs to change because it is not effective and has many flaws, such as homework for a lot of students and also no...
Guns are ruining our country... Mental problems and gun dispersal are the key factors to address the problem of Gun violence.
All students want is a good meal for lunch to stay focused during the day. How are we expected to do that if the lunches are disgusting? We need to...
Educational disparity in the U.S is at an all-time high. The gap is growing at disturbing rates now more than ever. Is the system already set to gi...
You, the next president, need these characteristics to be a great president!
The U.S. military offers many things when joining the military.
Debt, terrorism, racism, and gun violence.
We need to find new programs for dyslexia.
Gun violence needs to be stopped
Police Brutality can be signified in many different ways. The most common form of police brutality is physical force. Even though policeman have th...
Kids need recess! Recess is one thing kids look forward to. Read on to find out more.
Gun are getting out of control,this is what i have to say
To be armed, or not to be armed; that is the question.
Many college students are incapable of living on their own at college because high schools throughout the country do not fully prepare them for the...
Students are not currently getting enough sleep. We need our next president to take a stand and make schools start later.
should guns be regulated? If so there could be big consequences.
For the past couple decades in the United States, gun violence has become an alarming problem. There is no way to completely end gun violence, or a...
Gun Violence is a huge problem in the United States of America. People die each day from a firearm and needs to be stopped.