People come to the U.S. for a better life, not to be sent back.
Don't deport everyone who enters US illegally
I think immigration is ok if it benefits the U.S., not just the person who is immigrating.
Deporting illegal immigrants separates children from their parents.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become US citizens.
Immigration is a great thing with the right processes and opportunities, and through that we could make America great again!
My letter is focused on the issue of immigration in the U.S. and how I think that you should address this issue.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants to become U.S. citizens
As a concern resident of Sunny Isles who used to be a an immigrant, I wanted to ask for a more flexible immigration reform who offered jobs tempora...
Letter describes the reform process for immigrants in the United States.
My letter highlights topics thtat are bascially not talked about enough. Or are not covered in the main conversations
Immigration is seen as an issue,but why? Shouldn't people be more understanding to the immigrants?The United States is made up of immigrants from a...
In this letter I wrote a little about social issues in the U.S, also what we can do to better our community.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants stay in the U.S
People moving to the US
There's is a lot of immigrants that need jobs and there are jobs for them, we just need to find them jobs
So future president would you like to join your citizens and help change our economy by making it stronger ? Or would you like to help make lives ...
This border has caused many problems before and it will continue to cause problems in the future for both of these countries. We need to solve thes...
Do their plans benefit us as a country?
Persuasive letter to the next president advocating immigration.
The immigration problems in America are unfair, help make a change to make the world a better place.
America used to be the nation where many countries look up to for admiration so why should we be change it so that it's no longer appealing to othe...
Illegal Immigration
Anchor Babies
An essay addressing the need of a pathway for undocumented workers.
Immigrants need help with getting a better life.
This talks about immigrants and how we need to help them.
Recent developments in discrimination and nativism challenge some of the constitutional standards of our republic. In searching for a remedy, we mu...
Our future as a nation looks bright, but in other ways, bleak. While we have chosen progressive stances on a number of issues, Islamophobia is incr...
Immigrants, especially Mexicans, in the U.S Illegally who are parents of U.S citizen minor should not be deported.
We need immigration reform to make it easier for immigrants to become citizens.
Immigration has played a large part in our country's past and will continue to play a large role in our future.
Immigration in the U.S. is a major problem that must be stopped and dealt with immediately.
All illegal immigrants deserve the same opportunities as American Citizens and should not be discriminated because of their race.
We are the people who face the struggles of America and the struggles of immigration itself.
Immigration is a serious issue that needs to be resolved.
The affects of immigration on America, and what we need to do to solve them
Listen here buddy, my name is Jac and I want you to think about something other than your iPhone for one second. I want you to look at the other pe...
My letter to the future president.......
A physical wall that by its very existence separates you? A new policy is what we need; we are still the America based on immigration.
Illegal immigration is hurting the american economy. Illegal immigrants take jobs away from Americans which puts them in poverty.
The US should be more strict reguarding illegal immigrants in our country.
Immigration is a big deal that most people shake off, and others just plain out ignore. The truth is that we should be more considerate about this...
There is no reason americans should have there rights taken by criminals who come in illegally.
Many regulations on immigrants are very harsh and which results them in being discriminated.
I am against immigration because immigrants are over populating the United States and are costing us to much money.
Should we build bridges to America and not walls? Or should we build walls and not bridges? We should build both, keep out illegal immigrants and a...
At such a young age you shouldn't have to be taken away from your parents.
Sincere Letter
We need to put an end to Abortion, Isis, "race war", and Illegal Immigration!
This is my letter to the future president of the united states addressing my opinion on immigration.
I think that the president should let immigrants become u.s. Citizens.
Keep undocumented immigrants in the US
Refugees are people like me and you who deserve to have a place to live here in the United States.
700 thousand illegal immigrants pour in each year. However, this has gone unnoticed for some time. Sure, it gets an occasional mention, but we need...
I feel that immigration should be a top issue in the country because it affects kids and the parents that remains in the U.S.
One of many wonderful reasons for not cutting the wings to many of our dreamers.
Change immigration policies to give hope where hope has been lost
Letter to the next president of the United States of America.
This letter is based on the bad effects of deportation which focused on the Central American kids who were undocumented and came to the USA. I am ...
We need to stop the Illegal Immigrants the are entering our country and stealing our jobs. Along with smuggling in drugs
We are proud to be Americans, proud to promote our ideas and values to every corner of the globe. Yet, so many of us believe that we are entitled t...
Immigration reform would do this country good and give many deserving immigrants a chance
You sould read this because it is about immigration
I think we should allow some Immigrants to come into the United States for jobs and or school.
Immigration is hurting our country but here's what we can do
Immigration is a major problem in America, and we need to fix it.
There are thoughts to pass and enforce new immigration laws that may trigger a similar reaction to the Arizona Immigration laws passed in 2010.
Undocumented immigrants should keep staying in the US, just as Obama have to give visas to immigrants and waiting for their citizenship. I believe ...
This letter expresses my feelings regarding current immigration policies.
Illegal Immigration is a huge problem that America is facing today, and we need a president who will end this crisis.
Illegal immigration has been a problem in the US for a while now, it is affecting our economy and breaking our laws.
Immigrants should not be deported and should be given the citizenship if meets requirements.
There are 318.9 million people in the United States of America, 26% of them are immigrants. Immigrants have paved the path for future generations a...
This letter is about immigrants moving to the U.S. who doesn't have their citizenship.
If your going to become the next president of United States you need to do something about the immigration.
Immigrants should be able to stay in the US if they meet certain requirements.
In my letter to you, I would like to explain the problems we have with immigrants who come over the border when they are not supposed to. They are ...
Immigration is not a good thing for America, and I have a way to fix our immigration issues
The United States of America needs to secure its border with Mexico and Canada in order for our country to be more protected.
illegal immigration
My letter to our new president
I think that the president should immigrants become u.s citizens.
Immigration and the issue of diversity.
Stop deporting immigrants!
The plaque at the base of the statue of Liberty states "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched r...
The Syrian refugee crisis isn't something to joke about- the refugees are just going to keep coming. Will your presidency make the change?
I pull together some of my ideas and opinions on our next president as well as ask him questions.
Can you help the child immigrants?
I think that the southern border should be more secure, but I also think that immigrants should be given more opportunities in the U.S.
Although I myself am not an immigrant, both of my parents are, and I feel that immigration is a key topic that, as President, you have to address ...
Immigration reform is an important issue you HAVE to address in you term.
Immigration is a serious matter in our country and needs to be taken care of in a sensible and responsible way. Immigration is an issue in the Unit...
Illegal immigration and terrorism is affecting are country.