This letter is about the issue of immigration. No human is illegal. Leading our nation means being a leader of the world, and as such you have an o...
Hello future president, my name is Sean Rodriguez. I am from West Milford, New Jersey, and I attend West Milford High School. I would like to speak...
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants became U.S.citizens
The letter that I wrote is based on immigration and is to the next president. In this letter I will describe my views on immigration, why it's impo...
The different ways that Immigration can be dealt with in the United States.
Illegal immigrants should have an easier path to citizenship.
what we should do about it
Persuasive letter to the next President, advocating for the change of immigration
Most immigrants want to pursue higher education but can't because they are affected by various factors
It's time immigrants get a chance to have the rights like we citizens of America do.
Letter to the next President
A short video letter about immigration.
I think that immigration is becoming a problem for the United States. Many people in the United States who come here are not here illegally. The m...
Letter to the future president- Government assignment.
Immigrants put so much effort to stay in America and make a living providing for their U.S. born children, but when one parent is deported, the oth...
What would happen if immigrants were to be deported.
I think immigration is ok if it benefits the U.S., not just the person who is immigrating.
Is immigration good or bad for America?
I think that the president should let immigrants become U.S citizens.
This is my letter on the issue on Immigration
Can you help the children at the border?
How people are discriminated for speaking their native language and how it impacts not only the individual but the rest of society.
Immigration does good things for our economy.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become to US citizens.
The government should spend more money to stop illegal immigration.
Immigration in America.
Should we build bridges to America and not walls? Or should we build walls and not bridges? We should build both, keep out illegal immigrants and a...
Illegal immigration is causing a lot of US citizens jobs and putting us in debt
Illegal immigration needs to be stopped and regulated in the United States to decrease both overpopulation and crime rates.
The Reality of Immigration
America "The States" is often praised. Should the US also be ridiculed? Here I bring to you my view on some of America's problems & some solutions ...
Immigration reform is an important issue you HAVE to address in you term.
This is America. We aren't the bystanders.
This video demonstrates the real life struggles that many immigrants have before coming to the United States and how they aren't a detriment to thi...
I believe that your views on immigration are reasonably supported by your evidence found in the text. If you want to make our country stable we all...
I think that Immigration is the best thing and beneficial for this country.
The immigration system has been a big hassle over the past few decades. The amount of undocumented immigrants in America has tripled since the 1990...
I believe that immigration should be allowed in the U.S.A.
Allowing immigrants to come to the U.S without so many complications
This letter talks about Immigration and the effects it has on Americans. Also about the reasons why people come to the United States.
Illegal immigration is a problem the U.S is dealing with, and we need to put a stop to it.
The Letter to Next President is about an issue that The President of The United States of America should know and be aware of which is Immigration!
A look at the connection between immigration and poverty.
Immigrants should be allowed to live in a place where many of us call it home. It's time to put yourself in our shoes.
Immigrants should be respected, while the criminals should be deported.
This video will discuss the types of immigration. The types of Jobs that legal and illegal immigrants in America. And also the percentage of the fo...
We need to stop illegal immigrants from coming into the United States.
Illegal immigrants should not be mass deported because they add to the fabric of this great country.
Immigration laws should be reviewed. They should also be more strict because other legal Americans are having to pay the price.
There has been a lot of awful talk about immigrants throughout the past few years, and I think we need to first work on our relationships before we...
Keep undocumented immigrants in the US
This letter was created to express concern over the proposals for immigration in the United States and reasons why you, as the future President of ...
We should stop deporting innocent people especially those who have families.
some people don`t deserve to be deported?
This is a letter to our next presumptuous President, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
deporting adults affects there children too.
Immigration is a huge problem in the U.S. this is my plan. Control the immigration, do not let people in who seek free entrance in this country, ma...
The Syrian refugee crisis isn't something to joke about- the refugees are just going to keep coming. Will your presidency make the change?
Immigration reform suggestions.
Medical Marijuana has been proven to be of value to patients struggling through the painful side effects of many illness and, therefore, should be ...
Anti-illegal immigration, Pro legal immigration.
Letters to the Next President By: Casady Rickets Dear Donald Trump, People from all around the world write to the president of the United Sta...
Due to the Central American turmoil the amount of immigrants feeling to the United States is increasing rapidly including youth and children travel...
Immigration is a serious matter in our country and needs to be taken care of in a sensible and responsible way. Immigration is an issue in the Unit...
immigration is one of the most important issue that united state face.
I feel like immigration is bad for our country and is not fair to the American people.
illegal immigration
Immigrants need help with getting a better life.
There are many issues with immigration that need to be addressed so that immigrants can be helped. Some of the issues include how many immigrants a...
Immigration is truly degrading our country as a whole. We have heard over and over that we need to do something about immigration and it is about t...
An immigration reform should be developed.
Millions of illegal immigrants are being taken from their home each year. Help immigrants gain citizenship with immigration reform!
No one should be treated differently just because they are not from here and are here illegally. Believe me just here Martin Luther King Jr´s famou...
Issues of immigration have become much more persistent and prominent over the last decade, specifically in this election cycle, and are, in part, d...
Illegal immigration to the United States is a crime that needs to be ended because the jobs, health, and safety of Americans is at risk.
Illegal Immigration is truly an issue, but the way in which you tend to take care of it is no solution to it.
Dear sir, In order to have a stable country you need to control the immigration. Future president, you need to stop the immigration, there are bad ...
Our future as a nation looks bright, but in other ways, bleak. While we have chosen progressive stances on a number of issues, Islamophobia is incr...
i talk about ways to make immigration easier and less complicated then it is.
Why we need to bring illegal immigrants to the United States?
Focus on immigration...
Immigration reform would do this country good and give many deserving immigrants a chance
The American Dream is slowly dying.
We need to reduce the amount of immigrants and check their back grounds because we might be letting dangerous people in we don't know if they are t...
Immigration has played a large part in our country's past and will continue to play a large role in our future.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrant become U.S citizens.
Help the children.
We need to let more immigrants into the U.S to help rebuild their lives and give them a greater hope for tomorrow.
Slow Immigration Down
The increasing abundance of refugees has led to an immigration crisis in the United States. We should call to attention the safety and security of ...
lets support legal immigrants!
Illegal immigration is a major problem that needs to be fixed.
America used to be the nation where many countries look up to for admiration so why should we be change it so that it's no longer appealing to othe...
Claim : When you finish reading this letter you WILL be convinced that illegal immigration is great for our country.
Talk about immigration and possible ways for the future president to change it. I share my grandparents story and how my family is where we are tod...
Letter about immigration
Immigration in the U.S. is a major problem that must be stopped and dealt with immediately.