Taking a look at Welfare fraud and fixing a broken system.
I would like explain on how the unemployment rates in the U.S. are negatively affecting the economy.
Life is demanding. We all need a little help sometimes, and that's what welfare is made for. Welfare, then, is a good thing, right? Some would disa...
A lack of job employment has grown to be a problem through the years. And continues to be one, as less and less people have the opportunity to obta...
Minimum wage should not be raised for many, many reasons.
A raise of pay can help the work force of America and the economy.
I bring up the matter where, President Clinton discusses using solar panels to being employment to America.
Abuse in the welfare system is at an all time high.
The current welfare system is starting to do more harm to the nation than help. Our fellow citizens are becoming too dependent. It needs a reform.
A letter to you, from yours truely
The numbers of unemployers and low wages are the most important economic problem in the USA right now, the low wages and unemployment are slowing d...
Some people can take advantage of welfare and some people don't even need it. This is a small step to ending welfare
Increasing production, power, and unemployment we help the economy grow further than what we expect!
There are 318.9 million people waiting for you to listen, and speak up for the ones that cannot speak for themselves.
This is a paper on how I think Welfare should be changed.
Why are we in over 19 trillion dollars of national debt? Why is that number still rising? Why are we more concerned with international issues that ...
Louisiana's TOPS program is vital
Illegal Immigration has affected me in several ways
A letter on how the welfare system and the economy affects the middle class and minimizes success for everybody.
How we can cut welfare spending and put it towards growing our military.
Economy Debt Money
The exorbitant cost of a college education is not something that we can keep living with.
This letter is about the employment rate continues to rise causing the poverty rate to keep climbing. I would like to address the issue and hope fo...
This letter explores American poverty.
This letter is about police brutality and Inequality toward Blacks and Latinos
This letter addresses the problems of the economy and unemployment in the United States.
We don't need an immediate switch-over to renewable resources. Just let it happen on its own.
We have too many of our nation's veterans that cannot find work.
Our national debt is gradually becoming a larger problem in this country, and it needs to be turned around.
The United States government has enabled its citizens to take no responsibility for their actions, this has inevitably created the inactive citizen...
In my letter I explain Veteran Rights and Affairs focusing specifically on veteran homelessness and unemployment and how we can help to reduce vete...
As President it is crucial that you address our nation's crisis regarding abortions.
Welfare and Unemployment rates in the United States.
Poverty is a growing issue in America that needs to be stopped.
There is a need for growth in the labor force and wage incentives.
The misuse of food stamps should be stopped.
We need jobs in this country we are in a major crisis, more people are using welfare than ever.
Poverty is serious issue that doesn't affect all of us, but it affects our Nation.
The welfare system is broken and needs to be fixed.
The U.S. must consider investing time into the national infrastructure for the future.
Unemployment is hurting our country!
The United States started welfare during the Great Depression in the 1930s. The main purpose was to give families that had little income or were th...
Most people using the system don't actually need the assistance.
This letter is addresses unemployment, and the problems with our economy.
More Jobs need to be created for the unemployed.
We should help the homeless if they want to better their lives.
Tuition-free college? Sounds great! Until you realize what this really means..
Unemployment rates are increasing because not enough people are going to college.
I'm writing this letter on behalf of how the welfare system is costing our nation too much money.
Business moving to China is killing American jobs.
People who served us now don't have shelter!
The once booming Motor City is running on E. Detroit, Michigan has been struggling for years and it could use a helping hand.
The federal minimum wage must be increased for people who work all day and can't afford their own daily needs.
Government Entitlement Programs are being taken advantage of by the wrong people. It is great to have in many ways for the people who are physicall...
With America being one of the wealthiest countries in the world it is no surprise that many Americans overlook the fact that poverty is a serious i...
Saving the people from unemployment in the United States, specifically in the field of the labor force and construction workers.
The welfare system has been around for many years now, and thousands of people are using it. But is it necessary?
issues with unemployment
Limit the welfare period and the workforce will improve in no time.
Welfare is a corrupt system run by the government.
People do not want to work at all.They just want to be lazy.
There are millions of Americans who are unemployed! We need our jobs back!
For many years, our economy has been digging itself deeper and deeper into a mountain of debt. With our lives submerged far under this mountain, it...
The population of people in poverty is rising. Poverty needs to stop now.
America's problems related to poverty, and possible solutions
Our Nation needs to gang up on the obstacle of unemployment!
I believe that you should be drug tested if you are receiving money from the government.
If you lower minimum wage just a little bit, it could decrease the unemployment rate.
Would rather have a drug addict or person who can't afford the food on their table using welfare.
The current federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 an hour. Thousands of workers work 40 hours a week and still live in poverty. It is almost impo...