The environment has a huge impact in our everyday lives. It needs to be cared for.
Earth's temperatures are rising, bringing side effects on the environment. We must act on climate change now before it's too late.
As a nation I believe that the need for fossil fuel to power life needs to come to end, now we must start using more clean, efficient and renewable...
Everyone needs to be aware of all the environmental problems because most of the issues are caused by humans.
I am writing this letter about a serious problem that I care about. Today’s wildlife is suffering. We need to start paying more attention to this m...
I wrote a letter to our next president regarding the issue of climate change.
Everyone should be able to recycle because environmental importance, importance to people, and know the 3 R’s.
Small pollinators like bees play an incredible role in the food production of our world. Despite their obvious importance, bees have received littl...
Reasons why President should make environmental protection important and more involved in our community.
Trust me, global warming is real...
Pollution needs to stop.
Climate change is having a major impact on the world, and is only getting worse. Urgent action is necessary.
We are trashing Earth to the point where it is no longer tolerable. This needs to stop.
Climate Change is an increasingly prevalent issue, both within the US and globally. Without immediate action, global warming will wreak unchecked d...
For years waste has been dumped in our Great Lakes causing a massive issue for the lakes ecosystem and a huge impact on everyone's daily lives. Wil...
A letter about the importance of conserving the environment.
Climate change, an issue plaguing the world, must be addressed. The effects of climate change are devastating on the environment.
This letter addresses the need for environmental protection.
How America can work towards using more efficient energy that can help in cutting the energy waste and becoming more productive and efficient as a ...
Food is taken for granted, but do we really have that right?
Dear whoever it may concern, Please take the environmental issue seriously, specifically on the West coast Where I live in Washington I see the ef...
If we can protect the life in our environment, we can protect ourselves and make sure that life doesn't end on Earth. Pollution is taking over the ...
Climate Change Needs To Be Recognized By the Government
Climate change is one of the biggest problems of our generation, but I believe every can fix it.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling we can save our world from this catastrophe we have brought onto it.
Wait for it...Wait for it...Bam, and Global Warming has just ruined everything.
and not just in politics. The Earth's climate is changing for the worse and we need to do something.
If we don't find a solution now the damage will already have been dealt.
Climate Change has become an issue and is causing many effects.
This is a critical issue that will create a state of climate emergency and needs to be resolved cautiously and necessary actions need to be taken t...
Climate change is a massive problem; coral reefs are dying, areas across the world areas are facing droughts, the sea levels are constantly rising ...
The next president should tackle the large pollution issue in the United States.
Farmers, by dumping waste, are making irreversible dead zones in the oceans.
The United States is a wasteful country, arrogant in its consumption. Americans have too much material wealth, waste vital resources and, in the pr...
Our National Parks need improvements in order to secure their success in the future.
A Letter By Pure Handsomeness
The United States needs to do more to protect our wildlife and forests.
On how lead became America's "criminal element," and the need for a nationwide effort to reclaim our environment and citizens from the influence of...
An opinion on how the U.S. should respond to the issue of climate change.
We need more solar power use, use less pollutants, and find natural power.
The environment is in danger!
I believe we should stop using so much energy to stop global warming and many other things.
Global warming is an ever-present issue in our country today that needs to be addressed before it's too late.
Our planet is getting destroyed! Let's work together to protect it.
Some countries around the world are taking important domestic actions to help tackle the issue of climate change but not enough people are taking t...
The Great Barrier Reef is going to die if we don't do something about it.
pebble mine
Climate change is a real problem and must be acknowledged.
Our world today is majorly affected by pollination, yet in the future we could see a decline in bees and the many things that bees pollinate and pr...
This letter is about the escalating problem of Global Warming. Global Warming is a rising problem, in this letter, I talk about what's causing Glob...
Countries must be abstain from whaling and follow the ban of whaling in 1986
I believe that the next president must respond to divisiveness in this campaign and the gridlock in our government.
"For the sake of our children and our future, we must do more to combat climate change…"
Ms. Dickerson English 3 Honors Class
This letter is about how people treat forests lightly and just chop them down.
The potential destruction of the environment needs to be discussed in the coming election and is something our future president should try to resol...
It's time for change.
Working together to help save the planet.
what can we Americans do to help lower green House Gasses
This letter is about the ways education is received and how it needs to be changed to adapt to the learner.
Measures need to be taken to fix our changing climate.
Climate change is harming the environment, and this is what we can do to help our planet.
This letter is about how climate change changes the U.S.
The ecosystem of Mother Earth is in danger, and it is time to take action
We started climate change - now we need to stop it.
Bees are more important than you'd think
Reliance on coal energy can have large impacts on the health of U.S. citizens. We must bring a new wave of renewable energy to reduce health risks ...
We have one earth and we need to take care of it.
Global warming is a huge problem, everywhere, on our Earth. It has hurt many people already, and many more to come, if we don't do something about ...
Climate change is an issue that will not only affect us, but especially the generations after us. The rising global surface temperatures and the de...
Our environment is vital for humans for humans to continue living. However, with the way were treating it we slowly leading ourselves to our death.
people who recycle help the environment to become cleaner.
I am a resident of sunny isles beach and I’m writing you these letter because there is a lack of future vision to what is going to happen to the bu...
Small towns in the United States are fading faster and faster. But by losing these small communities we also lose the land that feeds an entire nat...
U.S is 1 out 5 biggest consumers massive amount of plastic bag whereas the effort in recycling this harmful chemical is just less than 10%.
Why won't people acknowledge our changing environment?
The Pacific Garbage Patch has been a problem for quite a long time. We need the next president be the one to do something about it.
This is about how global warming changes us as a country.
Let's apply some laws to keep our country with the least affects on the active global warming.
Many cars in the United States and most of the world runs on gasoline, but yet, an increase in gas prices will eventually lead more people to ride ...
Why Fossil Fuels Are Underrated
Climate change has an immense effect of the planet.
People are destroying the world we live in. We are wasting are water instead of giving it to those who need it most. We are destroying the arctic w...
Our national parks bring in revenue from tourism, help preserve biodiversity, and provide places to learn and explore for people of all ages. These...
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is affecting humans and animals. I hope the next president addresses this issue and fixes it.
Persuasive Letter to the next President to put a stop to pollution
The forest is vital as a watershed. Because of the thick humus large, loose soil and soil-retaining powers of the trees' long roots, forests are vi...
GMOs are genetically modified organisms. They are highly toxic and detrimental to the human health. This letter analyzes how GMOs are not beneficia...
Why is the weather so bad? Why is it snowing in April? Why is there so much trash on the ground? These are question you may ask yourself. It is bec...
Bottom trawling is a method of commercial fishing that has become widespread throughout the world. If we do not do something to regulate or stop bo...
We must save the Black-Footed Ferret from extinction.
Guns; let us keep them. Let us protect ourselves. Let us represent the second amendment. Environment; let us keep the animals. Let us keep the t...
Dear Next President,
This letter, addressed to presidential candidate Donald Trump, suggests a change in his proposed policies on the use of fossil fuels and coal, and ...
We need to talk.
Making an impact on our environment by switching to clean energy can be one of the most important things that the United States President can do fo...
Our environment is in serious danger. We need to do something about it quick.
Climate Change is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.
The environment is getting out of hand these days. The climate change, pollution and habitats are a big issue for many people/ animals. We need to ...
This letter is about some small changes I want our future President to make when he or she goes into office.