People come to the United States for better lives. Better everything. Deportation will make everything worse.
My letter talks about two articles that supports my argument and one that counters it. At the end support triumphs reject.
The growing demand for meat is affecting our global temperatures.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants stay in the U.S
Different cases of racism grip the world right now, how are the parents of America raising their children to think?
A major problem that is occurring in the United States, yet no one has been able to figure out a solution.
There are solutions for those who are at risk of being deported, but it's up to the ones who can change the law to solve this problem.
A physical wall that by its very existence separates you? A new policy is what we need; we are still the America based on immigration.
Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing this letter bringing light upon the quite controversial subject of immigration. Personally, I believe your ways of res...
This persuasive letter is for the President to take action to enhance the country.
Immigration to the U.S is a big deal and I don't like that an illegal immigrant could come over and take my parents' jobs or even my future job.
This is a letter about immigration policy and its beneficial affects on history and the future.
My personal views on Immigration in the United States
Deportation is splitting apart families.
Immigrants are a big part of today's life. Immigrants do a lot to help out this country and everyone else just takes advantage of them. They are he...
Undocumented immigrants participate in the development of this country, so why not grant them legal status and even a path to citizenship?
Donald J. Trump has many ideas and thoughts on how he wants to take care of some problems but the one that stands out to me, is the one on immigrat...
Ashlyn Koontz
Immigrants are being deported for no reason. People came here to the United State to start a new life.
Issues with Illegal Immigration
Immigration is important we should find a new way to stop immigration and stop tearing families apart.We can help immigrants stay with their family...
The 2016 Presidential Election is a mark of great change, a time at the cusp of progress. We need to act now, with a substantial, concrete Immigrat...
Illegal immigration has been a problem in the US for a while now, it is affecting our economy and breaking our laws.
I think that the president should allow illegal immigrants to stay in the US.
Increasing border security, deportation, and make america great again.
My Views on Immigration
Know the importance of immigration and put yourself in other people's shoes.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become us citizens.
lets support legal immigrants!
Immigration matters because immigrants help all Americans.
The upcoming President should put an end to people who are coming into the united states illegally.
Immigrants should have a chance at a free healthy life.
People who immigrate to the US should be given the opportunity to become legal because they are trying to have a better life for them and their fam...
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become U.S citizens .
Immigration and Deportation, though it may be good, is heavily weighed by its bad aftereffects.
Millions of illegal immigrants pour into the United States every year. Many enter illegally because of the strenuous and time-consuming system to ...
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become US citizens
As a high school student who comes from hard-working, undocumented people, I am concerned about the solutions that 2016 candidates running for Pre...
Illegal immigration is a big problem in the United States, and it needs to stop!
All about Immigration
I would like to address an issue which I think is important. Immigration is a constant conflict in the United States and I think that needs to be c...
Mass deportation may be the quickest route, but this doesn't make it the wisest.
At the moment immigration is a very controversial topic in the United States. People just can not say immigrants are bad or good, People can not ju...
In Central America many children are fleeing violence and abuses in their countries.
America is loosing jobs
700 thousand illegal immigrants pour in each year. However, this has gone unnoticed for some time. Sure, it gets an occasional mention, but we need...
I address this letter about immigration in the United States. As you may know,there has been some problems about the topic of immigration, like wha...
Our efforts to push out illegal immigrants have been unsuccessful. We need to take action.
Most immigrants in the Unites States took a risk on leaving their families to have better lives and chances toward their future.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become USA citizens
Immigration poses a risk to Americans
In my letter to you, I would like to explain the problems we have with immigrants who come over the border when they are not supposed to. They are ...
We have misguided views on world cultures, we fear the unknown. By isolating ourselves, we strengthen those fears, until we separate. Fix this issu...
My letter is about the immigration system in the United States. It includes the problems with it and how the next president needs to fix for our co...
We need to cut off the Immigration for a period of time
8% of the citizen of U.S. are born by immigrants parent
People should get a taste of freedom.
The safety of Americans is being put at risk when we let Syrian refugees into our country.
My letter is about undocumented immigrants, and how we can change the immigration system to prevent chaos in our country.
Right now, there are countless refugees trying to escape Syria for many reasons. Some are running from their government, others are running from te...
I believe Deportation should be stopped so that we can reunite families and not separate them.
My claim is that immigration is bad for our country and can be dangerous
People move from different country to the U.S. but when the population of immigration growth, the opportunity of jobs didn't growth. Lots of people...
Many undocumented immigrants are affected by not having essential basic rights in the U.S and something needs to be done about it.
Illegal immigration needs to be restricted in the United States.
The change for immigrants starts NOW! I believe that the main reason that immigrants come to the United States is to start a new life for themselve...
Why is the topic of illegal immigration so touchy? Why are people afraid to voice their opinions about this relevant topic?
All of the states in the U.S., expect for 12, make illegal immigrants pay out-of-state tuition in their own resented state. Illegal or not, they sh...
Syrian refugees want to seek shelter in the United States. Should we let them?
My opinion about why to not send the immigrants back to there home state.
This is a letter to our next presumptuous President, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Illegal immigration has more cons than pros
Many immigrants are refugees trying to escape a corrupt government to a place of safety and freedom.
One of the most important topics discussed today in America is the concern with illegal immigration and how beneficial/negative it is to society.
Illegal Immigrants need to be deported out of USA and go home
Equal Opportunities
Concerns about the our country's policy on immigration.
Immigrants should not be deported and should be given the citizenship if meets requirements.
Immigration is huge and should be handled appropriately.
My letter is focused on the issue of immigration in the U.S. and how I think that you should address this issue.
Immigrants shouldn't have to live in fear, they should have freedom to live just like all Americans. Instead of throwing them out we should be help...
Some subjects that personally affect me or that I am concerned about, are immigration, unemployment, low income families, equal rights, for all sex...
This letter is addressing the issues concerning the negative stereotypes and other mistreatment by which immigrants face upon entering the country....
All illegal immigrants deserve the same opportunities as American Citizens and should not be discriminated because of their race.
The big issue on how the people want a healthy homing and environment and fleeing from an unhealthy environment
There are many issues with immigration that need to be addressed so that immigrants can be helped. Some of the issues include how many immigrants a...
There's is a lot of immigrants that need jobs and there are jobs for them, we just need to find them jobs
Most immigrants try to cross the border and they die trying, leaving their family and dreams behind.
Immigration is a problem and it needs to be solved.
How are we going to keep terrorist out of the US?
Immigrants are being evicted from their own home, but are still judged for their cultural background. The U.S. should respect the immigrants and n...
What kind of country are we if we can’t even live up to our own words? We have made America a nation of hypocrites, and we must raise the low stand...