Riots, protests, and more killings. Police brutality is alive and well. As communities and their officers are driven farther apart, our hopes turn ...
Stand up and fight for your rights.
Police brutality is increasing day by day and we need to take action.
No one has helped blacks at all but looks at us to help them win elections and become the leader of America.
In many cases, capital punishment is unjust because many people are falsely accused and some not treated equally due to the circumstances of how t...
America was never great... Please heal this Nation.
Discrimination towards females in workplaces
The purpose of the police is to keep citizens safe, but many police officers are harming innocent families because of racial bias.
Racism is probably something that will never end, but it can be stopped.
We need to put an end to Abortion, Isis, "race war", and Illegal Immigration!
Racism is around the world,but did you know every child deserves their education.It Doesn't matter what your race or skin color you are.People are ...
Dear Upcoming President, You know of the controversy between t...
Blacks are targeted by police and are treated different from other races.
Police brutality is turning Americans against one another.
In my letter, I addressed the constant topic of immigration and how it has made a positive impact to America, why we should continue with our immig...
Over the past few years, police brutality has become a major issue in the United States. Unfortunately it continues to grow and some major changes ...
Basically, police brutality is a common thing that is being protested. Officers get away with murder, and its not ok. Citizens, especially Blacks a...
Violence against people of color from police is an incredible problem that needs and deserves attention.
Although marriage equality is legal, the LGBT+ community is still being discriminated. No matter what views there are, there is the fact that we ar...
"Millions of people, mainly women, don’t get equal pay as their male counterparts. According to The National Committee on Pay Equity in 2015 women ...
Police Brutality against black men has risen tremendously.
Police body cameras should be worn so that the officer and civilian act better.
People shouldn't be treated differently because of their sexuality.
African Americans today are dying as a consequence at the hands of some police officers for minor things.
Not saying that all lives don't matter but right now black people are getting killed and we need help to end the killings of innocent people."i'm g...
A short and sweet plea for equality.
There is too much racism in America, and this needs to come to an end. As the president you can help to resolve this issue.
Racism has been a very hot-button topic recently, so here's the low down.
This is my letter on this issue of discrimination against the LGBTq community.
I believe the practices of Guantanamo Bay are horrible and the prison should be shut down.
The gender pay gap is a very bad part of the United States and it needs to be fixed to progress with other issues of the nation.
Racial tension in America obstructs black Americans from an equal path to success an achievement.
Racial Discrimination has deeply impacted America for years and it has come back. Lives are being hurt and we need to solve this before it gets the...
"Racial profiling has destroyed trust in today's policemen" for instance if a black male has an expepensive car some policemen will pull them over ...
The United States isn't very united.
Black Lives Matter
I believe this is the biggest problem in the world. Race equality is so low now, and WE really need your help to change this.
Racism is a large problem in todays society.
Sexual identity discrimination in the workplace is defined as, “When an employee is subjected to negative employment action, harassment, or denial ...
Let's put racial profiling to rest for good.
Women's Equal Rights
They are the main source of income in four out of ten families. They receive more college and graduate degrees than men. Yet, on average, women co...
Many African Americans are dying by police officers at higher rates than another minority. No media and even officers can dispute the facts, number...
This country is filled with hate crimes everyday and if we don't make a change right now it will get even worse.This letter is asking for the next ...
Racial inequality and police brutality is something the next president should really be concerned with.
Basically, my letter is about the fact that police and the authorities are treating the Black community really bad. They don’t support them, and wh...
Police are doing the opposite of their job by endangering innocent lives.
Just because of one’s ethnicity, sexuality, characteristics, genetics, or ideas we forget that they are just as human as us.
My letter to the next president explains what police brutality is , how things can change, and who it affects.
Police brutality throughout the nation is a growing issue that the next President of the United States needs to confront and solve.
Police Brutality is a problem and no one is trying to stop it
My letter is about racial inequality, how and why the black lives matter movement started.
The next President needs to fix the gender inequality in America.
" No matter your social status or how powerful you feel you are, we are all equal. We came here by birth and will leave in death."
Racial Discrimination is a problem in our nation, and we need our new president to fix our nation, starting with this.
Dear next president, the african-american race receives unfair punishments and racism today, it is causing many protests and even violent demonstra...
LGBT members are often discriminated just because they’re not straight and are often harassed.
Imagine being in trial for a crime and being found guilty, despite the substantial evidence pointing towards your innocence. This is the feeling th...
This letter discusses the negative effects of police brutality and racism in our country.
America needs to stop with people going against police because the media portrays them as a bunch of racist idiots who care about nothing except th...
Dear Mr. Future President The phrase “black lives matter” has become the cry for many African Americans in the long struggle for freedom. But du...
We need to stop racism in our great country and set an example for other countries.
All people should be equal, no matter what skin color.
Although some may believe that racism and oppression is old news, but we still face racism every day, and we still see it everywhere.
LGBTQ+ youths are harassed and abused daily and we need to take action.
Persuasive Letter to the next President preserving the rights of African Americans in every way possible.
The Law system oppresses blacks and people of color. Police shoot first and ask questions latter and this needs to stop because innocent lives are ...
Just because segregation is no more, does not mean that some people are on board with equality. Major issues about discrimination still exist in to...
Police Brutality toward black men is becoming more of a problem each and every day . We can't continue to allow these officers who swore to protect...
In this letter I address my concerns of local communities and minorities in relation to police brutality. A change needs to take place and it start...
Persuasive letter to the next President advocating African American discrimination and racism fueled violence.
Dear Future President, Police brutality is a controversial topic that's on the rise, especially in the perfidious media. It's shameful ...
This letter is about police brutality and the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians.
Islamophobia, or the extreme fear of Muslims, is infecting the minds of modern Americans and leading to discrimin
In this letter to the next president I inform from you on a serious topic that is affecting the African-American and Hispanic communities.
A song about the way cops treat Black people and Black Lives Matter
In this letter to the next president I address the possible issues with unisex bathrooms and the safety of everyone.
Racism is an important issue around the world and it needs to be stopped now.
The 2016 Presidential Election is a mark of great change, a time at the cusp of progress. We need to act now, with a substantial, concrete Immigrat...
Police brutality and racism has been occurring for too long, and you have to take action before history repeats itself again.
Once upon a time, weren't we immigrants too?
This letter addresses the issue of police brutality in this country.
Do you know what other people do just to get rid of their enemy's rights for education or just the right to live? Shouldn't all people have the sa...
Police brutality is an issue that matters to many people, an issue that needs to be adressed.
Racial Inequality is a big problem around the U.S and should be controlled.
Dear future President, Have you have seen in the news? Many unarmed young black men have been fatally shot by police officers across the country. ...
Dear Future President, My name is Siena, and I live in San Jose, CA. I am writing you because America is having a lot of trouble with black liv...
This is a plan I know will work to get more rights for lgbt+ people in this nation or even the whole world
Weren't we all born human? So, why should people be treated differently if they are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and so on? Problems like t...
We live in a world where white people are more likely to succeed in life than black people or Hispanic people. White people get higher pay or bette...
To fix these race issues, we need to start in our households, teach our families that everyone deserves to be treated as an equal. We cannot ignor...
In the world we live in today the color of someone's skin changes the way that they are treated and the opportunities they can acquire. This needs ...
In order to end racial discrimination in the United States, citizens need to respect one another and realize 'all lives matter.'
September 29, 2016 Dear Future President: I believe the most valuable concern for our future leader is racial discrimination. The United States o...
Throughout history, men have always been seen as the "dominant and stronger gender" while women were seen as the "weaker and vulnerable gender." Ho...
Do you want to continued to be judged or treated unfairly because of your race?
Racism must end.
In this letter, I’d like to go ahead and look at those rights of females in my country, our country, the USA.