Protect those who can't stand up for themselves.
Rape needs to be taken more seriously as a crime.
Sexual Assault/Rape is a major case that should never go without a punishment.
Currently, in 2016, rapists are not getting their well deserved time, or for some any time at all. Back in January of 2015, Brock Turner was indict...
Native American problems have long been overlooked by society, something that is extremely prevalent today due to the problems with the Dakota Acce...
Sexual assault can happen to various people, who where there at the wrong time and wrong place. There are indeed laws that cover this, but because ...
We could donate more money, and help spread gender equality throughout the rest of the world. But we can’t do that all over the world, if we can’t ...
The recent increase in trivializing rape culture by Americans is detrimental to American society. Instead of providing victims with comfort and sup...
Women deserve to have more rights are be safe from prostitution!
Mass Middle Eastern migration has caused many problems for Europe. The United States must learn from the European Union's mistakes and halt migrati...
The Juvenile Justice System is flawed and we need a better way to truly discipline children, not endanger them.
I basically wrote a letter on my thoughts on these two serious issues Racism and Sexism and I put in what I think the President should do about it
Reproductive and abortion rights for women are extremely important, and will put our country in complete chaos if the wrong decisions are made. It ...
Sexual assault happens every single day. It happens more than once a day in way too many circumstances. In my opinion, rape is one of the wors...
Prisoners being released early from prison for violent or harmful offenses is a serious problem in our justice system, especially when many people ...
Many judges these days are giving harsher or more lenient sentences based on the race, gender, sexuality, religion, or social class of the offender.
Are you being wrongly misjudged by our country's justice system because of your race?
The misconduct towards woman should come to an end.
In this letter I have composed several issues that America faces today. This includes the lack of respect towards rape survivors and the debate ove...
Words are never just words, and sexual harassment should not be normalized.
This is my letter about Sex trafficking.
College campus sexual assault cases are not being handled seriously. What are YOU going to do about it?
A life changing crime with a punishment way too small
Why is it that sexual assailants are allowed to coexist in our already fragile society? Most importantly, how can their prison sentencing be justif...
Our justice system punishes the victims, the innocent, and the nonviolent offenders instead of the dangerous criminals it should be focused on. It'...
Women's rights and the problems American women face as a whole. Looks into Why we have some of these problems. Focuses on Wage Gap, Sexual assault/...
Rape is sexual assault but not every act of sexual assault is rape. Sexual assault has been a major issue for years but the main reason it has beco...
The amount of people who get away with sexual assault is astounding. The reason for this is rape culture and all the victim blaming.
Rapists should be in jail no matter what.
I am pro-life. For many, that is hard to understand, even more to respect, since today many teenagers my age,17, support the practice of abortion. ...
America needs to step in to help Dalits over in India who are suffering from discrimination due to India's caste system.
Campus Sexual Assault
Compared to White people, Black people are getting the bad end of the stick when it comes to law enforcement.
It is 2016 we should no longer be supporting and promoting rape culture.
Abortions should be legal to eliminate backstreet abortions, to provide a situation to solve an unwanted pregnancy (due to incest or rape) and to p...
We need to denormalize male sexual violence and put an end to rape and rape culture in America.
Rape culture in our society has it forced into our heads that only females are victims of rape, when that is inaccurate. Yes, females are sexually ...
Women, not only overseas, but in the US experience gender prejudice on a daily basis. Read here to learn about some of the hardships that women in ...
Domestic violence can be as deadly as a gunshot.
Everyone should be heard and have a right of protection
I think that abortion should be legal because a handful of the women on this earth get kidnapped and raped.
The talk on the issue of transgender bathrooms and why our nation needs them for more human equality.
Why abortion should stay legal.
Sexual assault on college campuses is a problem we should take more serious and put an effort to make an end to it.
Sexual assault sentencing and statistics.
My letter to the next president about Sexual Harassment.
My letter is addressing the issues in racism.
Colleges across the U.S. aren't handling sexual assault on their campuses responsibly. In order to protect the image of the university, schools are...
Should the average person of color fear for their life, or are they blowing this out of proportion?
I’m a fifteen year old student who lives in California and there are a few problems I would like to address that must be resolved. These problems a...
Sexual assault needs to stop
What it's like to live in society today, trying to keep up with all of the standards we're forced to fit to.
“She must have wanted it.” “He was drunk; he couldn’t help it.” “Boys will be boys.” These are all examples that have been said to blame the victim...
3 points addressing this huge issue
In many cases, capital punishment is unjust because many people are falsely accused and some not treated equally due to the circumstances of how t...
Many people argue that marital rape is not real or it is simply an excuse for some things.
Dear Next President: Is this really justice? Discrimination by race is unjust. How will you work during your presidency to change these injustices?
We need to be taught that rape is wrong and change the laws.
Youth are the most targeted when it comes to sexual assault. College campuses are also known to be places where sexual assault takes place. We need...
I believe the future president should make racial disparities between criminal sentences a top priority.
Rape is something that has been frequently increasing, which is why I believe there should be more awareness on it.
I'm in ninth grade and I'm concerned about the consequences of rape.
I think that sexually abused children do not get the justice they deserve, and there should be tougher sentences given to sexual predators.
My letter is an explanation of how to decrease the amount of violent crime and improve society.
Why burn the spark? Ruin the happiness. Kill the Love. It's easy to be pro-choice when you are not the one being killed. Abortion needs to stop now...
Abortion should be kept legal in our country to give women the right to do what they want with their bodies.
Ellaina Andrew
I hope as future president, you will stand up for our women and create equality for all.
Rape education should be brought into middle schools and high schools. We need to teach kids how to prevent being raped and how to deal with it. 13...
In this letter I will explain to you why I am pro-life.
A letter addressing the Rape Culture problem in today's society and how Rape Culture is established.
The amount of people who get away with sexual assault facing minimal charges is baffling and disgusting. Nobody should ever be scared to not be abl...
College rape is one of the biggest epidemics in sexual violence right now. There needs to be more justice for the victims. Victims are terrified to...
Abortion is a sensitive topic and women should reserve the right to make this decision for themselves.
Black men must be treated fairly.
Women should have a choice to have an abortion without feeling pressured and shamed. In the name of our history, in the past when we fought for fre...
In this letter to the next president I address the possible issues with unisex bathrooms and the safety of everyone.
So many children taken at this very moment that we will never find.
Sexual assault is a very big problem in our world right know, and laws around them need to be more defined
Sexual assault is a problem on college campuses, and we aren't doing enough to stop it.
As a young black male, Mark Jackson worries about police violence every day. He hopes the next president will bring more accountability to the nati...
The burden of being raped, sexually harassed, or sexual abused is not understood in America, leading to problems with our justice system and rapist...
I'm addressing the issue of sexual assault on women.
" Female college-aged students (18-24) are 20% less likely than non-students of the same age to be a victim of rape or sexual assault".
Letter from Tiffany Pham about rape culture & the sexualization of women
My thoughts about how the president should take charge on abortion laws.
Dealing with the negative stigmas associated with victims of sexual assault.
If we don't improve the North Carolina Judicial System, how many lives will be affected in a negative way?
A letter by Michael Calderon
Dear Future President, Every two minutes an American is sexually assaulted. Every one out of six American women has been the victim of a...
"Every 109 seconds, and American is sexually assaulted. Every 8 minutes, that victim in a child. Meanwhile, one 6 out of 1,000 perpetrators are sen...
Minimum sentence requirements and the masses
The problems I think that need to be solved
The Discrimination affecting our country needs to be discussed so that an action plan to combat discrimination can be establisheed.
The criminal justice system is becoming more unfair for this country more and more every day.
Women and men are getting raped/ sexually assualted overseas
Clowns are in the circus, kids birthday parties, entertaining people, and now all of a sudden they are killing people, trying to kidnap kids into t...
Police brutality has been a huge topic to talk about lately. But why hasn't there been any change? There have been too many deaths caused by unprof...
Lately, sexual assaulters have been getting less and less time in jail, or they have not gotten acceptable punishments for their crime