College Tuition is creating an uncrossible gap in education between the poor and the rest of society.
We don't have enough officers to protect our school.
Children with autism are not getting the correct treatment in public schools, therefore teachers should be better taught on how to handle autistic ...
Standardized testing should be eliminated because it wastes students time, creates unnecessary stress, and is not useful for students' futures.
There are a lot of different issues with our school districts that need to be changed for the greater health of our students.
A letter to encourage our president to advocate for extracurricular activates
Dear Mr. / Madam President, I am a senior high school student at minarets high school located near Yosemite National Park and will be graduating...
A formal letter to the Future President on the issues of School Meals.
The next US President needs to enhance America’s schooling system by assuring a good, high quality, efficient, balanced education for everyone; gra...
I am a sixteen-year-old girl who believes that teachers are giving too much homework that is not benefiting students.
One program or assembly will not prevent bullying. Schools and communities must work together to recognize the causes and consequences of bullying,...
Kids have too much homework.Read on to see how it hurts us.
What are the pros and cons of both presidential candidates?
The president needs to make sure schools improve
Standardized tests are inaccurate portrayals of learning at best, and actively detrimental at worst.
As a student, I see many people struggle in school due to lack of sleep. I think its important we help understand the Sid effects of sleep deprivat...
Over the last 10 years the rise of terrorist attacks have occurred and if airports and the curriculum of schools could be changed, then this could...
I believe that tablets are much more efficient than textbooks.
Homelessness is a huge problem around the world and society is just making it worse. Whoever the next president is must take action in this, but ho...
State testing needs to be banned! Standardized tests put too much stress on students who need to be focusing on school work and not these tests.
Anxiety in school is putting students at risk!
Homework can cause family problems. It can cause stress and can affect your personal relationships.
Mindful teaching reduces student's stress and increases their performance
A plea to help motivate this generation of learners.
Dear President: I am writing this letter to you about an issue that is important to me as well as my peers in high school and to children of all a...
Over-stressed and of no Significance
Charter schools can help our educational system
This letter is about how I think we should not get homework! Homework is less time for children to be children.
This letter is about the problems that students in our country face, specifically issues related to stress caused by an overwhelming number of assi...
My issue is that we don't have skateboarding in school. We should have it in Gym or P.E.
What would you rather have school all year with frequent breaks, better test scores, and higher taxes or vacation time, summer jobs, and better hea...
Dress codes can help schools in many different ways
Do you hate Standardized tests? If so, then read this.
Funding for schools is unfair and leaves many children disadvantaged. How can we solve this issue?
We shouldn't have standardized testing because of all the problems that it is causing. Here are ways that we can fix those problems.
Nationwide economics education can help prepare our citizens for the future.
Statistics and reasoning for why and how mental/emotional health should be integrated into schools.
On average kids are assigned 17.5 hours of homework each week. About 45 million kids play a sport and 6 out of 10 participate in extracurricular ac...
Teens don't get enough sleep, and it is proven. Starting school later in the morning is a small change that will make a big difference.
According to the article: "We need to keep school safe for now on to protect our children.
I want to change the way new college students think, by making it mandatory for kids to graduate high school with a credit completed in a life skil...
Sickness is school is a real issue. Personally, I think that vaccines should be necessary for students in public schools so an outbreak of diseases...
How I feel about high school dropouts.
College Tuition has increased throughout the years and have been a major problem to students around the world. This is also effecting the economy a...
Education in America is facing many problems today, one solution to some of these problems is having later school start times
This letter discusses how the price of college is too expensive and should be lowered. Also, scholarships should be much larger.
Dear Mr./Mrs. President, As a student, I am aware of the importance of education. It keeps citizens sharp and more qualified for diff...
I strongly encourage a raise in the Federal Minimum Wage of the United States because it would greatly increase the tolerance of the people who are...
In this document I will discuss why I think that homework should either be removed completely or just optional.
Dear future President of the United States of America, Will your opinion of the issue of Free College really benefit American Citizens? Or will it...
Public school funding is low and inconsistent because of varying property tax incomes.
Tests are bad.
Persuasive letter to the next President to get rid of the standardize testing.
This letter is directed to whomever the next president shall be, and states that when in office they should help eliminate and or not make standard...
Not everybody has the money to put their kids into college, or no one wants to be paying of there debt for 20 or more years. Also stress and anxiet...
Too much homework given in schools.
Racism in schools will cause us to go backwards in history.
Homework should be banned. It causes many problems that isn't helping students.
As I look around America, school systems are failing at different things. Some things they are failing at are lack of parental involvement and over...
Students get too much homework, and it's affecting their grades and stress levels. Students go to school for 6-8 hours a day and then get 1-4 hours...
This about the different problems students face regularly in school.
Bullying affects a lot students in very serious ways. Require schools to enforce bullying policies and have teach students about bullying in schoo...
Our schools today have many classes that may not be beneficial to our future.....
Consider that the amount of homework many kids receive can have negative effects on their psychological health.
Dear President,
People should be educated better. A lot of students have enough free time. Yes, they might finish there homework quickly or they don't do their hom...
College cost a lot of money for some people. I believe that education is very important and it is not fair for some people that really care about e...
Should school be delayed.
Integrating students in a classroom should not be allowed in any state nor school; it slows down the accelerated learners. Students should be place...
A brief synopsis on the poison of standardized testing and why it is necessary to reduce their confluency in America.
There is a nation-wide problem with homework.
I believe that one of the most important issues in our nation today that needs to be addressed is the distribution of wealth and the quality of our...
This letter explains why standardized testing is bad for our education.
Our children need education to survive, children need to know what to do in the real world when they become adults
Students in high school and middle school should be provided at least a 30 minute recess break throughout the school day in order to help with ment...
This letter is addressing the problem that the stress of school is having many negative impacts on students.
Teen depression does not receive as much attention as it should. Notice how "press" is capitalized in the title. This is done so we advertise depre...
This is my take on how school funding should be done.
Students need technology in their school to be ready for the real world.
Change the Start of School to a Later Time
A letter about why it's a good idea for schools to stop giving us standardized tests.
There are many ways that the future president can make America's schools healthier, such as: improving the nutritional values in lunches, enforcing...
Too many kids have dropped out of high school. You can make a difference. Fight for the future of America.
Lots of kids today are very fortunate and can acquire lots of things, although others aren't. Some kids in the United States of America can't get ...
The school lunches are bad in the US this letter has a small solution to the problem...
This is why standardized test should be edited for better results
Homework is not benefiting students as much as it should. In fact, it could be harming them.
Research shows that many students are suffering from the suffocating feelings of anxiety and failure due to the constant stress school inflicts on ...
Letter to the Future President for Eisele's class. My letter is about school systems having a program to help teens better understand the consequen...
Our schools need healthier lunches for the future of our country.
The education system has been setup to perpetuate the lie that there's only one institutionalized route to a better lifestyle.
Maintenance programs should be conceived to help reduce the number of deaths in our nation.
persuasive letter to the next President, opposing selective services.
An explanation of why it is irrational, immoral, and unconstitutional to physically harm children in school.
Schools start too early in the morning, causing students to lose sleep. Sleep deprivation is common among high school students and can lead to many...
Our planet is slowly dying and we need to act fast. We find that awareness is key to helping problems to begin with so what must be done in our edu...
I am very concerned with the high price tag that many colleges have at this current time. Not many students can afford college even with financial ...
Schools should start later in the morning to empower students to be more successful.
This letter is about transgender bathroom policies at schools.