Roe v. Wade should be defended by whoever takes the Oval Office.
Abortion is not the right decision.
Dear Future President, Abortion a world-wide argument. With different opinions and views. Many pros and cons, many agrements and disagrements, her...
The topic of women's choice to abortion has been hotly debated; some politicians want to take it away, while I believe it should be maintained.
There is no justification for abortion. No matter what, a mother should protect her child; born or unborn.
Abortion is not right
Many people believe that woman should have the option of abortion because of an unplanned pregnancy or unwanted pregnancy, this is a great debate.
Abortion should be no be allowed and or illegal.
Abortion is not a matter for strangers to decide. Think about the woman not the unborn fetus.
Women should have the option to have an abortion but that doesn't mean that's always the best idea.
I am here to tell you about the Pro-choice and Pro-life sides of abortion.
Lawmakers should not be allowed to defund Planned Parenthood.
Abortion stops a beating heart.
Abortion is a bad thing. It's killing a unborn child. On the other hand abortion is also saving a mother's life.
There shouldn't be no walls or murder.
Keeping abortion legal is a pressing issue in the U.S. This letter argues the side to keep abortion legal in the U.S.
Abortion is a decision that should be left to the individual, not the government.
Abortions shouldn't be legal
Many lives are killed everyday through abortion and we need to stop the menace.
There are many reasons the abortion laws should be changed.
Describing ideas against abortion. Future of America, life is great, and responsibility.
Abortion should remain a woman's choice.
Even though women have rights, its not right to kill a kid.
Discussing Abortion, Gun Control, Immigration and Racism.
The movement towards furthering pro-choice policies in the United States is one that should not be overlooked.
My letter is about making abortion illegal again, in order to help out those children who deserve to live.
Abortion is a touchy subject nowadays. This could change your mind.
Abortion is a serious problem, even criminal. It needs to come to an end.
I believe that life starts at conception. Abortion is and should be considered murder and should be illegal.
Abortion should not be allowed, because it is taking a innocent life away that was never given a chance. Every baby is a gift from God.
In this letter I wrote a little about social issues in the U.S, also what we can do to better our community.
Abortion is a sensitive topic and women should reserve the right to make this decision for themselves.
Abortion needs to be stopped.
Abortion laws should be more restricting
Maybe one day your kids wants tattoos and blue hair, but also wants to be a doctor. Of course you'll tell them they can be and do anything they wan...
Abortion in America should be illegal. The killing of a person is murder. It shouldn’t matter if a child hasn't taken its first breath of air, its...
Abortion is an overlooked problem that keeps getting worse and worse but no one is acknowledging it. It needs to be assessed, addressed, and outlaw...
Abortion must stop!
Who has the right to tell women what they can and can not do ? The law? Or women ourselves?
My name is Avery and I am a freshman in high school. I believe in pro-choice and I think that the mother should have the right to chose whether she...
This letter is about why abortion should be illegal
Abortion is murder.
No More Guns for Hands
The number of family farms in the U.S. has decreased in the past years, this needs to change.
Abortion should stay legal
I am talking about how we should not have abortion in this world.
Dear Future President,
I believe that women should have the right to an abortion procedure.
How to down the abortion rate.
Restricting abortions would only make sense in a perfect universe, where every child gets their share of necessities and emotional support. We know...
Why abortion is wrong.
Is the school's sex ed system unrealistic??
As our nation's leader, I’m begging you to see the value of uniform, nationwide regulations governing the abortion process in our country. I also e...
Are you a murder ? Are you killing babies if you are. I think abortion should be illegal
Abortion isn't murder; abortion can save a life.
Abortion is already legal and it should stay that way.
Why we have abortion and why I disagree.
My proposition as to why immigrants should receive legal documents.
Allow children to live up to their full potential.
What I think about abortion.
my name is CiCi and live in Albuquerque and i want to address the information on abortion.
Today, there is a growing debate over abortion, and I believe we should end the debate and make abortion legal.
No matter how old, young, or what the color of your skin is, all lives matter.
Theres a life depending on you.
I think that we need to examine these questions and discuss them before we start making laws and other suggestions with the subject of abortion and...
Many people stand for pro-life, however pro-choice may be the better topic to save the women and stand for their rights.
Issues the next president should be concerned about.
Abortion should be a woman's choice
Dear Mr./Mrs. President, Today, Abortion is one of the largest murdering plans in the world. Every day around 125,000 children are killed. I know...
Religiously speaking, god had stated that we are not to murder.
My views on abortions
Women are entitled to make their own decisions when it comes to their own bodies. The government should not be able to force a woman to do anything...
Climate change is no longer an imminent threat, it is an issue that we have already begun to feel the consequences of. It needs to be taken care o...
Is abortion bad.
Abortion, one of the biggest debates there is. Not only is it a debate, but it’s also a very important topic; the debating needs to come to an end....
Abortion is fine, Just needs some changes.
Abortion should be legal.
There are ways we can help the issue of abortion, now we just have to use them.
The separation of church and state is too small and needs to change
Anti-abortion is a problem in America because the pro-life argument is not valid. The pro-life argument would cause many problems we can avoid by n...
Dear,2016 President
Gun control is not the only option. Our founding fathers made the second amendment for a reason. There is a way to control the violence in america ...
Abortion kills over a million innocent babies in the United States each year. These human beings are denied the right to life, which America claims...
They say (a person who is pro- choicer) I say (a person who is pro-life)
Abortion is murder and should be illegal.
What must we do to help this urgent situation.
The USA is allowing innocent children to be killed and nothing is being done to stop this.
My opinion on abstinence, abortion, and adoption.
Keeping abortion legal and safe is crucial for sustaining gender equality.
In this letter I will explain to you why I am pro-life.
Abortion is messing our nation up.
A woman's right to choose is freedom at its most basic.
Abortion is legal and should stay legal
Please place your hand over your heart. Feel the beating of your heart. This is how you know that you are alive.
Do you really find it acceptable to kill an innocent child ? Yet you find it okay to kill a human for murdering another human .
Put yourself in these following women's shoes. What if you got raped and didn't want the baby? What if your baby has defects and would suffer being...
Abortion needs to stop in the United States because it ruins a baby's life, who could have had an impact on the world.