Air pollution causes health problems.
We need to work together as a community to stop the harm of pollution.
Can you say with 100% certainty that marine life dying isn't a problem?
Destroying Earth
Pollution affects many organisms worldwide, and it creates more destruction to this planet. By protecting the environment, we are able to stall the...
As president it is imperative that you pass regulations and acts to help combat global warming.
Dear Next president, ...
Our world is dying before our eyes, and its getting to be too late to save it. Climate change is not a joke, it has too many present facts. We need...
On the issue of preserving the integrity of the National Park System
my thoughts on environmental issues
Our environment is vital for humans for humans to continue living. However, with the way were treating it we slowly leading ourselves to our death.
It's cheaper and more efficient, and it prevents carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere.
Climate change is a human-caused issue that needs to be stopped.
The whole world is heating up. There is too much pollution and carbon dioxide around us. We need to make some changes right now to keep our world g...
Global Warming is a problem we need to solve.
Coral is dying- why we should care, and how we can help.
On how lead became America's "criminal element," and the need for a nationwide effort to reclaim our environment and citizens from the influence of...
Environment change is a serious issue in the world and actions must be taken against the rapidly deteriorating environment.
The president should support the use of hydroelectricity in replacement of coal-burned electricity.
Global warming affects America more than you think it does, and we need to take action.
Global Warming is an actual phenomenon
Ocean Pollution is a real problem and is caused in large part by agricultural run-offs. Something needs to be done to regulate or prevent agricultu...
Global warming. One of the biggest environmental issue within two decades. We're just making it worst, but we can change that with your help, next ...
48 football-field lengths of trees are cut down every minute.
"For the sake of our children and our future, we must do more to combat climate change…"
"If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more p...
Our planet needs our attention.
Asking for allowance of free speech about climate change
Global warming is a major threat to Earth that needs to be stopped immediately.
Before pollution gets worse and worse we need to change the way we travel.
Pollution is the biggest problem that is impacting America.
Climate change is threatening the human race and the entire planet, but nobody seems to care. When will we start taking climate change seriously?
Waterfowl populations need to be protected.
The entire human race needs to stop the senseless killing and mistreatment of one of Earth's greatest creatures.
Negative impacts of factory farming and how every aspect of our Earth and community is harmed.
Dear Next President: The United States plays a substantial role in the percentage of carbon emissions worldwide. Will your presidency seek to take ...
Pollution is creating a huge problem for animals, and is taking its effect on us.
How pollution affects our planet and the animals existence and habitat.
America's space program, NASA, is having a mission to both Venus and Mars in the next decade or two and they need to be funded more than they do no...
Our current rate of carbon dioxide production is going too fast for life to adapt.
Many cars in the United States and most of the world runs on gasoline, but yet, an increase in gas prices will eventually lead more people to ride ...
Pass laws to cut down on pollution
The Environment is the place we live in and it is very important. Yet, it is going down hill very slowly with Global Warming, fossil fuels, greenho...
Dear Mr./Mrs. President, Do you ever wonder how it would feel to live in an oven? Because that is exactly where the world is headed. Each year it ...
Reliance on coal energy can have large impacts on the health of U.S. citizens. We must bring a new wave of renewable energy to reduce health risks ...
What goes in the ocean goes in you, something has to be done before we drown in plastic.
Small steps can make a big impact.
Is the environment healthy for our future generation? This letter will explore air pollution and its detrimental effects on our Earth, the environm...
Global warming on the rise.
The ecosystem of Mother Earth is in danger, and it is time to take action
An overview of problems caused by climate change.
We need to do something to stop the Great Pacific Garbage Patch from growing.
This article is about the effects that pollution has on our marine life and environment.
The not so surprising truth of the threat of Global Climate Change.
Why renewable energy should be put into full effect.
We need to put an end to gas/oil powered cars.
An essay about the effects of animal agriculture, and how it contributes to global warming, deforestation, etc.
A letter expressing the concerns about ozone depletion and our failing ecosystem.
Help improve my community; we can't do nothing.
Water pollution can have a severe effect on our earth and it’s time for this generation to take some sort of action to prevent further damage.
Our future president should make the general public aware of this impending issue and it's effects on our environment.
By promoting the vegetarian life you'll be setting the world up for success.
Protecting our water. Protecting our land.
How will you, the future president, address our dire environmental predicament?
In this world of glaciers is decreasing, we need protect glacier
Reasons why President should make environmental protection important and more involved in our community.
As the human population increases, global warming increases with it.
The next president should tackle the large pollution issue in the United States.
Global warming is a huge problem, everywhere, on our Earth. It has hurt many people already, and many more to come, if we don't do something about ...
Seeing the negative affects of Climate change and stopping the emission of carbon dioxide into the air. Fixing what damage has been done by Climate...
Air Pollution can really affect people in very harming ways. I have many ideas that can really help out our country, even world as a whole. If we...
Our marine life is dying, and it's our fault.
Global warming is an epidemic that is raising the temperature of the earth, slowly melting ice caps and is a factor of the pollution in the world. ...
Climate change is a real problem and must be acknowledged.
Pollution is a major problem in our world, and this video will show what is happening and how to stop it.
Pollution is destroying our marine life and something needs to be done about this issue.
The Majority of cars right now run on gas. In the future we are going to run out of gas especially since the number of cars is constantly growing. ...
Steps to slow down and the effects of climate change should be taken to decrease how much ice is melting every year due to carbon dioxide levels.
Bottom trawling is a method of commercial fishing that has become widespread throughout the world. If we do not do something to regulate or stop bo...
How our air pollution is affecting the atmosphere and ways we can help slow down air pollution.
Dear Future President, I am well aware, that the topic of climate change has not been honored as an important issue concerning the American peo...
You must be aware of what is happening around you, especially about something as important and essential as our environment.
People aren't recycling.
The US is still using coal to power its motor. It's also slowly killing itself by releasing the horrible affects that come with burning coal. Howev...
This article addresses the importance of Green Space in cities.
As Pollution rates increase, our world decreases. Stop global pollution and keep our world.
Our government has taken minimal efforts to fix one of the modern world's biggest issues
As our population tends to increase, fewer and fewer of us will be able to have clean drinking water. Would you really want that?
Reasons that the President should change energy that we use
Our climate is changing, and we need to do something about it.
Our environment is in serious danger. We need to do something about it quick.
The end of 2015 was the second time in history humans have found more oil than we used
One issue I want to complain to you that the US wastes much food. Much food that we can’t eat most of is sold around us. We cook much food though...
Climate change is an issue that I feel is not being acknowledged suitably.
Ocean pollution is all around you making our beautiful oceans a dangerous place to be .
My open thoughts and opinion on what should be focused on during your presidency.
The Honorable Future President 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear future President, I am a resident of North Miami, FL and I am a ...
Deforestation numbers have increased tremendously over the years; as a result there have been many dilemmas that need to be solved.
We need to address global warming now!