Our world is changing and we need to accept it.
Dear Future president,
The Pacific Garbage patch is an international problem that needs to be addressed before it permanently harms us.
"Pollution is slowly killing our home. We don't notice that our everyday activities is creating lots of harm into this environment. Whether people ...
Let's apply some laws to keep our country with the least affects on the active global warming.
We need to address global warming now!
This letter talks about pollution and how it is slowly killing our Earth through multiple forms. If action stays stagnant about this situation then...
Not only should some communities be cleaner and have better maintenance, but they should all be clean and well kept.
Dear Next President,
It's not that hard. Read to find out how.
How our air pollution is affecting the atmosphere and ways we can help slow down air pollution.
The polar bears are dying. We must defend their future.
The problems in our environment are bigger than they seem.
While Americans use one-fifth of the Earth's energy resources, our environment is suffering. Are we going to do something or leave things as they a...
The earth is dying and we need to do something to change that.
Farmers, by dumping waste, are making irreversible dead zones in the oceans.
I believe that the next president must respond to divisiveness in this campaign and the gridlock in our government.
Keep the ocean, a place that I love, clean.
Although we are rich in renewable sources we are poor in non renewable
The longer we ignore the state of our environment, the more detrimental it is to our future.
Helping the environment by lowering car emissions.
Imagine a world where one species destroys another's habitat and couldn't care less. Well news flash, that's the world you live in. Marine pollutio...
Pollution has a negative impact on people's health. We can reduce air pollution by using renewable energy sources.
Everyone should be able to recycle because environmental importance, importance to people, and know the 3 R’s.
Guns; let us keep them. Let us protect ourselves. Let us represent the second amendment. Environment; let us keep the animals. Let us keep the t...
NASA hasn't had a groundbreaking achievement in over 50 years. It's time to change that.
This letter is about some small changes I want our future President to make when he or she goes into office.
Pollution is a big problem in our world and we need this to stop. We are killing the world we live on.
A call for help for those who cannot speak.
The use of renewable energy is crucial for our environment and future. We cannot rely on fossil fuels and nuclear energy for much longer.
The next president should tackle the large pollution issue in the United States.
Our environment has suffered with increased industrialization. As we deny changes we hurt both our well being and the health of our future.
America should focus on becoming energy independent from the rest of the world and use renewable energy.
Ocean pollution is all around you making our beautiful oceans a dangerous place to be .
Large amounts of a natural chemical known as Chromium -6 is being found in our tap water.
I would like to discuss the sustainable living practices of Americans and how they need to be reformed.
Ocean pollution is a major issue that needs to be addressed in the next four years.
Pollution is an issue that needs to be put to and end as soon as possible
The Great Barrier Reef is the largest living thing on Earth. However, it is dying out.
Fossil fuels are damaging to the economy, and damaging to the environment, lets get clean, lets get renewable.
Global Warming
Persuasive Letter to the next President to put a stop to pollution
Help clean the environment
Letter to president about the environment.
Which if we don't take the climate change into account and some of the speculations of global warming our planet could slow down and or possibly sh...
I wrote a letter to our next president regarding the issue of climate change.
I wrote a letter to our next president regarding pollution issues in our nation.
Climate Change Needs To Be Recognized By the Government
Many endangered species have been and are being hunted by humans into extinction.
Recycling is becoming a large issue in our nation and a solution needs to be reached. Everyone needs to recycle in order to help our environment. ...
The next president should create laws regulating carbon emission
Public transportation is needed a lot more in the United States. Here's my reasons why.
As a kid of the future and someone who wants to make a positive change in the world, I hope everyone can see that ice is melting, temperatures are ...
We have one earth and we need to take care of it.
In this letter I tell the president that global warming (climate change) is our biggest threat and that he must do something
Coral is dying- why we should care, and how we can help.
The next president should legalize hemp to reduce climate change.
The Dakota access pipeline is a perfect example of how corporate greed is placed above the concerns of people and the environment.
The United States is a wasteful country, arrogant in its consumption. Americans have too much material wealth, waste vital resources and, in the pr...
Climate change is caused by pollution. It causes sea level rise, global warming, and the polar ice caps to melt. This letter tells of solutions suc...
I wrote a letter to our next president on the topic of pollution
Our planet is being harmed by human activity every day. The water, land, and air are all being polluted at alarming rates, and the next president ...
Why is the weather so bad? Why is it snowing in April? Why is there so much trash on the ground? These are question you may ask yourself. It is bec...
Climate Change is often an ignored part of current issues. It may not seem as important as economy or immigration, but it is just as if not more im...
Climate change, an issue plaguing the world, must be addressed. The effects of climate change are devastating on the environment.
An opinion on how the U.S. should respond to the issue of climate change.
Deforestation affects our global environment by increasing global warming, harming the water cycle, and decreasing biodiversity. It needs to be add...
My goal is to stop global warming and help preserve amazing places like our National Parks in the United States.
Are non renewable resources better than renewable resources? Does nature have to get hurt because we misunderstand ?
Climate change has caused many problems for our living on planet Earth.
Global warming is an epidemic that is raising the temperature of the earth, slowly melting ice caps and is a factor of the pollution in the world. ...
This is a critical issue that will create a state of climate emergency and needs to be resolved cautiously and necessary actions need to be taken t...
Climate change is a big problem we face in America today.
We must do something about the issue of climate change before it's too late.
Global warming is real and affects our lives.
Despite the best efforts and relative success of President Barack Obama in decreasing emissions, in recent years U.S. greenhouse gas emissions have...
Everyone needs to be aware of all the environmental problems because most of the issues are caused by humans.
Many cars in the United States and most of the world runs on gasoline, but yet, an increase in gas prices will eventually lead more people to ride ...
Climate change is a problem regarding the climate slowly rising on Earth. The climate is changing due to greenhouse gas pollutants that we emit eve...
The greenhouse gas effect is affecting living things all over the world.
Pollution hurts us, our animals, and where we live. So help stop it by doing small deeds.
How will you, the future president, address our dire environmental predicament?
A persuasive argument about GMOs using 18th Century Rhetoric.
The fact that US produces 624,700 metric tons of trash every day isn't the greatest issue. Its that most Americans don't know!
Let's expose America's biggest issue that affects everyone, and needs to be talked about.
The not so surprising truth of the threat of Global Climate Change.
We need to help put a stop to pollution, global warming, and deforestation before it is to late.
Racism and Environmental, 2016 letter to president
A letter to the next president on the changes of the environment, and the harsh consequences that we face, with solutions laid out and a brief glim...
The Environment is the place we live in and it is very important. Yet, it is going down hill very slowly with Global Warming, fossil fuels, greenho...
America's space program, NASA, is having a mission to both Venus and Mars in the next decade or two and they need to be funded more than they do no...
It's important to recycle and manage the waste.
Our economy has become dependent on nonrenewable resources. If people don't start making changes soon, it may be too late.
A letter to the president about pollution
Fracking in the Gulf of Mexico and Louisiana
The United States as a whole should strive to work together to keep our oceans clean, and with your help, we as a nation could finally make that ch...
What goes in the ocean goes in you, something has to be done before we drown in plastic.
An essay about the effects of animal agriculture, and how it contributes to global warming, deforestation, etc.
The letter I have wrote is about ways we can help save our ocean by getting all of the garbage out and also ways we can use less plastic.