Terrorism is a big problem in the United States.
Imagine all the People living in Peace... -John Lennon
In my letter, I addressed the constant topic of immigration and how it has made a positive impact to America, why we should continue with our immig...
ISIS is dangerous
Middle East problem with terrorism.
9/11 terrorist attacks, Boston Marathon bombing.
A plan to end to end terrorism, in a fashion profitable to both the region and the American side, in addition it would return stability to place th...
Terrorism is a growing threat that needs to be neutralized as quickly as possible, by elected officials in the American government, to protect and ...
I wrote about the issues the next President should focus on. Which are racial tension and terrorism. These are one of the biggest issues that are h...
Terrorists have gotten increasingly worse in these last years. We need to acknowledge this and stop it.
We need to live in a safe country. This letter addresses ISIS and terrorism.
My letter is about terrorism and the small and large effects it has on people.
With all being said, immigration is a good thing for America, but it can lead to many controversial things. Healthcare should be lowered for all ci...
I talk about terrorism, our nation's children, and taxes in this letter.
Terrorism is a big problem not just in the U.S but around the world and the next president needs to do something about it.
We need to reduce the amount of immigrants and check their back grounds because we might be letting dangerous people in we don't know if they are t...
With gun control, ISIS, and other terrorism, America is slowly falling apart.
In a world that is becoming increasingly ever connected, we need to know how we'll be protected from threats over the internet.
How our country lets in refugees from countries that hate us is terrible.
I feel Gun control should be enforced more than it already is, to many people have been killed because of these loose laws.
The government needs to do more to protect the United States from groups such as ISIS.
The unnecessary bases around the world.
Syrian refugees should not be allowed into the United States to decrease terrorism.
How Donald Trumps views on Muslims are corrupt
“If anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - It would be as if he killed all humankind, and i...
Terrorism is becoming one of the biggest problems in the world today, if not the biggest problem.
Dear Mr/Mrs. president,
Our future president should be concerned with keeping everyone in line and out of danger.
Terrorism is a rising problem in many countries, and now it's happening to us.
how are you going to help the country?
With increasing terrorists attacks, the question arises, should we use drones to fight with us?
We need to form a plan that is going to defeat ISIS once as for all
Syria is threat to the United States.
Have you ever asked these questions? Am I safe? Is there something to do to prevent it? When or can I stop worrying about terrorism? Well with a p...
Discussion on gun control, terrorism, and the refugee crisis
Why war on terror needs to stop.
Terrorism in the U.S is increasing and it is affecting our country tremendously. We must find a way to stop it.
Everyday, innocent people are dying in Syria and terrorism is spreading worldwide. However, the United States is not effectively dealing with the ...
My letter is about the problems of terrorism, how it's effecting the lives of everyone.
We should increase protection around terrorism
Over the years terrorism has gained popularity. People in big cities are getting scared and don't want to be in their own home. We need to act quic...
We need a president who WILL take care of terrorism, like ISIS, and keep America safe.
Terrorism is bad
To truly be a free country we should stop increasing our torture on criminals and terrorists but instead find a better solution.
This letter stresses the significance of ridding the presence of ISIS from the United States.
Refugees should be admitted into the US to have a place to call home. In the past, no refugees have committed any acts of terror.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable," - John F. Kennedy. What can you do to help prevent violence in...
America needs to focus more on the terrorism happening inside our country rather than letting it hide in the shadows of international terrorism.
My letter is about the need to end terrorism, one of the greatest problems facing society today.
Immigrants and refugees that can possibly pose a threat to innocent U.S. citizens should not be entering our country too easily.
A letter to the future president regarding the issues on terrorism.
Terrorism needs to stop.
These topics are the the most important to me and I think they need attention.
Why Illegal immigrants should be tolerated
Over the last 10 years the rise of terrorist attacks have occurred and if airports and the curriculum of schools could be changed, then this could...
There shouldn't be hundreds of lives being lost due to ISIS while the US isn't doing enough to stop it.
Immigration is a very controversial topic because of the danger it poses, but is that stopping us from helping the people who need us?
Terrorism is all over the United states today. The terrorist continue to reel in people to join them and it needs to be stopped.
It's time to start focusing on the terrorism problems that matter most...in our own country.
Terrorist attacks are still happening in 2016.
Illegal immigration needs to be stopped and regulated in the United States to decrease both overpopulation and crime rates.
Terrorism is rapidly killing and threatening us. Fear for terrorism is tearing through our country like plagues, separating our countries. Death ...
Gun violence and terrorism are the two most severe crimes that concern me right now. This letter addresses both of these issues.
Striving to protect our country from all possible dangers.
Terrorism has affected the United States and we have to work together towards ending it.
Terror attacks have gone up because we have no background knowledge on the people who are coming into our country.
This is my opinion on terrorism and what should be done about it.
The type of leader I believe would be good for America would have to be a leader that does not hold grudges against people of different religions...
Explaining the threat of terrorism in the U.S. and what we can do about it.
Terrorists need to be stopped, they can't continue to destroy our country.
I believe that If you have a serious criminal record then you should not be allowed to own any type weapon. If you have done a crime in the past wi...
Terrorism is a major problem that threatens everyday American life and needs to be fixed.
We are getting more and more terrorists attacks as the years go on, and it needs to stop.
Gun violence has become more and more common in America, please stop people from purchasing guns so we can stop gun violence.
Merely, I will explain the concerns I have from my perspective.
Attacks on the U.S.
We need to do something about this. We must take a stand and not let this big problem go.
How the U.S. can help put an end to terrorism.
Every day, you can hear about ISIS killing people, capturing cities, and causing terrorist attacks on the news. Don't you want a stop to this?
Does TSA really do what they say read more to find out.
Terrorism. It can happen anywhere at anytime. Next time, it just might happen near you!
This letter is about problems with terrorism all over the world, and solutions to stop terrorism.
We have to watch out, weapons are on the loose. We are being attacked from every corner possible with out stopping it. What would happen if someb...
We need to have peace. A world without terrorism. A world where everyone can feel safe.
The fight against ISIS has already lasted too long.
Terrorism is a serious issue that must be stopped as soon as possible. We need a president that will end this issue once and for all.
We have unsecure borders which does not protect us against drugs and criminals.
In my letter I am addressing the immediate threat of the organization, ISIS
If a person knew that there country was under attack by terrorist, they would be scared, not only for themselves but for all loved ones.
A letter to our next president about the issue of terrorism outside of the U.S.
I am an eighth grader and I think immigration should be allowed. Immigration brings our nation to a whole other level when people from other countr...
The Guantanamo Bay detainment camp should be shut down.
Terrorism is one of the most difficult problems experienced worldwide. It takes a lot of courage, strength and a passion for the United States in o...
I talked about ISIS and other terrorist attacks and school meals.
Aleppo is a big problem. We need do to something.
My overview on the topic of terrorism is that we need to find a way to abolish terrorism and prevent future terrorist attacks that we can become vu...