A short film about education in America and why our country is ranked so low in education compared to other parts of the world. The video talks abo...
What are your plans after school ? What do you want to be when you grow up ? What college do you plan on going to ?
Dear future President of the United States of America.
This letter is about the education system in the United States.
This letter helps to share my opinion on the way the immigrant student's education should be handled. It helps to voice my concerns on why low-inco...
Colleges and University are amazing in U.S. I can't argue with that, but I feel like schools doesn't teach their students like they should. ...
I want a world in which students of all color are treated fairly in the classroom.
In the text below, I explain my problem with the increased prices in college tuition
We need jobs in this country we are in a major crisis, more people are using welfare than ever.
Why I think schools should have later start times
Some effects of cutting recess and the impact it leaves on kids
Institutional Racism in the U.S.
Mississippi's education dilemma is due to poverty and the lack of racial equality. The future president could be the resolution to all of these pro...
College prices are to high and should be lower.
Why I think minimum wage should not be raised
The qualities our future president should have to make a good impact on our nation.
Some ways we could improve education for minorities and every student.
Teachers in this country are less respected than teachers in other country's. In this argumentative essay I wrote about why teachers should be high...
This letter talks about our education system, and what we can do to make things better.
Americans deserve the right to have post-secondary education free of cost.
Are we able to afford college anymore?
Schools should have a study hall for students to get more homework done. It is clear that many students simply do not have time in their schedules ...
The issue of education is important because for those who wants to learn and wanted knowledge of education deserve the equal opportunities in study...
The education system should be reformed.
Religion is a part of life; it's everywhere you go, whether you acknowledge it or not. It deserves a chance in public schools.
The problem with people not going to college.
The words "under God" should remain in the Pledge to display our country's Christian history.
Public schools are having students take way too many standardized tests.
State testing needs to be banned! Standardized tests put too much stress on students who need to be focusing on school work and not these tests.
I'm not writing a letter for the future president of the United States, I'm writing a letter to get a grade for my writing class and to contribute ...
Health in school lunch is faulty, despite the efforts of Michelle Obama.
Many people spend all of their days at school, and the pressure being put on them has increased greatly in the past couple of years. I believe some...
Affordable Education.
How we can improve education in America.
Differences in income cause the American education system to be biased against lower-income students.
I believe that school hours should be shorter because long hours stresses kids out, makes them not want to come to school and makes it harder to fo...
This letter discusses how the price of college is too expensive and should be lowered. Also, scholarships should be much larger.
This letter is addressing the problem that the stress of school is having many negative impacts on students.
Although its not a major topic in any presidential discussions, the problems with our education is something that should be given more attention to.
College should be made affordable and debt-free, not completely tuition-free.
Should the US adopt Europe's policy for high schoolers to choose a field to specialize in at age 16?
Over the past century, technology has advanced dramatically, medical breakthroughs are extending human life beyond what was previously thought impo...
Extra curricular activities are too expensive, often draining wallets of caring parents.
In this document I will discuss why I think that homework should either be removed completely or just optional.
Bilingual Education is underappreciated throughout the country.
After School Makes a Difference!
We need to provide the diversity courses for students and spend money to support education.
The United States has the 2nd highest poverty rate in the world
We live in a time where things we do can heavily impact both our future, and that of others. It´s the things we do every day that people seem to st...
An act in Louisiana that allows creationism to be taught in the classroom instead of evolution
This letter is about how I think we should not get homework! Homework is less time for children to be children.
Rape education should be brought into middle schools and high schools. We need to teach kids how to prevent being raped and how to deal with it. 13...
The importance of affordable education for students of Louisiana
Cancer is a huge problem and there are many types of it although not all are preventable we can end types that are.
College Tuition is too high and prevents high school students from being successful in life and becoming important people.
Students should not have to wear school uniforms
According to the article: "We need to keep school safe for now on to protect our children.
Today's kids have multiple hours of homework each night and are still expected to be at school at 7 in the morning. How can we expect them to be f...
I provide problems with job availability and some how immigration is effecting it.
We need healthy nutritious lunches
I am for tablets in classrooms.
On average kids are assigned 17.5 hours of homework each week. About 45 million kids play a sport and 6 out of 10 participate in extracurricular ac...
All kid should have a chance at attending school.
The expectations placed on America's teenagers are greater than ever before. Stress levels among American adolescents is at an epidemic level. Can...
standardized testing really hurts the students of public schools in america
A letter explaining why schools need more funding to help with our international education standing
Single gender education is very beneficial and will improve American education.
I don't think we should have so many state tests for schools.
This is a letter to the next president about how many people can't afford to go to college in this day in age.
My story is about how school days should be shorter, we should have no homework. We should just have time to be kids.
Save the new generations of working class Americans from unimaginable debt by sucking up our pride and guns to benefit the people whose tax dollars...
Bullying affects a lot students in very serious ways. Require schools to enforce bullying policies and have teach students about bullying in schoo...
Learning without debt
We need to fix the mess of Standardized Testing infecting public schools today.
A common bar must be set for gifted and talented programs so that all students are able to equally benefit.
Standardized testing should not be the way to evaluate whether a student should move on or not.
This letter talks about my problems at school
Sometimes the world may not be as perfect as it seems.
Lowering cost of College tuition
In today's society, a college education is a requirement for most jobs; however, the inflation of college tuition has created a massive financial b...
create more vocational training high schools
Jacob McDaniel wants to see specialized career training beginning in middle and high school so that students are better prepared for the workforce.
There needs to be better education in America for it is the generation of the future. Without good education, our country could go no where.
In today's world there are many people who are not able to pursue a higher education due to the expensive cost of college.
We need more options for vegetarian and vegans.
"We are the future of this country."
The amount it costs to go to college she be reduced. Many people can't afford to further their education because of this cost.
School funding needs your attention.
Access to not only the classrooms and dorms but also access to the education, such as accommodation is important because if we don’t understand wha...
For me that most matters is what will you do for America for our country. When a person runs to be a president they always say a lot of things to p...
Too much homework is counterproductive on students, the overall workload shouldn't be more than 2 hours of work a night.
Affirmative action gives people a false sense of diversity. In an attempt to achieve equality, universities have only created more unfair circumsta...
Reasons the next President should remove standardized testing in the American school curriculum.
What if school funding was used for more appealing activities for kids so students could have more pride in their school?
The issue of education is important it help us to build opinion and have points of view on things in life, also it help who wants learn something a...
we could save them by saying just yes
Standardized testing has bad effects on students.
Our children need education to survive, children need to know what to do in the real world when they become adults
Every child deserves an education and each kid who gets educated is a seed for the future. lets make sure each seed has a chance to get planted so ...
The children of our nation are confined to certain education standards based on skin tone or socioeconomic status. It is up to the next president t...