Terrorism has shown an emergence over the years ever since the attacks on September 11th, 2001 and November 2015.
Terrorism is a major problem in the United States and needs to be dealt with.
This is my opinion of some of the things spoken about.
Please stop sending soldiers to war. This is leading to more war and people are civilians are being hurt.According to the National Consortium for t...
We need to address terrorism and its effects
People of America should be concerned about the issue of terrorism.
Terrorism is a big problem and should be stopped.
The effect terrorism has on society and it's consequences.
This piece is about letting refugees into our country without checking their background information and not properly vetting them.
Our future president should be concerned with keeping everyone in line and out of danger.
What are you going to do to stop terrorism?
Are you scared to step outside today in our modern world? Guns have been one of the most dreadful things in our country. Massacres have occurred ...
This is a letter from a young citizen who is concerned for her safety and the safety of the world. This letter focuses on each candidates plans for...
What goes in the ocean goes in you, something has to be done before we drown in plastic.
The letter is about how the future president should focus on terrorism and its effects on people.
Terrorism is one of the most difficult problems experienced worldwide. It takes a lot of courage, strength and a passion for the United States in o...
Terrorism needs to stop.
Terrorism is violent act that is causing families to leave their towns and even their own country.If terrorism can start it can stop.
This letter is about how the next president should stop terrorism and decrease college tuition.
Terrorism is rapidly killing and threatening us. Fear for terrorism is tearing through our country like plagues, separating our countries. Death ...
America needs to focus more on the terrorism happening inside our country rather than letting it hide in the shadows of international terrorism.
Debt, terrorism, racism, and gun violence.
The government needs to do more to protect the United States from groups such as ISIS.
In the world today there are many problems including poverty, racism, and terrorism. Racism is the big issue and needs to stop. People have been h...
Over the last few years, terrorist attacks around the world have created fear and insecurity for many people.
I feel that the issue of racial profiling in America is a topic that needs to be discussed. I feel that discriminating against people because of th...
Does TSA really do what they say read more to find out.
What is being done about terrorist groups as I am scared of the affects of the groups
In this letter to the future president I talk about the looming threat of ISIS
My claims against terrorism, obviously :p
Stop Terrorism
We should support Israel in the Middle East.
Terrorism has been going on for over a decade, we need too stop it!
Terrorism is everywhere! They are on social media, targeting teenagers and younger kids around our age. Even worse, they are spreading rapidly! We ...
I want you fix the war torn places. Help the people that are from those areas.
I am addressing that we should do something about terrorism
This letter mainly focuses on terrorism.
Imagine being deployed to a Middle Eastern territory as a United States soldier. Many challenges are in your near future. One of these challenges i...
Gun violence and terrorism are the two most severe crimes that concern me right now. This letter addresses both of these issues.
Medical Marijuana has been proven to be of value to patients struggling through the painful side effects of many illness and, therefore, should be ...
Some issues like police brutality, terrorism, etc. can really be a bigger issue if our president doesn't fix them.
We have to watch out, weapons are on the loose. We are being attacked from every corner possible with out stopping it. What would happen if someb...
Terrorism definition: The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
We need to live in a safe country. This letter addresses ISIS and terrorism.
My overview on the topic of terrorism is that we need to find a way to abolish terrorism and prevent future terrorist attacks that we can become vu...
My letter is about terrorists and how they must be stopped before more damage is done to our country. We need to do whatever we can to prevent inno...
The CIA started interrogating people as to gain information that could save lives. They should be allowed to interrogate terrorists so we can be on...
We need to control Terrorism once and for all
Without even knowing it, many social media sites and articles are helping terrorists. Here's how to stop it.
We need to change a lot of things is our country
Islamophobia is an especially important issue our nation faces today. It is unjust to prosecute one whole religion that makes up 1/7 for the action...
Stop sending air strikes in the Middle East because it kills more civilians than terrorists
Aleppo is a big problem. We need do to something.
This letter is about problems with terrorism all over the world, and solutions to stop terrorism.
Your citizens all have questions and I had three simple questions for you that you need to read because they are very important.
With all being said, immigration is a good thing for America, but it can lead to many controversial things. Healthcare should be lowered for all ci...
FBI is trying to gain access to the privacy of our iPhones.
Gun violence has become more and more common in America, please stop people from purchasing guns so we can stop gun violence.
I wrote a letter to our next president regarding Isis in the middle east.
What kind of country are we if we can’t even live up to our own words? We have made America a nation of hypocrites, and we must raise the low stand...
The citizens of this country need to be better informed with issues relating to refugees. Too many people believe that the danger of these people e...
We need to have peace. A world without terrorism. A world where everyone can feel safe.
A letter to our next president about the issue of terrorism outside of the U.S.
Every day, you can hear about ISIS killing people, capturing cities, and causing terrorist attacks on the news. Don't you want a stop to this?
The world is ravaged by terrorism. Murderers are everywhere. Frightening everyone with their vicious ways. No one is safe; not when you do not kno...
Islam is misunderstand because of media and politicians in western countries.
I talked about ISIS and other terrorist attacks and school meals.
My opinions on what Mr. Trump should tweak about his policies.
Terrorism is a big problem not just in the U.S but around the world and the next president needs to do something about it.
Striving to protect our country from all possible dangers.
With everything that has been said in my letter all I ask is that you take into consideration how we feel about the situations going on in our coun...
Violence is a problem.
Terrorism is worsening by the day with threats from the Middle East.
Terrorism is the number one problem that needs to be addressed by our next president.
Can you stop terrorism or not? Terrorists have been damaging our country and hurting our people. They've hacked, bombed, and shot at us for to long...
Terrorism must come to an end! We must work together to stop it!
This letter stresses the significance of ridding the presence of ISIS from the United States.
Illegal immigration is a important problem we have in this country. In this writing I will tell you a series of facts on why this topic is bad for ...
Issue on Terrorism
opinions on terrorism from a 16 year old
I talk about terrorism, our nation's children, and taxes in this letter.
Dear Mr/Mrs. president,
Refugees should be admitted into the US to have a place to call home. In the past, no refugees have committed any acts of terror.
Due to the terrorist attacks by the Islamic State, the majority of innocent Muslims are discriminated against and stereotyped. They are paying for ...
The government should focus more on terrorism and put more effort into resolving it, because it not only affects those countries being attacked, bu...
Terrorism is a major problem.
Middle East problem with terrorism.
A description of the history,attacks,and threat of terrorism.
We need to do something about this. We must take a stand and not let this big problem go.
We need some improvements to help our country. We have been secretly invaded by terrorists, and it needs to stop.
A letter to the future president regarding the issues on terrorism.
Persuasive letter to the next president about fighting ISIS
We must win this war. It has taken its toll on many American hearts.
This letter is about how ISIS has expanded and grown as a threat to the US and the world and how we will combat it.
Illegal immigration and terrorism is affecting are country.
Airport security has changed since 9/11, but more needs to be done to ensure our safety.
My letter to the future president is about how terrorism affects America, and the tragic impact it can have on our daily lives
This letter explains how you should up airport security to reduce terrorism.