Syrian Refugees should be admitted to the United States and protected from the reach of ISIS.
Terrorism is a big problem not just in the U.S but around the world and the next president needs to do something about it.
War is bad
“The threats from terrorism are real, but we will overcome it,” President Obama said at an oval office speech. Will we though? President Obama hasn...
Illegal immigration needs to be stopped and regulated in the United States to decrease both overpopulation and crime rates.
I wrote a letter to our next president about what the next step against fighting ISIS should be
Issue on Terrorism
ISIS is paramilitary and we need to know how they will be dealt with.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable," - John F. Kennedy. What can you do to help prevent violence in...
We need a president who WILL take care of terrorism, like ISIS, and keep America safe.
This letter stresses the significance of ridding the presence of ISIS from the United States.
The Guantanamo Bay detainment camp should be shut down.
What goes in the ocean goes in you, something has to be done before we drown in plastic.
My opinions on what Mr. Trump should tweak about his policies.
The government needs to do more to protect the United States from groups such as ISIS.
With gun control, ISIS, and other terrorism, America is slowly falling apart.
We think that the president and the US government should do anything they can to destroy ISIS.
Outlining my concerns regarding immigration policies in the face of increased terror threats.
Terrorism, a problem around the world.
Why keep letting these things happen when we have a voice, and we can make a difference? You can help too.
Dear Future President, I am writing you tod...
terrorism is the biggest threat to american lives
How will you, as the POTUS, effectively bring an end to terror both at home and abroad?
I like to mention the few issues that I think about even at this young age of 15. The NSA reading/seeing private information, abortion, lowering th...
The military needs to be deployed to the Middle East to stop the spread of terrorism.
In order to reach world wide peace we must first respect each others differences.
A good summary of how to be a good one
“If anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - It would be as if he killed all humankind, and i...
Airport security has changed since 9/11, but more needs to be done to ensure our safety.
ISIS has harmed thousands of people and if we don't do anything to stop them more people will die. After ISIS was revealed to the world people all ...
Dear future President of the United States, What's Going On?
The United States is having too many terrorist attacks, and we need to stop them.
To build agreater economy and safer country we can not let Syrian refueges in.
This letter is about what I would like the president to try and fix with his power.
Over the last few decades there have been many terrorist attacks and many fatalities. This needs to stop.
Terrorism is a major problem in the US.
ISIS is a dangerous threat
Islamophobia is a growing problem in the United States...
How many people will have to die
The government should focus more on terrorism and put more effort into resolving it, because it not only affects those countries being attacked, bu...
the threats and possibilities concerning nuclear weapons in modern day
Terrorism is a big problem and should be stopped.
Terrorism and Islamophobia are unfair and need to stop, for their sake, and the sake of our country.
The effect terrorism has on society and it's consequences.
It's time to start focusing on the terrorism problems that matter our own country.
Refugees should be admitted into the US to have a place to call home. In the past, no refugees have committed any acts of terror.
Terrorism has affected the United States and we have to work together towards ending it.
Letter to President, Vietnam War, Hatboro-Horsham,
Please stop sending soldiers to war. This is leading to more war and people are civilians are being hurt.According to the National Consortium for t...
We need to stop terrorism now with are next president. If we don't then they will take advantage of our country.
Syria is threat to the United States.
I want you fix the war torn places. Help the people that are from those areas.
Terrorism is worsening by the day with threats from the Middle East.
Islam is misunderstand because of media and politicians in western countries.
Imagine all the People living in Peace... -John Lennon
Debt, terrorism, racism, and gun violence.
The U.S. government needs to take measures against the poor conditions of the refugees from Syria who were forced to leave their country.
Terrorism is a growing threat that needs to be neutralized as quickly as possible, by elected officials in the American government, to protect and ...
In the United States today, threats of terrorism have grown too great and drastic measures must be put in place to stop it.
We have to watch out, weapons are on the loose. We are being attacked from every corner possible with out stopping it. What would happen if someb...
ISIS is dangerous
Terrorism is a major problem.
I wrote a letter to our next president regarding Isis in the middle east.
Trumps ideas on making America Great again is not to bad, it is just the way he plans to do it and what he will do after it.
This letter was written to address the current problem that is the Islamic State (ISIS), a group bent on terrorism out of the middle east, and ask ...
It is important to care for those who do so much for this nation.
Terrorism definition: The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
Nuclear weapons are no longer useful, and quite frankly very stupid. Do we really want Mad Max to become a documentary?
In the world today there are many problems including poverty, racism, and terrorism. Racism is the big issue and needs to stop. People have been h...
We need to stop letting our debt to other countries build up because other countries might want to take their money back if we don't start doing so...
Terrorists have gotten increasingly worse in these last years. We need to acknowledge this and stop it.
We need to defeat ISIS as they are a threat to our national security and many other nations.
Syria and the refugee crisis is a big problem now in the United States and the next president needs to solve this issue.
What are you going to do to stop terrorism?
This letter is about whether or not the FBI should be able to access the terrorist iPhone. For this to happen Apple has to break down a way into th...
Americans' security should be the number one agenda for our future president.
We should increase protection around terrorism
Civilians in the Syrian war are seeking refuge. Should America allow Syrian refugees into our countries?
My letter is about terrorism and the small and large effects it has on people.
I wrote a letter to our next president regarding the issue of defeating ISIS
If you type the keyword "Syria" in the search box for this website, you won't find anything. This may be because people aren't aware of what's goi...
Because we are at war with ISIS for many years. We have no more time to waste. We have to finish this endless conflict using a different way....
As many candidates have stated ISIS is a world problem with the potential to become a global movement. Unlike some candidates I think ISIS is very ...
This letter is about how terrorism and how it should be fixed.
Terrorism and how it is ripping the world apart by the second.
FBI is trying to gain access to the privacy of our iPhones.
This is my opinion on terrorism and what should be done about it.
What would you do if you saw terrorism going on? We need to stop terrorism now or it well just keep getting worse! We must not wait for them to com...
We need to have peace. A world without terrorism. A world where everyone can feel safe.
I wrote a letter on what I believe should be done in the new United States such as dealing with the group called ISIS to the income of health care
We need to stop living in fear and make America a better place!
Those on the "no-fly" list are prohibited from boarding planes because of their potential threat. In order to prevent future terrorist attacks, gun...
We need to control Terrorism once and for all
Terrorism is everywhere! They are on social media, targeting teenagers and younger kids around our age. Even worse, they are spreading rapidly! We ...
These topics are the the most important to me and I think they need attention.
My letter is about how immigration is killing our country and all the problems immigration has done.