Transgender people should have the right to use a bathroom according to their gender identity.
There is a new topic waiting to become a law, as well as one of the main points the new president needs to work on once they get to office. The nee...
An essay exploring what it's like growing up as a queer student in school in America.
I have some possible causes and solutions to talk about along with some problems concerning the LGBTQ community.
LGBT people are constantly discriminated against all over the world, whether that be within the society of a certain place or whether that be the d...
Nearly everything that happens in the world will boil down to equality, which is a necessity as basic as oxygen.
Transgender rights
Transgender people deserve equal rights.
Love is love. It's as simple as that.
Abortion is not ok because it's murder of a child, who has the potential to change our world.
LGBT + Rights
Same sex marriage
It doesn't matter what you look like or who you like, every deserves equal rights
Gun control and transgender bathroom
This is a letter about how the trans person has trouble in life and how the President can help fix it.
People of the U.S. disapprove of the LGBTQ community.
People are being treated differently for race, gender and sexuality each and everyday. Some people are scared to accept people for who they truly a...
Religious freedom laws are being passed in states across the country and are harming those of the LGBT community and otherwise.
It is not fair that more than 45,00 churches refuse to marry gays. Gay and lesbian marriage should be recognized as a valid marriage. Churches shou...
In many states it is illegal for LGBT couples to adopt. Many people (including myself) think that this needs to change. Let's take this to congress...
Despite the victories of the LGBTQ+ community, there is still much hate against the community. Homosexuals and transgenders are often persecuted in...
This letter is written to inform you about the reason children are still in foster care in the United States.
It is imperative that the future president of the United States of America focuses on further expanding freedom and the ability to pursue happiness...
Have you ever wanted to go to a Pride Festival somewhere but you are too scared you will get judged? Do you want to follow in your favorite celebri...
A bisexual student's thoughts on the lacking of LGBT+ representation in the media, why it is an issue, and how to solve said issue.
A letter about gay acceptance
Long have the voices of the LGBT community been silenced in this country. This marginalized group that has just as much say as the next, in actuali...
Fighting For Loving Parents
The discrimination and bigotry transgender people experience is harmful and resolvable.
We need to stop the persecution of the LGBTQ community from the government and the people of this country.
The LGBT community has been getting more hate and it needs to be stopped.
LGBT are OF the people. The constitution is FOR the people. Members of this community are not fully protected. When will this become a reality?
Abortion should remain a woman's choice.
I addressed some issues that have been happening to the LGBT Community.
This letter has been written to provide evidence for why gay marriage should be legalized.
Same-sex marriage is problem that everyone doesn't see and that media makes look good
We should not stop people from being themselves or make them feel like they cannot be who they want to be.
Weren't we all born human? So, why should people be treated differently if they are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and so on? Problems like t...
Letter to the next president
¨Every single American - Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender- Every single American deserves to be treated equally in the eyes of the law and in th...
People in the LGBTQ+ community aren't always being treated as equals and we need to fix that.
Abortion means that the natural rights of an unborn child are taken away. Adoption is always an option.
Some issues like police brutality, terrorism, etc. can really be a bigger issue if our president doesn't fix them.
Dear Next President, If our goal in America is equality shouldn’t transgender people to go into bathrooms based on DNA not there feeling? This info...
Those in the SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Acceptance) community are being denied employment rights and we need to fix it.
LGBTQs are being disrespected and treated differently.
Born or unborn, we are all still humans.
There are so many problems regarding LGBTQ people. People all across the nation are being hurt, bullied, abused, and even killed based on their se...
Did you know that 68% of the LGBTQ+ youth have experienced their elected (or to be elected) leaders saying negative things about the LGBTQ+ communi...
I have multiple issues about making sure everyone having equal rights in America.
LGBT adoption is when a same-sex couple adopts a child. If every LGBT couple who wanted to were allowed to adopt, then so many children would have ...
My goal in this letter is to announce my reasons on why I personally think that abortion is a cruel thing to do and shouldn't be legal.
We need to spread acceptance and education of the LGBT+ community because years of discrimination have pushed these vital deeds down on our priorit...
Many people today are discriminated against because of their sexuality. Because of this, many students may develop depression and/or suicidal thoug...
"In order for America to be "great", we need to hear from different types of people. White is not the default."
The amount of hate in our country is becoming a problem, and we need to do something about it.
No one has the right to change or attempt to change anyone's sexuality. The next step that will lead our country to progress to new heights is by b...
The conflicts of same sex marriage.
Changing the law on abortion to make it more fair to all women
The LGBTQ should still have the same rights as all of us because they are still human, just like us.
about transgender bathroom policies
Let's Bring An End To Abortion
LBGT people don't have the freedom for being who they are and who they choose to be.
Victims of abuse, whether physically or verbally, need to be heard.
America needs to address discriminating against the rights of LGBT people.
The discrimination of a large group of people based on their gender identity.
I think all couples should have equal rights, between man and woman or same sex couples to have the ability to marry each other.
To abolish the marriage of gays.
Why homosexuality and Gay Marriage is okay.
The next President will likely appoint between one and four Justices to the Supreme Court. This will determine the direction of the country for dec...
Thousands of children are in an orphanage and are up for adoption for years and years and most heterosexual couples have there own child . In that ...
Dear Hillary Clinton,
I believe that everyone should have the right to marry their loved one.
LGBT is a misunderstood and disregarded community. LGBTQIA+ is a huge spectrum, which stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, questioning...
This is about rights and equality.
Sex Education has a large problem across the US and the world. It isn't effective enough and kids are not learning all of the information needed, a...
My story is on Abortion. It is wrong and first degree murder. Killing babies is wrong since there are ways to prevent getting pregnant.
The LGBTQ+ community is a widely mistreated and misunderstood community.
The rights of the LGBT community and defending their equality.
My issue is straight conversion therapy.
Every year, an estimate of 900,000 abortions happen. These poor children will never have a voice, or a say in their community. If we're all educate...
I believe LGBT communities should have the same rights as heterosexual couples/people.
Conversion camps need to be made illegal in the US due to their abusive practices.
The oppression of the LGBTQ society is a growing problem in America
Families and people in the Lgbt community should be treated just as "normal" people.
Even though same-sex marriage has been legalized, there is still strong opposition. The US needs to come together to guarantee their safety.
This is about Gay Marriage, and Gay Rights
Fairness should be available for all
Why gay adoption SHOULD be legalized in ALL 50 states!
The amount of safe places or homeless shelters dedicated to those who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, etc., is very low. These chi...
Should abortion be legal?
LGBT adoption rights need to be better protected.
LGBT couples should not be denied the right to adopt a child because of their sexual orientation.
Transgender people have certain access to different things like their choice of restroom which is absolutely unacceptable. Abortion is an issue tha...
We all deserve equal rights and protection.
From bathroom laws to explicit hate, transgender people, and people of other varied gender identities, are under constant fire from much of the Uni...
Our country is being manipulated, one way or another, by money, media or even retirement. It happens all of the time, even if it can be seen or not...
This is coming from a 12th grade student, who is upset with both sides of politics seeing the LGBT community, and other minorities as just a number...
The poem and essay in this piece show why transgender people should have the same rights as any American citizen.
Our youth are taught about sexual activity, but never sexuality itself. We need to let our youth understand sexuality and gender, how to respect it...