This video depicts the issue of violence upon citizens, over the years, at the hands of the police. It addresses the issue directly and proposes a ...
Junk food should not be banned in schools because kids eat majority of their food outside of school and schools do not have enough funding to suppo...
People need to realize that people will love who they love, and that they can't interfere with that.
The next US President needs to enhance America’s schooling system by assuring a good, high quality, efficient, balanced education for everyone; gra...
Sleep deprivation can cause widespread problems to students, and overwhelming amounts of homework are only making it worse.
Many states in this country have a problem with their sexual curriculum, if they have it at all.
How Donald Trumps views on Muslims are corrupt
We need more options for vegetarian and vegans.
Animal abuse is a big issue in all parts of the nation, but for some reason this is not being taught about in schools. If kids do not learn about t...
Our children need education to survive, children need to know what to do in the real world when they become adults
The average start time for public schools in the U.S. is 8:03 am, too early for students to properly learn.
Education in America is facing many problems today, one solution to some of these problems is having later school start times
Letter to the Future President for Eisele's class. My letter is about school systems having a program to help teens better understand the consequen...
A students future might depend on how much sleep they get. If school started as little as 30 minutes earlier, grades would improve, car crashes wou...
A letter to encourage our president to advocate for extracurricular activates
Research shows that many students are suffering from the suffocating feelings of anxiety and failure due to the constant stress school inflicts on ...
Immigration is important, and needs to be talked about to find a fair solution for everyone.
School funding needs your attention.
Homework in the U.S is at an all-time high and is affecting kids across the country both physically and mentally, it's time to slow it down.
Lots of kids today are very fortunate and can acquire lots of things, although others aren't. Some kids in the United States of America can't get ...
While Donald Trump want to stop illegal immigration, he doesn't realize how embedded it is into our economy and culture. Take a stand and make a ch...
Poverty in Small towns, is often over looked. The next president, really needs to take into consideration how that can be positively changed.
The Common Core teaching goals are not teaching children correctly.
From what I know of politics, which is quite a bit, I have seen many idiotic ideas that have no purpose. There is more out there than what we consi...
Getting an average of 6 hours of sleep during the night does not provide enough energy to endure the school day.
The letter is about how the future president should focus on terrorism and its effects on people.
Terrorism has affected the United States and we have to work together towards ending it.
State laws that mandate teaching negative information about sexuality and gender orientations within sex education should be abolished for the safe...
Why I think you're unfit to be president.
This letter is about how I think we should not get homework! Homework is less time for children to be children.
We need a change in our education system. It needs to change so we are learning more and can have more time to focus on school.
Bullying is a very bad thing that needs to be fixed, but with the help of you, Mr./Mrs.President, you can help.
Minimum wage
Students all across America are overworked, over tested, and immensely stressed, now more than ever.
I feel very strongly that the death penalty should be illegal. This is a letter to the presidential candidates trying to persuade them into vetoing...
Schools start too early in the morning, causing students to lose sleep. Sleep deprivation is common among high school students and can lead to many...
Mr.Trump,I have faith that if you try, you can make America great again, but I do see some minor problems that I hope you don't mind reading.
Gun Control and Death Penalty are very important and related subjects. This is why I chose to write them together. I think that the future presiden...
Too many kids have dropped out of high school. You can make a difference. Fight for the future of America.
Physical Education should be a nationwide requirement in all schools. It has many benefits our country needs in order to start success at an early ...
There is not enough time for student athletes to invest into studying for school outside the classroom.
Letter to the future president- Government assignment.
This letter is about transgender bathroom policies at schools.
Standardized testing doesnt work for everybody.
Create a policy requiring public school systems in all 50 states to recycle. School systems set the example for our students and create students wh...
College Tuition has increased throughout the years and have been a major problem to students around the world. This is also effecting the economy a...
What would you rather have school all year with frequent breaks, better test scores, and higher taxes or vacation time, summer jobs, and better hea...
The letter is about a dynamical changes in law and your role as the President
Schools start very early in the morning.
Letters to Future President
Public school funding is low and inconsistent because of varying property tax incomes.
Government should give a subsidy for college tuition
My letter explains sleep deprivation and the effects it has on teens all around the world.
My thoughts on standardized testing.
Our new president is going to have many problems to try to face and fix. They are also going to need to have the characteristics to be able to do t...
Do their plans benefit us as a country?
School uniforms should be outlawed.
Is the school's sex ed system unrealistic??
Tests are bad.
Students require more sleep to perform at their maximum academic potential and to complete daily tasks.
Abortion? Yes or no?
If minimum wage is increased, then small businesses will go out of business, taxes would increase, and school dropout rates would increase.
This letter discusses how the price of college is too expensive and should be lowered. Also, scholarships should be much larger.
Should school be delayed.
Persuasive letter to the next President opposing standardized testing.
Dear Mr. / Madam President, I am a senior high school student at minarets high school located near Yosemite National Park and will be graduating...
My parents immigrated to the U.S. in the late 1900’s and it wasn’t the easiest process to get into the country. My interests have been focusing mor...
How to help and view people in poverty around the world. People around the world that live in poverty are looked at completely differently, they ar...
You, the next president, need these characteristics to be a great president!
Abortion is a fundamental right that we should have as human beings.
All schools need to provide an equal education to all students.
September 29, 2016 Dear Future Mr./Madame President, I hope everything is well, my name is Riley. I am writing in regards to the characteristics ...
The amount of standardized testing in our public schools has gotten out of hand. Get rid of standardized testing.
looking at the problems of our mental health facilities, how we treat our mentally diseased Americans.
The United States' education system is disastrous.
Parents and teachers have been at war over whether students should or shouldn’t wear uniforms.
A problem and proposal about the economy
College Tuition is creating an uncrossible gap in education between the poor and the rest of society.
opinions on terrorism from a 16 year old
Many people spend all of their days at school, and the pressure being put on them has increased greatly in the past couple of years. I believe some...
Dear Next President, Deportation is being done unfairly it’s tearing families apart. Immigrants should not be sent back to their homeland. If the...
The Common Core has been in place for three years, but it is not making our students any smarter.
Minimizing the power of the Electoral College
A letter to our future president on what he/she should do to better our nation, improve our security, and how people feel around they're own neighb...
How to improve the educational system and exploring different types of ways children can be taught, that will benefit our society and each individu...
Persuasive letter to the next President to get rid of the standardize testing.
How schools have been breaking the First Amendment of the Constitution for decades without anyone knowing it by teaching evolution to their students.
Standardized testing should be eliminated because it wastes students time, creates unnecessary stress, and is not useful for students' futures.
Bullying affects a lot students in very serious ways. Require schools to enforce bullying policies and have teach students about bullying in schoo...
An act in Louisiana that allows creationism to be taught in the classroom instead of evolution
The transition from high school to college and how it could influence your future in America.
Integrating students in a classroom should not be allowed in any state nor school; it slows down the accelerated learners. Students should be place...
Dear Future President, You must be organized and set goals and achievements for yourself that you know you can accomplish. There are so many thin...
One program or assembly will not prevent bullying. Schools and communities must work together to recognize the causes and consequences of bullying,...
This letter explains why standardized testing is bad for our education.
Media bias is a serious issue, especially in this election; find out what its all about and maybe how to fix the problem.
A letter that addresses the fight against technology, the war against Generation Z, and the statistics to support a revolution.
Education is really important, which means you need enough sleep to get through the day.