Education is the key to success.
School cafeteria food is not adding up to the nutrition we need.
I believe that there is a gap in the quality of education that should be closed to create equal opportunities for all students across the nation.
Epilespy is the fourth most common neurological disorder. 1 out of every 26 people in the United States will have a seizure during their lifetime. ...
College athletes should not be paid.
What it's like to live in society today, trying to keep up with all of the standards we're forced to fit to.
Getting a good education is important and so is funding programs that are electives or help students grow as learners.
Sex ed should be added to daily education. Because there is such a large percentage of under age pregnancies, HIVS/STDS etc.
A plea for common sense in the growing realm of standardized testing and the stress it causes students.
I want to be able to have the future President of America acknowledge this letter to improve our education
The movement towards furthering pro-choice policies in the United States is one that should not be overlooked.
The rising cost of tuition in Oregon has increased over the past years and has become an issue for some high school graduates going into college. W...
Institutional Racism in the U.S.
The rising problems and loopholes of America's Public Education System starts blurring the America's future generation.
I wrote this letter as an assignment in Mr. Leeper's Ethnic Studies class at Aptos Middle School in San Francisco, CA. It is meant to display our ...
Teachers deserve higher salaries for all of their hard work and dedication
Students mental and physical well-being is negatively effected by the unhealthy lifestyles they lead while trying to meet the high expectations of ...
The education system in the United States must be reform in order for children to compete at a competitive level. The next President of the United ...
Students should not have to wear school uniforms
My plan is to help immigrants and refugees get an education so that they can get a better job. They don’t get any education when they come to Ameri...
A brief synopsis on the poison of standardized testing and why it is necessary to reduce their confluency in America.
Sex education should be taught more. This letter explains why i think so.
create more vocational training high schools
We deserve more classes that can help us once we are independent. More classes that teach us about government, politics, life skills and managing m...
This letter helps to share my opinion on the way the immigrant student's education should be handled. It helps to voice my concerns on why low-inco...
Abortion is a touchy subject because of it's wide array of views that cannot necessarily be centered by any religion, race, or sexuality. It is a c...
Education needs a fix-up. These kids all around the World, THEY ARE OUR NEXT GENERATION!!!!! We need to see what is wrong with education and fix it...
The struggle of having too much homework.
School Funding
High school students need better information and options regarding their current and future education.
There is a big concern on school cafeteria food all over the country. Students want a change. I hope their wish comes true for them.
A letter concerning racial discrimination in the acceptance rate of Asian Americans into colleges and the idea of affirmative action.
Post high school education in America should increase.
Students should have enough homework to learn but should not be as stressed. They should learn more real life skills, rather than stressing ou...
We need to do more to prevent bullying because it affects victims’ school achievement.
Advanced education should be the first thing you change for the better, Like having free Colleges or reduce tuition prices, being debt free from Co...
AT SCHOOL, Many teens decide that education is not needed in their life due to the fact that they won’t be attending college, but little do they kn...
Do you want a job when you're older? Your kids to be safe? A house to raise your family in? With Illegal Immigration some of these things may not b...
The U.S. military offers many things when joining the military.
Teacher's salaries are simply too low right now and they need to be increased. Teachers are the people that educate the future of our nation and th...
To improve the United States, we need a strong education system.
Students struggle, and get worse every year in our current education program. My letter adresses my concerns with the current system in our country...
What can we do to better the quality of schools in our country?
College tuition expensive should be lower and build a better education system.
The brains of Americans are sick. It is time to put a stop to mental illness through education.
Dear Future President, The student education should be taken seriously. If students have to pay every year for college and textbooks and they do...
Higher Education and Immigration/Stereotypes
Standardized tests do not accurately display students’ knowledge.
What if school funding was used for more appealing activities for kids so students could have more pride in their school?
Schools need to provide free hot lunches
The importance of affordable education for students of Louisiana
Although a college degree is almost required to be successful in today's day and age, many youth cannot afford the cost or will be saddled with hug...
Are students really getting the help they need?
Standardized testing has far too many flaws to be left as is. Something about it needs to change.
The education system which we have today needs to change. Our education system is designed around standardized tests that don't actually show how ...
This video is about how unpleasant school chairs are, and how difficult that makes learning.
The education format in the US varies quite a lot compared to other countries around the world and as we fall further behind other countries we mus...
Without a reform in education our society will only continue to degenerate.
This essay is about all the negative impacts on students of all grades who are given too much homework during the school year.
The liberal arts are more than just the myth of guaranteed unemployment, and it's time that the US education system understood that.
A look at how the high cost of college education is impossible for most families.
The education system should be reformed.
Millions of students take standardized tests, but the tests do not seem to be very effective.
This letter is about the cost of college tuition and how big of an issue it is for this generation. Therefore, this is an issue that must be dealt ...
Dear Future President...
Bilingual Education is underappreciated throughout the country.
Teaching and learning foreign language is important for schools and students.
According to Edudemic, letting students choose the topic they want to learn about can cause less stress on a student and make them happier and more...
Major cities need your help. They are not safe. People are afraid because of the violence everywhere.
The education system must change in order to intellectually, culturally, and emotionally enrich today's students.
Condoms, Birth control,etc...
College tuition is a huge issue in America and something needs to be done about it.
I thought college opened up more financial possibilities, but it is starting to look like it's digging us a larger hole than we need to be in.
We need to improve our public schools.
The education system needs to modified greatly.
Many states are falling behind when it comes to education.
Skateboarding should be in gym class.
America should mandate that all public schools hire a child psychologist to evaluate children in grade Kindergarten, 4th, 8th, and 12th. This will ...
Students of different ethnicities are not receiving the same opportunity for success through our current education system.
Receiving a higher education is becoming to costly.
Here is a brief explanation of what should be done to the education system.
You, the next president, need these characteristics to be a great president!
Our education system needs to switch to the block schedule. It allows more time for the teachers and students. Block scheduling causes less stress ...
I think we should end standardized testing for various reasons.
The issue of education is important because there are many teenagers that deserve to have an education
An analysis of the flaws in the American education system from a presidential standpoint and how best to fix them.
It's no secret that there is a huge gender gap in STEM-related jobs, one being computer science. There needs to be more promotion for women and gir...
This plan illustrates the importance of rebuilding America and preparing it to handle immigration before we allow more immigrants in. In this propo...
Raising the questions for minority history in classrooms.
Muslim students can not access the free lunch program because of the lack of halal food.
Standardized testing has bad effects on students.
Tuition rates keep rising every year, which is bad news for current students and the students graduating after us. The inflation rate hasn’t risen ...
The Education System is failing and needs to be fixed.
A letter explaining why schools need more funding to help with our international education standing
Half of the cash that is taken from my paycheck is in the name of healthcare.
The cost of a higher education is getting out of hand. People today are still struggling to pay their college debt years after graduating. Isn't co...
State testing needs to be banned! Standardized tests put too much stress on students who need to be focusing on school work and not these tests.
Allowing guns in schools and colleges is a serious issue, as it can be the cause of horrific things, such as deaths, injuries, accidental shootings...
I want the education in the United States to be better and for college tuition to be free so children can get access to education easily when they ...