Lower the constantly rising college costs and create more merit and need based scholarships.
Colleges charge their students money every credit per hour. For example Western Michigan University is charging the students in the business colleg...
With lower tuition it could take burdens off the already busy life of college students.
With lower student loans, more students will be able to get the education they need.
I am very concerned with the high price tag that many colleges have at this current time. Not many students can afford college even with financial ...
This is a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down
College athletes should be paid for what they bring to their universities. For all of the blood, sweat, and tears that they shed for the school, th...
In 1980, under 10% of US citizens had a 4-year college degree by the age 25. We need to raise this percentage, and create a way that is affordable,...
The problem with people not going to college.
Students across America are facing a tragic reality these days. Our dreams are being crushed and our bank accounts are at an all time low. I want t...
Student debt has affected many college graduates for decades, and it could affect future college graduates of the U.S. if this situation isn't hand...
College tuition seriously needs to be reduced. College tuition needs to be lowered to reduce the amount of student debt. In May of 2013, 61,762 peo...
Many American students are put beyond the reach of education due to high tuition. As a young student I have found the importance of getting an educ...
Rising tuition costs threaten the American Dream
Louisiana's TOPS program is vital
Student loans should be lowered in order for people to be better financially.
College debt after graduation can greatly affect the lives of those who owe.
This letter was written in Mr.Leeper's 7th period ethnic studies class at Aptos Middle School in San Francisco, CA. We are writing to express our f...
College have lead many people to success in life, but with tuition and the risk of having student loan debt can change one's lives.
We need to limit how much college is.
It is up to you, Future President, to lower the increasing rise of college tuition.
Lowering College tuition
As Future President, how will you help students receive a higher education?
When will tuition get cheaper? How much higher will the cost get? These are just some of the questions parents think when they look the cost of the...
My concern on Health Care and College Education prices.
The cost of college continues to rise, and shows no signs of leveling off. This limits who can receive higher level education.
Hispanics don't have enough resources to go to college.
College expenses are rapidly increasing becoming more difficult for families to send their kids to college, this is why I think college expenses sh...
Hear us now! Hear our words! why does college tuition have to stop us from succeeding?
Looking at how the rise in college tuition costs has hurt the average family.
I can't afford college.
“By making college unaffordable and student loans unbearable, we risk deterring our best and brightest from pursuing higher education and securing ...
The real nightmare all students have to face and why we should put an end to it.
College tuition prices are way to high for any student to pay. Many students will leave college in a huge amount of debt. There is almost $1.2 tril...
Why college tuition should be more affordable.
In todays society, college is kind of looked at as mandatory. But, how can someone attend their dream college with no money to put into their tuiti...
College tuition costs should be lowered.
Education is very important to all citizens, and it is important that everyone has a chance to succeed, regardless of income and race.
Regardless if the next president if female or male, democratic or republican, or a liar or a person completely unfit to run the country, one thing ...
College isn't affordable for many creating a continuous poverty cycle and limiting their opportunities to do great things for our nation.
We need to lower college and university tuition cost before our economy collapses.
I am informing the president that the majority of students want to go to college. But the price for college if very high leaving them to question ...
costs to pursue a education should be lowered or taken away
The price of college is rising to fast and government is still making budget cuts. And many students that want to go cant afford it without scholar...
Reducing College Tuition Prices
The cost of college is rising fast, what can you do to help?
In the United States, many look to higher education as a way to build their futures, yet all too many dreams are never brought to fruition due to e...
College Tuition needs to be lowered.
Though lowering the cost of college tuition may be costly, it is a worthy investment in the future prosperity of our country.
In 2012, 71 percent of students graduating from four year colleges were in debt. That's 1.3 million students in debt, and a 2 million increase sinc...
This letter exlpains the problems with college tuition and includes why is needs to be less expensive.
As medical students give up almost everything to pursue the path of medicine, the price to attend is becoming a problem.
College, a place divided by two types of people- those looking for years of experimentation, and those who go into college with a set idea of what ...
Students are constantly in debt and constantly worried about their financial status because of college tuition.
How free schooling won't work for the US.
Everybody in the world wants to be successful, and in order to do that, you have to go to college. Most people this day and time do not want to go ...
Lowering the price of college for students via grants
Currently 40 million Americans are living with college debt, making them unable to make other life purchases.
Regarding my support for the Pace Promise nationwide for students.
College tuition needs to be lowered to a reasonable price for people who can barely afford it.
The colossal issue of student debt affects America's youth.
I believe that college should be affordable and debt free for everyone.
College tuition has tripled over the past three decades, so we need to find new ways to make college affordable for low-income families.
College is getting less affordable over the years. We need to change that, now.
Why is the cost of college getting so expensive when it is so mandatory?
The cost to get a college degree is unattainable these days.
Extra curricular activities are too expensive, often draining wallets of caring parents.
College cost needs to go down now otherwise how can we future adults make a good living?
The cost of college is too high and we need to lower it.
College costs too much. People can't afford to go to college and get the important education that you get from college.
The cost of college tuition is a huge problem, and it's leave many in post-graduate difficulties.
I feel that students should be granted 2 free years of community college. Here's why...
College tuition is constantly increasing, and college grad will often live in massive student debt for a large part of their lives.
Growing concern over the high cost of college tuition.
Nick DeRitis has watched the price of college tuition triple in recent years. He hopes the next president will prioritize affordable higher educati...
Many brilliant high school students who are accepted in various colleges and universities face the struggle of not being able to afford the overpri...
Money = Education
what are you going to do for us?
High college tuition prices are hurting our present and soon, our future.
This letter is about how the future president should help make public college tuition free.
Student loan debt is forcing people to hold back on things like having children, and that's not good.
College tuition costs more than it should and we should do something about it.
Why college tuition should be lowered.
College is a big step for students however how are we supposed to afford it when the debts they leave us take a lifetime to repay?
I am a sixteen-year-old student in high school who is enthusiastic about learning. I am concerned about the effects of student loans and the cost ...
The future president of the United states should be cautious about the decisions he makes for our country. Student debt is becoming more and more o...
High school graduates have huge debts because they can't afford to completely pay off their college fees. This is the only type of consumer debt th...
How to fix student loans and make sure everyone gets healthcare
This is about the rising prices of college tuition, and what I believe (and hope) can be done about it.
Dear Future President of the United States, The costs of college severely affects the way students view their potential education coming from the...
College is supposed to be pushing people ahead but instead it is holding them back. There are too many college students struggling to pay off their...
College Cost
I strongly believe that the future of this country will be significantly impacted by the way our government handles this national crisis and I tru...
I address the issue of student loans and propose ideas as to how we may be able to make college more affordable and/or easy to attend.
If college was free, the value of degrees won't be the same at the value as they are now.
College tuition is the main reason many can't go to college. It's overpriced.
Tuition should be a gift from the government.
College debt and how it is effecting the youth of America.
The majority of recently graduated high school students plan to go to a college of university. The cost of tuition has made it nearly impossible fo...
The college tuition should be lowered.