I believe that the President should raise the minimum wage to $13.
The Guantanamo Bay detainment camp should be shut down.
Some ways we could improve education for minorities and every student.
Why is raising the minimum wage a bad idea? My essay explores the detrimental impacts of minimum wage hikes.
The current federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 an hour. Thousands of workers work 40 hours a week and still live in poverty. It is almost impo...
The following letter is about keeping abortion legal and why it should stay legal. It addresses some concerns about abortion as well. It then gives...
Do you think that affirmative action is right?
Minimum wage affects the lives of others and if it's not raised, it can change the way the world lives.
Raising minimum wage would result in a better economy and society.
Is abortion really humane?
The government should not choose whether or not you have a child.
Homelessness is a huge problem in America that needs to be fixed. Future president, what will you do?
How did Black Lives Matter come to be, and how is it affecting our nation?
Due to the LGBTQ+ community growing, with it comes the issues of discrimination and rights against people with different sexualities.
The Pros & Cons Of Increasing The Minimum Wage.
“We should raise the minimum wage so that no one who works full time has to live in poverty."
Although raising the minimum wage seems to be a simple solution to an extensive problem, there are many underlying problems it could arise.
Immigration and how unaccompanied children come to the United States and have many obstacles to overcome to live a better life.
Minimum wage is hurting both small and large businesses, and it needs to stop.
Dear President,
Donald J. Trump has many ideas and thoughts on how he wants to take care of some problems but the one that stands out to me, is the one on immigrat...
Raise minimum wage
The current minimum wage is not suitable for the economy.
My concerns about raising the minimum wage
Minimum wage should stay the same
More money for our country's workers - PLEASE!
The minimum wage should be raised because it will help improve the lives of low-income workers.
I think the minimum wage should be raised so it is more than $7.50 an hour
I ask you to reframe the Syrian refugee crisis from a political burden to a test of principles, which carries with it serious implications for our ...
We need a higher minimum wage for our citizens to have a living wage.
Minimum wage should be increased
Raising the minimum wage is a big argument in the U.S. Parents are struggling to support their kids and there is something people can do about it.
LGBT people are constantly discriminated against all over the world, whether that be within the society of a certain place or whether that be the d...
Social Inequality: Women and Minorities
The effects of mass incarceration in my neighborhood.
Not everybody in the US is guaranteed minimum wage, and everybody should be. This should be a priority to the future president because it will guar...
I will be discussing about privacy rights in the digital world of the internet.
A letter to our future president explaining how the average american citizen feels towards the insane cost of colllege.
The minimum wage has been rising. What it is doing to our country isn't as great as it seems.
Regardless if the next president if female or male, democratic or republican, or a liar or a person completely unfit to run the country, one thing ...
Minimum wage is a big and broad topic, but someone has to address it, and I believe that keeping the minimum wage the same will be the best option.
If you type the keyword "Syria" in the search box for this website, you won't find anything. This may be because people aren't aware of what's goi...
According to “The State Minimum Wages” post, people are taxed 10% to 39.6% which means that this benefits the wealthiest people that earned way mor...
Increasing Minimum Wage
This is my letter regarding my thoughts on Affordable Care Act.
This letter outlines the complexity of the death penalty in the U.S and why it may not be as simple as it seems it should be.
For struggling families to kids on the streets america needs your help to fight against homelessness. When we carry out our daily lives many of us ...
Minimum wage needs to be raised, so we don't have a lot of people under the poverty line.
Low Income people have the lowest voter turn out rate. The interests of low income people are not represented. The next president must ensure low...
Abortion is murder and should not be treated any differently.
Minimum Wage must be raised.
I created this video as a class project and a short informative documentary. It details the Syrian war's destruction and why we should not send our...
Abortion is a fundamental right that we should have as human beings.
Minimum Wage is not a living wage.
Abortion is not okay, and it never will be. Give the baby a chance to live a fabulous life.
The gender wage gap and the rich poor gap are making our economy unequal and the minimum wage should be raised.
This is a letter to the president addressing the big and evolving issue of Discrimination and civil rights.
Increasing minimum wage
Abortion is a safe way for women to terminate a pregnancy and the government should not be able to tell women if they can or can't have an abortion.
Lower and middle class work hard and don't get paid for it.
I'm Black. Am I Next? This is what many minorities want to know while they just try to live their lives as American citizens. In this letter, we wi...
Education has been segregated from the start of mankind. Donald Trump is believed to support this statement.
Illegal immigration is a growing issue in the United States. We should handle this issue by thinking about the ways our families and economy are af...
Human/Sex trafficking is a big issue in the world and I want our future president to help do something about it.
Let it be legalized for its many positive effects on our psychological wellbeing.
Dear Future President, America is a nation full of individuals who feel like the government doesn’t do their jobs. Unfortunately, when these peop...
Think the minimum wage needs to be raised? I don't think you've read my letter.
The minimum wage needs to be raised, right now the minimum wage is way to low. So, many people earn the minimum wage, we need to make these people ...
Gender Wage Gap is a concern to many to this day. Women, of all race, are still paid less due to their gender. Women could work the same job a man ...
Letters to the next president about jobs and the economy.
Minimum Wage is a serious problem and should be addressed not just in the US, but worldwide. Future president I hope that you take my call to acti...
Minimum Wage
This is a letter about the issues of equal pay and why you should care.
We need to raise the federal minimum wage. $7.25 an hour is imply not enough for someone to support themselves.
How the low minimum wage is affecting citizens in America.
A raise of pay can help the work force of America and the economy.
This letter is about why we should not raise the minimum wage in the United States.
I believe people should be treated equally no matter what their condition wether physically or mentally (or both) are. I believe everyone should be...
In many cases, capital punishment is unjust because many people are falsely accused and some not treated equally due to the circumstances of how t...
African Americans today are dying as a consequence at the hands of some police officers for minor things.
The minimum wage in the United States is too low for people to support themselves.
Dear Future President, Wages are a very big problem. The federal minimum wage hasn’t changed for over 10 years! The federal minimum wage is just $...
If minimum wage is increased, then small businesses will go out of business, taxes would increase, and school dropout rates would increase.
There should be a change in pay scale across the US in order to help families make their way out of poverty.
Lower income students are being educated in schools with poor conditions and it has a terrible effect on their learning.
The minimum wage shouldn't be raised because it does more harm than good for our country. Raising the minimum wage causes job losses, inflation, jo...
The school to prison pipeline punishes or incarcerates the kids, instead of helping them. This tends to focus on minorities such as Blacks and Lati...
This letter is for the president about raising minimum wage. It is important for us to raise it.
Dear Future President,
It is important to end inhumane acts such as torture. Torture is used worldwide. It is a cruel form of mistreatment that is forced upon people. We ...
Too many families are not able to meet their basic needs, month after month. College students are in debt for too many years. Please understand thi...
A brief letter asking you to stop the destruction of sacred Native lands.
There should be more federal funding toward the arts, especially for low income and minority communities. Arts integration has the power to encoura...
Minimum Wage in America is currently is currently 7.25$, and the never ending want of a higher minimum wage can push it further.
The minimum wage must be raised to help around 1.7 million people in the United States to stay out of poverty.
Dear Mr. President
Where can the US draw the line between supporting its low-income citizens without hindering economic growth?
The price of producing organic food is much higher than the normal way of farming which contributes to unsustainable agricultural production.
College tuition has been rising and it is becoming increasingly difficult for average families to pay for it. People who want education are not abl...