Dear President, I want to tell you that it is a disservice not to honor the academic work of immigrant students by having them repeat school within...
Gender Neutral Sports
This letter is requesting an end to standardized testing in the United States.
This letter talks about education in schools and about teachers.
we have many students across the United states who need to be given the chance to shine in every way possible from how they get educated to the var...
Today, one of the most important things is education. It is key to success, lets you live a happy life, helps you do what you love to do, and it co...
Immigration control needs to be brought under control
The once flourishing charter school movement is now being derailed.
College cost a lot of money for some people. I believe that education is very important and it is not fair for some people that really care about e...
Shay Hardwick hopes to see arts education take on a higher priority in the next presidential administration.
I wrote a letter to our next president regarding the U.S. education system.
I believe as president of the united states, that you should work on making the way schools teach students better. By trying to get students exite...
Between the years of 2011-12 and 2016-17 college tuition went up 9% in public 4 year colleges. Does the tuition really need to cost more?
Views on Education
Schools need to put in the effort to try and install an education that will be a benefit to student's futures.
Funding for education needs to be increased in order to produce smaller class sizes and more teachers.
The cost of a higher education is getting out of hand. People today are still struggling to pay their college debt years after graduating. Isn't co...
The United States has the 2nd highest poverty rate in the world
Bullying needs to be abolished in schools.
Community colleges should be free.
Our schools need healthier lunches for the future of our country.
We live in a time where things we do can heavily impact both our future, and that of others. It´s the things we do every day that people seem to st...
Student Debts is a big issue in the world and needs to have a resolution.
I think that the education system in America is terrible and unfair. I think we should change what we are learning, how long we are going to school...
Affirmative action gives people a false sense of diversity. In an attempt to achieve equality, universities have only created more unfair circumsta...
There shouldn't be no walls or murder.
If the cost keeps rising then college will become inaccessible to most students.
The NCLB policy has gone downhill and isn't getting any better.
Undocumented immigrants who have contributed to our country should have the right to gain citizenship.
A lot of undocumented immigrants are having a hard time living in the United States and the government needs to stop coming after them.
Dear future president, Good-evening President Good job at becoming president and thanks for your getting that far and reaching the job, you partici...
CTE and wood shop classes are being shutdown all around the country, but wood shop classes teach lots of things that benefit kids. Schools should b...
I'm not saying we need to make high school musical a reality, but we need to start giving children a better education.
NASA hasn't had a groundbreaking achievement in over 50 years. It's time to change that.
We shouldn't have standardized testing because of all the problems that it is causing. Here are ways that we can fix those problems.
This letter addresses the topic of the quality of school lunches, how the quality affects students, and what the government can do to improve it.
The difference in pay for the caretakers of our youth
Only a positive learning environment and sufficient resources can help achieve the real goal of education.
A look at how the high cost of college education is impossible for most families.
School lunches should have larger portion sizes.
Our sex ed is horrible and needs an update.
We need to have stronger security regarding the laws of legal and illegal immigration, not anything concerning an immigrant's life.
I believe we can bring down the unemployment rate as well as the cost of 2 year college, here's how...
Today I want to tell you something about Education Funding.
As president, there are many problems that the United States is facing that you must work toward ending, such as immigration and terrorism.
Dear President: The growing dilemma for high school seniors is the high cost of a college education. At the young age of 18, teenagers have to m...
Some ways we could improve education for minorities and every student.
How would you feel if you were rejected from a college in favor of someone less qualified? This is a reality for many Americans, and is something t...
Standardized testing does not improve student achievement or the quality of their education, and is extremely discriminatory to a variety of demogr...
Funding for schools is unfair and leaves many children disadvantaged. How can we solve this issue?
It's no secret that there is a huge gender gap in STEM-related jobs, one being computer science. There needs to be more promotion for women and gir...
An essay exploring what it's like growing up as a queer student in school in America.
My letter is about student loans, the cost of college, and why something needs to be done to reduce this expense.
With the upcoming election, college tuition has been a hot topic. Will this continue to be an issue or will someone step up and fix the problem?
Student should not have homework
Mandatory or readily available education about addiction is not only helpful but increasingly necessary.
Getting more kids into college will educate our country and make America more successful and generally happy.
Many states in this country have a problem with their sexual curriculum, if they have it at all.
The government should spend more money to stop illegal immigration.
Standardized tests are being taken way too much. They should be heavily reduced or eliminated for various reasons
Where would one be in life without the access to a great education to pave the path of the future ahead of them? This is a reality to many all over...
Illegal Immigration cannot be ignored. What will be done to stop it?
Education in America isn't what it used to be.
Charter Schools: Another Education Option
Education should be in every city in The United States of america
There are thousands of immigrants living in America.
A letter to the future president regarding the celebration of Columbus day, and its negative effects on our definitions of "hero" and "monster", o...
Affordable college is a MUST! Were the future of America.
this letter was written in Mr. Leeper's Ethnic studies class at Aptos middle school in San Francisco CA .We are writing to express our feelings and...
Preschool is a vital part of children's learning. It should be mandatory in every state.
The children of our nation are confined to certain education standards based on skin tone or socioeconomic status. It is up to the next president t...
By investing in our youth, we are investing in our future.
All people in our country deserve a good education. More than one tenth of our country is made up of immigrants who can not afford a proper educati...
We need to fix the mess of Standardized Testing infecting public schools today.
People love athletes, but are they good role models for kids?
The issue of Education is important because it help us built our opinion and get ready for our future.
I feel that college should be free for all people. Everyone should have the opportunity to go to college.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the United States is ranked as 14 in education in the world and 7,000 students drop out ...
Art has a very effective role in a child's life. Making it available to students could be world changing.
A college education helps people get better jobs, but the costs are quickly growing and putting students in debt.
In todays society, college is kind of looked at as mandatory. But, how can someone attend their dream college with no money to put into their tuiti...
College tuition needs to be lowered for people who have the strong drive for success but not always the money.
Do you want a job when you're older? Your kids to be safe? A house to raise your family in? With Illegal Immigration some of these things may not b...
Americans deserve the right to have post-secondary education free of cost.
This letter is about immigrants shouldn't be taken for granted because they will actually help us or the United States increase our digits in econo...
The best way to give everyone equal opportunity and stimulate economic growth is not by making higher-level education free.
The next president should make college prices cheaper
Gun control needs to be controlled more heavily.
Discrepancies between low-income and high-income students in American public schools
Standardized testing does not accurately measure a student's potential and capabilities.
There needs to be better education in America for it is the generation of the future. Without good education, our country could go no where.
Differences in income cause the American education system to be biased against lower-income students.
Education is a key to success, and teachers make this possible, but a step towards improving the overall education in our nation is by having highe...
I wrote a letter to the next president regarding issues with standardized testing in our nation
The topic of illegal immigrants is a big issue that needs to be addressed. In America right now, there are approximately 11.4 Million undocumented ...
The standardized testing system that we currently use is flawed, and should be fixed. This paper covers the problems and solution to this issue.
Dear Future President, I would like tell you about why I feel that Common Core and PARCC testing should no longer be used in America. While there ...
The biggest issue in america needs to be fixed by our next president.
With lower student loans, more students will be able to get the education they need.
September 26, 2016 Dear Next President, Imagine if you or someone in your family / friend gets racist rude comments, harsh treatmen...