The government should focus more on terrorism and put more effort into resolving it, because it not only affects those countries being attacked, bu...
My dear future president i was just wondering if you could do something about a major problem these day's. Terrorists are doing a lot of harm t...
Combat in the Middle East has taken so many lives and cost so much money that it is imperative that it is stopped.
With everything that has been said in my letter all I ask is that you take into consideration how we feel about the situations going on in our coun...
We should continue to supply the military with money and should give them more.
My letter is about sports players getting paid more than the military.
To stop the spread of ISIS cannot be done with brute force alone.
The global economy is making national borders irrelevant. America will soon be at the mercy of foreign powers.
Our nation is faced with thousands of issues, each as equally as important as the last. Instead of letting them divide us, we must band together an...
Terrorism is worsening by the day with threats from the Middle East.
Some issues like police brutality, terrorism, etc. can really be a bigger issue if our president doesn't fix them.
The Honorable Future President 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear future President, I am a resident of North Miami, FL and I am a ...
What are you going to do to stop terrorism?
Why war on terror needs to stop.
President Trump, I would first like to say that I'm happy that you won the election. The severe division of people after the election was sad for m...
ISIS is responsible for far too many terrorist attacks and human rights violations, and must be halted.
The letter is about how the future president should focus on terrorism and its effects on people.
We need to stop ISIS before more damage is done.
Have you thought about the future of our great nation? It depends on this generation. And this generation deserves a phenomenal education opportuni...
Women should be allowed on the frontline if they prove that they can handle it.
Illegal immigration is a important problem we have in this country. In this writing I will tell you a series of facts on why this topic is bad for ...
Making military servers serve for longer than there supposed to.
Listen here buddy, my name is Jac and I want you to think about something other than your iPhone for one second. I want you to look at the other pe...
The U.S must focus on our own problems before we get ourselves involved in other countries issues.
The next president should be concerned with police brutality and terrorism.
In the United States today, threats of terrorism have grown too great and drastic measures must be put in place to stop it.
Terrorism is becoming too much of a threat to our world and is spreading very very quickly.
In recent years the United States military has received limitations in spending in multiple departments of the military making it weaker, putting h...
Public education is an issue that needs to be solved. Our nation's standards and methods in regards to our educational system need to be examined a...
In my letter, I addressed the constant topic of immigration and how it has made a positive impact to America, why we should continue with our immig...
United States Education is neglected in order to focus on other issues harboring the United States. Education used to be one of America's greatest ...
Debt, terrorism, racism, and gun violence.
We need to stop living in fear and make America a better place!
Persuasive letter to the next president about fighting ISIS
If America is the 'home of the brave', why are so many of the brave homeless?
Americans' security should be the number one agenda for our future president.
Terror attacks have gone up because we have no background knowledge on the people who are coming into our country.
Immigrants are what make up our country. Why Make a wall to block them?
We should not let people that we don't know into our country.
This letter show cases facts, and how to stop terrorism.
Artificial Intelligence is not to be used in the military. If you don't read this then it could mean the end of the world as we know it.
FBI is trying to gain access to the privacy of our iPhones.
How to help and view people in poverty around the world. People around the world that live in poverty are looked at completely differently, they ar...
“What do you do about terrorism?” There are a lot of terrorists in the world. Groups such as ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Taliban,Boko Haram cause havoc arou...
The education system in the United States must be reform in order for children to compete at a competitive level. The next President of the United ...
Would you want to live in an area where you could get sick because of the military system?
Everyone everywhere deserves a chance to be successful.
Islamophobia is an especially important issue our nation faces today. It is unjust to prosecute one whole religion that makes up 1/7 for the action...
Terrorism definition: The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
People have no idea whats happening the world around us
It is going to be the duty of our next President to unite a polarized America and mend the wounds that were caused by this election.
This letter is about how violence throughout the nation is quickly spreading. This rapid spread of violence needs to be changed for future generati...
Persuasive letter with reasons why we need to Support our Troops in the War against Terror
Military Funding is way too high! We need to lower it.
There's a poison spreading through the veins of America and it is racism wearing a new face.
The U.S. military offers many things when joining the military.
Aleppo is a big problem. We need do to something.
Without this simple thing, our country will be in ruins.
Terrorism is a major problem that threatens everyday American life and needs to be fixed.
ISIS has harmed thousands of people and if we don't do anything to stop them more people will die. After ISIS was revealed to the world people all ...
I am addressing that we should do something about terrorism
We need nuclear energy for a brighter future.
Terrorism is increasing and many lives are in danger. How are they using social media to plan these attacks?
My argument is about supporting our military and how we don't do it enough,how they protect us for life,but we don't do it in return. I focus on so...
Many college students are incapable of living on their own at college because high schools throughout the country do not fully prepare them for the...
Biggest Issue on The planet
Dear Future President, This country is in a state of renewal. America needs you to do your best to keep this country great. In order to do thi...
Why keep letting these things happen when we have a voice, and we can make a difference? You can help too.
National Security Dear Future President, 9/11 was the most tragic day in America 2,996 people were killed that day and more than 6,000 were wo...
We are living in fear in way too many ways.
People of America should be concerned about the issue of terrorism.
Do You Think Your American Soldiers Are Financially Stable?
The military's funding is too low, do you think so too? If not go away.......(Pls nu)
Veterans in this country are not treated with the right
There shouldn't be hundreds of lives being lost due to ISIS while the US isn't doing enough to stop it.
Our military needs to know how to organize military funding and train troops better.
Islamophobia, or the extreme fear of Muslims, is infecting the minds of modern Americans and leading to discrimin
Make America Great Again with Clean Renewable Energy Policies
Problems in the United States
My views on some topics that the future president should cover.
Apple and the FBI must work together in order to prevent future terrorism attacks.
My letter is stating how we need to end food insecurity in the U.S for good. We have been trying to deal with this problem in many different ways. ...
Terrorism. It can happen anywhere at anytime. Next time, it just might happen near you!
I believe that If you have a serious criminal record then you should not be allowed to own any type weapon. If you have done a crime in the past wi...
Human trafficking has been a growing issue in America and not very much has been done to stunt its growth. I believe, in order to protect America's...
Dear Mr. President, We need to try and stop terror...
How we can cut welfare spending and put it towards growing our military.
Our military is in need of assistance on the field, do YOU think so too? No? I'll convince you otherwise....
The United States must take action to end terrorism's threat on the lives of Americans.
Illegal immigrants have caused terrorist attacks in the United States. They are also stealing Americans jobs. All of the illegal immigrants need to...
how are you going to help the country?
The Guantanamo Bay detainment camp should be shut down.
What goes in the ocean goes in you, something has to be done before we drown in plastic.
We need to stop terrorism now with are next president. If we don't then they will take advantage of our country.
A description of the history,attacks,and threat of terrorism.
Dear Future President, You must be organized and set goals and achievements for yourself that you know you can accomplish. There are so many thin...
Dear Next President: Soldiers deserve higher pay. This infographic compares the risks, salary, hours, and benefits of careers in uniform. What will...
Creativity should be used for the mending of problems both national and international.
In this letter to the future president I talk about the looming threat of ISIS
Read about the solutions we can take to reduce the poverty rate in America.